
Good NeighborsBenefitsA Day in the Life...,

DiasporaFamily and Friends in the Armed Forces,  





Youth cooking classes offered

University of Illinois Extension is hosting two "Rookie Cooks" classes for youth ages 10 to 12. Classes are from 9:30 a.m. to noon and 1:30 to 4 p.m. June 9-12 at the Extension office.

Topics will include cooking basics, menu planning, manners, kitchen equipment and safety. A meal will be prepared each day.

Class sizes are limited to 10. Cost for attendance is $15, due at the time of registration. Registrations must be made in person at the Extension office before June 5.

If you have questions or need a reasonable accommodation to participate in the program, please call 732-8289.

[News release]

Mount Pulaski Habitat for Humanity house
ready for more volunteers

Habitat for Humanity of Logan County will be working Saturdays and Mondays on their seventh home, which is at 507 S. Lafayette St. in Mount Pulaski.

Hours are 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come when you can and leave when you must.

For more information contact any board members or call 732-6234.

Fill your sandboxes

Lincoln Jaycees are taking orders for sand and tires through June 4. The sandbox fill is an annual project. To order sand or tires, please contact Anita at 732-7745 or Angie at 447-3276.

The Jaycees will be filling sandboxes and delivering tires on June 6, 7, 12, 13 and 14. 

Donations are welcome.

Conference: 'Relatives Raising the Next Generation'

A conference for relatives and grandparents raising children is planned, under the title "Relatives Raising the Next Generation." The conference is scheduled for Saturday, June 21, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the University of Illinois Extension Center at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield.

Sponsors are Project LIFE Area Agency on Aging, Illinois Department on Aging and the University of Illinois Extension.

For more information call (217) 787-9234.


Addresses of city and county officials

Lincoln City Council members

Mayor Elizabeth Davis, P.O. Box 353, Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-3912

Benny Huskins, 1st Ward, 412 N. Madison St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-3894

Pat Madigan, 1st Ward, 110 Park Place, Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-3724

Steve Fuhrer, 2nd Ward, 1203 Eighth St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-6679

Verl Prather, 2nd Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-4778

David Armbrust, 3rd Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-4261

Jonette "Jonie" Tibbs, 3rd Ward

Orville "Buzz" Busby, 4th Ward, 220 Peoria St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-7935

Rev. Glenn Shelton, 4th Ward, 920 Pekin St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-8749

Michael Montcalm, 5th Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-6606

Derrick Crane, 5th Ward

Martha "Marty" Neitzel, 5th Ward, 525 Southgate, Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-9320

Logan County Board members

District 1:

  • Charles Ruben, 2409 1000th Ave., Hartsburg, IL  62643;  642-5388

  • William H. Sahs, 1366 2100th St., Lincoln, IL  62656;  735-3546

District 2:

  • Robert Farmer, 1209 700th Ave., Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-1179
  • Richard E. Logan, 21 Illini Drive, Lincoln, IL 62656;  (work) 732-2323; 732-8114

District 3:

  • Gloria Luster, vice chairperson, 106 N. Marion St., Mount Pulaski, IL 62548;  (cell) 737-0349; 792-5275
  • John Stewart, 1617 900th St., Mount Pulaski, IL  62548;  792-3444

District 4:

  • David R. Hepler, 119 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, IL 62656;  (work) 735-4451; 732-8586
  • Terry W. Werth, 123 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-9314

District 5:

  • Patrick O'Neill, 210 N. State St., Lincoln, IL  62656;  732-9337
  • Dale Voyles, chairman, 543 11th St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  (cell) 871-0057; 732-7901

District 6:

  • William "Mitch" Brown, 1372 1850th St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-2268
  • Paul E. Gleason, 1621 Rutledge Drive, Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-9111

Logan County Board committees

All meetings of the full county board are open to the public.

  • Board-of-whole meeting:  Thursday before third Tuesday of each month, first floor courtroom at the courthouse, 7 p.m.

  • Adjourned board meeting:  third Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m.

(First person named is chairman of each committee.)


  • Farmer, Ruben, Hepler, Voyles, Sahs

  • Monthly meeting:  First Monday, Logan County Airport conference room, 7 p.m.


  • O'Neill, Ruben, Hepler, Stewart, Werth, Voyles

  • Second Wednesday, first floor county board room at courthouse, 7 p.m.

Buildings and grounds:

  • Logan, Brown, Stewart, Werth, Voyles

  • First Tuesday, county board room, 7 p.m.


  • Ruben, Logan, Farmer, Werth, Voyles, Gleason

  • Friday before third Tuesday, county board room, 8 a.m.


  • Luster

  • Second Monday of odd-numbered months, Logan County Health Department, 7 p.m.


  • Luster, Gleason, Brown, Ruben, Stewart, Voyles

  • Second Tuesday, county board room, 7 p.m.

Law enforcement/ESDA:

  • Logan, Farmer, Brown, Stewart, Voyles, Hepler

  • First Thursday, Blue Room at safety complex, 7 p.m.


  • Luster, Hepler, Werth, Brown, Farmer, Voyles

  • On call

Road and bridge:

  • Werth, Hepler, Farmer, O'Neill, Sahs, Voyles

  • Friday before board-of-whole meeting, county highway department building, 8 a.m.

Planning and zoning:

  • Hepler, Stewart, Luster, Logan, O'Neill, Voyles

  • First Wednesday, county highway department building, 7:30 p.m.

Waste management:

  • Werth, O'Neill

  • Third Wednesday, City Hall, 7 p.m.

Economic development:

  • Voyles, Logan

  • On call

9-1-1 liaison:

  • Logan

  • Third Wednesday, 7 p.m.

Work force investment:

  • Gleason

  • On call


  • Gleason

  • On call

Chamber of commerce liaison:

  • Sahs

  • On call

General Assembly liaison:

  • Voyles, Logan

  • On call

Community Action:

  • Gleason, Luster

  • Fourth Thursday,  7:30 p.m.


  • Voyles, Ruben, Luster

  • Meets quarterly

Public Aid appeals:

  • O'Neill

Parliamentarian and historian:

  • Gleason

Government, education, Main Street Lincoln:

  • Voyles


  • Hepler and non-board members Tom Hickman, Dana Brown, Dennis Reves

Resource conservation and development:

  • Luster, Roger Bock (nonmember)

Regional planning director:

  • Phil Mahler

Zoning officer:

  • Walter "Bud" Miller

Addresses of state legislators


Rep. Bill Mitchell (R), 87th District

  • Springfield office:
    240-W Stratton Office Building
    Springfield, IL  62706
    (217) 782-8163
    (217) 782-4553 fax

  • District office:
    332 W. Marion
    Suite 12
    Forsyth, IL  62535
    (217) 876-1968
    (217) 876-1973 fax

Rep. Rich Brauer (R), 100th District

  • Springfield office:
    Stratton Office Building, Room 1128-E
    Springfield, IL  62706
    (217) 782-0053
    (217) 782-0897 fax

  • Lincoln office:
    Logan County Farm Bureau Building
    124 S. McLean St.
    Lincoln, IL 62656
    (217) 732-4433
    (217) 782-5406 fax
    Office hours in the Farm Bureau office:
    1-4:30 p.m. Fridays

  • E-mail:


Sen. Bill Brady (R), 44th District

  • Springfield office:
    105A Capitol Building
    Springfield, IL  62706
    (217) 782-6216

Sen. Larry K. Bomke (R), 50th District

  • Springfield office:
    105D Capitol Building
    Springfield, IL  62706
    (217) 782-0228
    (217) 782-5406 fax

  • Lincoln office:
    Logan County Farm Bureau Building
    124 S. McLean St.
    Lincoln, IL 62656
    (217) 732-4433
    (217) 782-5406 fax
    Office hours in the Farm Bureau office:
    1-4:30 p.m. Fridays

  • E-mail:


[Click here to find addresses for other state representatives and senators.]

Registration open for Girl Scout summer camp

SPRINGFIELD -- Girl Scouts, Land of Lincoln Council is currently registering all interested girls for summer camp programs at Camp Widjiwagan.

Accredited by the American Camping Association, Camp Widjiwagan is located on 67 acres of open and wooded land at Lake Springfield. Each year, nearly 1,300 girls from across central Illinois participate in resident and day camp programs at Camp Widjiwagan. There are cookouts, arts and crafts, songs, games, canoeing, and swimming. Girls are not only having fun but also learning valuable life-skills in a safe, girl-friendly environment.

Registration is open to all girls entering grades 1 through 12, regardless of race, religion, disability or economic status. Girls plan program activities under the guidance of trained unit leaders and learn respect for themselves, each other and the natural world.

For more information about Girl Scouts, camp staff employment opportunities or to obtain a brochure on summer camps at Camp Widjiwagan, please call Girl Scouts, Land of Lincoln Council at (217) 523-8159 or visit

Websites with lots of ideas that Girl Scout leaders, families or kids can use:

Girl Scout leader meetings are the first Thursday of each month, at the usual time and place.

See the website for Girl Scouts, Land of Lincoln Council, at

You can send questions and suggestions to the council by clicking here:

Also, see the national Girl Scouts site at

Writers meet

The Lincoln Writers' Club will meet June 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the annex of the Lincoln Public Library. Anyone interested in writing is invited to attend. For further information, call 732-2723.

Logan County LEPC committee appointments

Logan County Local Emergency Planning Committee, the LEPC, held its spring quarterly meeting at the Logan County Safety Complex recently. Yearly elections for all offices, voting delegates, committees and chairs were held. The following members will serve as officers for the year 2002.

LEPC committee appointments

* Indicates chair

Hazard analysis -- Dan Fulscher*, Kathy Waldo, Lisa Funk, Mike Patridge, Bobbie Abbott, Steve Siltman

Response and preparedness -- Lisa Funk*, Rick Nesbit, Sheriff Tony Soloman, Police Chief Richard Montcalm, IDOT representative Mike Esker

Community awareness -- Dan Fulscher*, Bobbi Abbott*, Linda Nelson, Joan Crabb, Don Begolka, Ken Davison

Health services -- Kathy Waldo*, Lloyd Evans, Gary Bellafiore, Barb Kline, Roger Leesman, Marsha Stoll, Debbie Cook, Steve Siltman

Training -- Mike Patridge*, Delmar Stewart, Sheila Nelson, Lincoln City Fire Chief Washam, Tom Martin

Community resources -- Steve Siltman*, Lincoln Mayor Beth Davis, Atlanta Mayor Bill Martin, Dayle Eldredge, Curtis Sutterfield of the Salvation Army, Devin Vannoy, Ed Houchins

Representatives of constituencies

The law requires that one representative from each of the following categories be included in the LEPC membership. The delegate and predesignated alternate are listed for each constituency.

Local representative of elected official -- Dayle Eldredge; Bill Martin

Law enforcement -- Ed Baunach, Tim Butterfield

Civil defense and emergency management -- Dan Fulscher; Terry Storer

Firefighting -- Robert Washam; Roger Leesman

First aid and EMT -- Steve Siltman; Tom Martin

Health -- Kathy Waldo; Lloyd Evans

Local environmental -- Mike Patridge; Warren Wendlandt

Hospital -- Barb Kline; Gary Auten

Transportation -- Don Begolka; Brian Hinds

Broadcast, print, electronic media -- Joan Crabb; Jan Youngquist

Community groups -- Mary Elston; Tammy Buse

Owners and operators of regulated facilities -- Lisa Funk; Sheila Nelson

Oasis update

The Oasis, Logan County's senior citizen center, 501 Pulaski St. in Lincoln, is open weekdays (except holidays) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center is also open on Friday and Sunday nights for table games. Dominic Dalpoas is the executive director. Activities are open to all Logan County senior citizens, regardless of membership.

Hearing screening

Call for an appointment to have your hearing checked between 10 a.m. and noon on June 4.

Van trips

Several seats are available for a van trip around Logan County on June 14 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 732-6132 for a reservation before June 7. The cost for transportation is only $6 for members and $8 for nonmembers.


In recent games, Alice Thornton won pool honors; Betty Burger and Tom Garrison won at 5-in-1; and Mable Hoagland won at pinochle. Mable also won weekly pinochle honors, along with Linda Hughes.


Friends of The Oasis members receive bimonthly newsletters by mail. For more information, call 732-6132 or 732-5844.


Announcement forms are available online! Print out yours, fill it out, and bring it or send it in to Lincoln Daily News. We welcome your pictures, black and white as well as color. This free service is extended to all of our readers. Your announcement will be posted online. Anyone, anywhere can read it! Aunt Betty in Florida, Uncle Bob in Alaska and Cousin Frank in Fiji can read your announcement in Lincoln Daily News!

[Click here to see and print the engagement announcement form]

[Click here to see and print the wedding announcement form]

[Click here to see and print the anniversary announcement form]

[Click here to see and print the birth announcement form]

Birth announcement

[MAY 31, 2003]  Dillon Jacob Frank was born Thursday, May 1, 2003. He was 19 1/2 inches and 6 pounds, 7 ounces

He is the son of Brandy Frank of Mascoutah. Bob and Cheryl Frank of Lincoln and Linda Frank of Port Richey, Fla., are his proud maternal grandparents.

'In The Garden' garden walk

[APRIL 15, 2003]  A fund-raiser garden walk sponsored by Harvest of Talents for World Hunger is scheduled for this June. "In The Garden" will be on June 7 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Eight Lincoln gardens will be open to guests, with a donation of $8 per person. Each site will feature music, a demonstration or garden items for sale. Area businesses have donated door prizes.

Tickets and brochures will be available beginning May 24 at Lincoln Christian Church, Jefferson Street Christian Church, Cookie's Bakery, Central Illinois Bank, CEFCU, Logan County Bank, State Bank of Lincoln and Union Planters Bank in downtown Lincoln.

In conjunction with the garden walk, the Lincoln Public Library will have a special book display on gardening.

Every penny raised is for food to benefit the hungry in America and around the world. Come with a friend in support of this debut Harvest of Talents event ... a day of flowers, hostas, herbs and other delights.

For more information, call 732-7618.



People all across this country and, in fact, around the world, claim roots in Logan County. They have very interesting stories to tell, and some of them like to connect with those of us who stayed at home. Logan County Diaspora publishes the stories of former Logan County residents. With their permission, we also include their e-mail addresses so that old friends might be reunited. If you wish to be part of the Logan County Diaspora, e-mail  

[Click here for our list]

Family and Friends in the Armed Forces

sponsored by American Legion Post 263

It is a time like no other. Since Sept. 11, 2001, we are a changed nation. Individually, our daily sensitivity toward whom and what we have in our lives has been heightened. We are more conscious and appreciative, first about those we love and see every day. Next, we have a newfound appreciation for those who risk their lives every day as rescue workers and protectors of life and property in our communities. We also now think more about our military men and women who are committed to serve and protect our country. Many are away engaged in battle, some are in waiting to go, all are ready to lay their lives on the line in defense of our freedom.

Friends and relatives serving in the armed forces are listed here so we might all hold them in our thoughts, prayers and well wishes. If you know of other friends and relatives serving (they need not be from Logan County), please send the information to Along with the name, you are invited to include the branch of service, current location of service, postal address, e-mail address and relationship to the person providing the information (optional).

(Date of posting or latest update)

A1C James P. Allen

U.S. Air Force

820 Red Horse Squadron

Nellis AFB, Nevada

Son of John and Jo Ann Allen of Beason

2001 graduate of Lincoln Community High School


A1C Jerome A. Allen

U.S. Air Force

Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada

Postal address: 5805 Mountain Home St.

Unit J-13

Nellis AFB, NV 89191


Son of John and Jo Ann Allen of Beason

2000 graduate of Lincoln Community High School



SST Kenneth Allen
and wife Susan Elza Allen

U.S. Army-1AD-HHC

Weisbaden, Germany

E-mail: or


Mark E. Anderson

c/o Commanding Officer



FPO AE 09645


Son of William and Ann Anderson of Elkhart


Sgt. Darrell Awe

U.S. Marine Corps

Normally stationed at San Diego, Calif.

In the Middle East, initially stationed at Ali Al Saleem AFB, just west of Kuwait City

Airframe and APG mechanic on the CH-46 helicopter

HMM 364 A/F

UIC 41030

FPO AP 96614-1030


Graduate of Mount Pulaski High School


Billy Barmes

Army National Guard

1544 Trans. Co., Decatur

2002 graduate of LCHS


HN Jeffrey Barringer

U.S. Navy

Camp Pendleton, California

Hospital corpsman

Son of Kathy and Steve Hopkins of Lincoln

2002 graduate of Lincoln Community High School


Jon Barton

U.S. Army Artillery

Business address: Alpha Battery 1-41 FA

Unit #93115

APO AE 09303-3115


2002 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.


EO1 Robert W. Bell

c/o Commanding Officer



FPO AE 09645


1981 graduate of Olympia High School


T. Sgt. Adam C. Blaum

U.S. Air Force

In the Middle East

Postal address: 384 ESVS

APO AE 09317


Sgt. Brad Boss

160th SOAR(A) "Nightstalkers"

Fort Campbell, Ky.



Jon Bowers

Ramstein, Germany

Master Sgt. Charles E. Brainard

U.S. Army

335th Theater Signal Command

Postal address:

Attn: MSG Charles Brainard  

2233 Dauphine St.

East Point, GA 30344

Son of Charles and Carol Brainard

1979 graduate of Lincoln Community High School


Pvt. Jared Brown

Army National Guard

1644 Trans. Co., Springfield

Son of Jim and Tara Brown of Beason

2002 graduating class president at LCHS


Geoff Brown

Fort Worth, Texas

Jennifer Buffington

Pfc. Simon Burlington

1st PLT ACO 2/187th INF

101 ABN Division A - 96079

APO AEO 9325-6079

Josh Campbell


101st Airborne

Son-in-law of Cheryl and Bob Frank

Matt Clemens

U.S. Army National Guard

Fort Benning, Ga.

AIT in South Carolina

From Mount Pulaski


LTJG Frederick V. Dehner

U.S. Navy

250 Pelican Drive, Groton, CT 06340

Phone: (860) 405-1285


Son of Philip and Connie L. Dehner

1984 graduate of Lincoln Community High School


Pvt. Brett M. Dellow

U.S. Army Signal Corps

Manheim, Germany

Postal address:

C Co. 72nd SIG BN
Unit 29957 Box 499
APO AE 09086


2002 graduate of Lincoln Community High School


Chuck Demling

U.S. Marine Corps

Chesapeake, Va. 


Son of Doug and Bunny Laymon of Atlanta


SRA Chassidy Dority

U.S. Air Force

In the Middle East

Daughter of Robert and Teresa Matherly


Tech. Sgt. Evan Jay Downey,
Karen and Ethan

U.S. Air Force

Mildenhall Air Force Base, England

Son of Lucky Eichner

1988 graduate of LCHS

EO2 Jeff Dozier

c/o Commanding Officer

NMCB 26 Alfa Co.


FPO AE 09645


Karmalisha Duncan

Ben Estes


Seaman Luke A. Gerardot

U.S. Coast Guard

Stationed aboard the cutter Thetis
at Key West, Fla.

Postal address:

SN Luke Gerardot

USCGC Thetis (WMEC-910)

Key West, FL  33040



Spc. Kyle Gleason

Army National Guard

126 Maintenance Company

Building 2546

S. 12th Ave.

Fort McCoy, WI  54656

Son of Dennis and Nitsie Gleason


[to top of second column in this section]

Mark V. Gleason

OSI U.S. Air Force

Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio

Son of Joyce Gleason of Lincoln and John and Phyliss Gleason of Michigan


Doug Graff

Tech. Sgt. Veronica Hasprey

39 CES

Prime Beef Deployed

Operation Northern Watch

APO AE - 09396 - 5000


Becky Hill

U.S. Army Reserves

378th Chemical Co.

Daughter of Ken and Linda Hill of Mason City

1999 graduate of Illini Central


Joey Horn

Chad Kerns

U.S. Navy

DDG-52 USS Barry

Naval Station Norfolk, Va.

Operations specialist



Chief George T. Lacefield

U.S. Navy

USS Curts

San Diego, Calif.

Son-in-law of Cindy Singleton and Jeff Singleton


Eric Leslie

U.S. Army in the Middle East




Larry Martincic

A1C Chad M. Maxheimer
U.S. Air Force

Hurlburt Field, Florida


Son of Mike and Suzie Maxheimer of Chestnut and Michelle Lowe of Mount Pulaski

2000 graduate of Mount Pulaski High School


Cpl. Jeremy J. McCain

U.S. Marine Corps


E-mail: McCainJJ@3MAW.USMC.Mil

Son of Linda and Ed Saulsbury of Illiopolis and Jerry McCain of Mount Pulaski


Kevin McGinnis


(prior to 8-02)

Jeremy Osborne


Capt. Jack Owen


801st Combat Support Hospital

Fort Stewart, Ga.

Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital emergency room employee


Michelle K. Ramlow

U.S. Navy

At Pentagon

Postal address: 5409-B Steeplechase Drive

Fredericksburg, VA 22407



Justin Rankin



Sgt. Brian W. Rankin

Army National Guard Military Police

233rd, Springfield

Son of Carl and Margaret Rankin


Sgt. James M. Rehmann II
Illinois Army National Guard

Bravo Company, 1/131 Infantry (Air Assault)

9½ years prior U.S. Navy service, active duty, Electronics Technician Second Class

Distinguished Service from Sept. 25, 1990, to present


Maj. James E. Reineke,
Deborah, Nathan, Emily

U.S. Air Force

Misawa Air Base, Japan


Brad Riley


Joe Rybolt

U.S. Army National Guard

1544th Trans. Co.

Son of James and Nita Rybolt

1997 graduate of LCHS


Pvt. Christian B. Skelton

U.S. Army


2001 graduate of LCHS

Husband of Nahani Lynn Skelton


Erika L. Slayton

Illinois Air National Guard

183rd Fighter Wing


Daughter of Lloyd "Ed" and Bridget Slayton

Eric Smith

Coast Guard

New Jersey

Jill Smith

Angela Spickard

National Guard medical support
(prior to 8-02)

SrA Brandi N. (Barr) Splitter
and husband SrA Ben A. Splitter

U.S. Air Force

Stationed at RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom


Daughter of Donna L. Sommers of Beason and Hank Barr of Bloomington

1997 graduate of LCHS


Dirk Steinfort

Race Steinfort

Duane Swarts

U.S. Navy

Aboard the USS Kitty Hawk

Son of Bunny and Doug Laymon of Atlanta and Tony and Saundra Swarts of Middletown


Spc. Jeffery Towery

Army National Guard

333rd MP Co. HHD 504 MP BN

Camp Arifjan, KU

APO AE 09366


Spc. Tim Uphoff

Illinois Army National Guard

106th AVN, Peoria

Chinook helicopter maintenance

Son of Dennis and Nancy Uphoff, Beason

2001 graduate of LCHS


JD Welsh 

Sgt. Chris Werth

1644th TC

1868 Regimental Ave.

Fort McCoy, WI 54656


Maj. Lee Wheeler

Illinois Air National Guard, 169th ASOS


Operation Enduring Freedom

Son of Bill Wheeler and Sandra Dehner-Wheeler

Grandson of Fred and Mona Dehner, William and Mary (Kenning) Wheeler


Tech. Sgt. Thomas Yarcho

U.S. Air Force

At Ramstein Air Base, Germany


Class of 1982


Former Lincoln Community High School students serving our country

(List provided March 28 by LCHS)

Cindy Adkins

James Allen '01

Jared Allen

Jerome Allen '00

Courtney Awe '98

CJ Bakken '96

Jon Barton '98

Bill Barmes '02

Frankie Barmes '00

Brandi Barr '97

Jeff Barringer '02

Brad Boss

Charles Brainard '79

Chris Brown '01

Geoff Brown '01

Jared Brown '02

Chad Bryant

Jennifer Buffington '02

Derek Bunner '02

Simon Burlington

Preston Carnahan '99

Chad Cicci '90



Jared Coers '93

Chewy Cook

Bubba Cook

Chris Cox '02

Darren Cunningham '88
(? graduating year)

Fred Dehner '84

Samantha Deiss

Brett Dellow '02

Chassidy Dority

Evan Jay Downey '88

Karmalisha Duncan '02

Owen Eaton

Ryan Ebelherr

Ben Estes '00

Luke Gerardot '02

Kyle Gleason '01

Mark Gleason

Brian Graack '99

David Grey

James Grimaldi

Lane Grimaldi


Dan Hanley

Johnnie Hopkins '91

Joey Horn '98

Michael Hutchinson '96

Gilbert Johnson '90

Jessica Johnson

Chad Kerns '02

Tyler Kirk

Eric Leslie '91

Eric Long

Amanda Lyons

Debbie McAdams

Phillip Mandrell

Mike Mills

John Musick

Shawn Pettit '01

Jennifer Purcell

Mike Ray '98

Steve Richardson

Tara Ritter

Ryan Roseberry

Joe Rybolt '97

Jamie Sawyer '99

Blake Shelton '90

Donald Shelton '01

Christian Skelton '01

Erika Slayton

Jill Smith '98

Travis Snyder

Tara Specketer

Robby Spickard

Ami-Jo Spickard

Angela Spickard '01

Larry Starcevic

Dirk Steinfort '95

Race Steinfort '98

Keith Sommers '95

Tim Uphoff '01

Chris Van Slambrouck '98

Matt Viner '02

JD Welsh '91

Milo Werth

Tom Yarcho '82



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