New wildlife habitat book
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8, 2003]
-- For anyone interested in Illinois wildlife and their habitats,
there's a new "must-have" book, published by the University of
Illinois and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, called
"Creating Habitats and Homes for Illinois Wildlife."
With more than 200 color photographs,
the book is worth having for the exquisite depiction of Illinois
wildlife, but the book is chock full of accessible scientific
information about the status of wildlife habitat in Illinois.
"The key to making successful wildlife
management decisions is to use the best scientific information
available. This book compiles, in a user-friendly way, what is known
about major habitat issues in our state today," said primary author
of the book Debbie Scott Newman, preservation specialist for the
Illinois Nature Preserves Commission.

There are many reasons why Illinois
citizens are keen to protect wildlife habitat.
"We cannot overestimate the importance
of natural areas and wildlife on the quality of life," said
co-author Richard Warner, U of I professor of wildlife ecology. "But
the Illinois economy realizes more than $1 billion every year from
expenditures related to watching wildlife. More than $550 million is
spent each year on recreational fishing. And hunters spend nearly
$150 million a year pursuing game."

[to top of second column in
this review]

Since most land in Illinois is held by
private citizens, it's imperative that individual landowners are
knowledgeable about wildlife habitat.
"This book goes farther than any other
book available in describing what individual people can do on their
own property to create wildlife habitat," said another co-author,
Phil Mankin, U of I wildlife ecologist. "There are chapters on
grassland, woodland, aquatic and wetland habitats -- but also a
chapter focusing on specific things people can do in their own back
yards or small tracts of land."
"Creating Habitats and Homes for
Illinois Wildlife" will inspire, instruct and encourage people to
enjoy and conserve the rich wildlife legacy of Illinois.

individual copy of "Creating Habitats and Homes for Illinois
Wildlife" is $25, plus a shipping and handling fee. You can purchase
the book by contacting Illinois Conservation Foundation, One Natural
Resources Way, Springfield, IL 62702; or call 1 (800) 720-3249
toll-free in Illinois or (217) 782-1687 outside Illinois.
[University of Illinois news
release] |