Featured are Larry and Marcia
Howen's home at 122 Crestwood, Lee and Mari Anne Komnick's home at
31 Bayhill, Lynn and Lois Laughlin's home at 1560 Forest Hills Road,
Jack and Mildred Releford's home at 227 Tremont, and Matt and
Shannon Willmore's home at 3 Forest Hills Drive.
Visitors interested in home
decoration, remodeling, restoration and holiday decorating will find
this tour enjoyable.
Tickets will be available at
the door of each home on Sunday for $7 or may be purchased in
advance for $6 from any club member or at MKS Jewelers. Proceeds
from the event help fund the club's many community service projects.
further information call Jeannette Savery at 735-3539 or Lisa
Madigan at 735-3724.
[News release] |