Monday, Nov. 10


City briefs     Send a link to a friend

[NOV. 10, 2003]  The Lincoln City Council as a whole will meet at 7 tonight.

At 7:15 there will be a public hearing to determine citizens' desire to support:

1. A "Business District" at the former Stage and Staples site.

2. The redevelopment plan (which involves financing a portion through bond sales that will be paid off by future retail sales tax).

Next Monday, Nov. 17, the council will vote on the "Business District" and redevelopment plan.

At 6:30 p.m. Nov. 17, prior to the regular meeting in the council chambers, the Public Vehicle Licensing Board will meet to vote on whether to issue a license for a new taxicab company.


[to top of second column in this article]


Brain Ash was unanimously approved to the Lincoln Police Pension Fund Board.

Council member Marty Neitzel has accepted an appointment from Mayor Beth Davis and was approved by the council as Amtrak liaison. Neitzel replaces a retired alderman, Bill Melton, in that duty.

[Jan Youngquist]

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