Donate blood; help Lincoln Community
High School win a scholarship
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[NOV. 12, 2003]
Blood donors save lives every day. They
seldom see the face of the person they save or even know the
person's name. However, in their heart, they know that they are
forever connected with another human being because they took an hour
of their time and generously shared their gift of health with
someone less fortunate.
The Middletown 4-H, in conjunction with
Central Illinois Community Blood Center, will offer an opportunity
for you to help save lives in your community. A blood drive on
Saturday, Nov. 22, from 8 a.m. until noon will be at the Middletown
Community Building. Blood collected at this drive will help
replenish blood used in 11 area hospitals, including those in
Lincoln, Hopedale and Springfield. Patients in these hospitals are
your friends, neighbors and family members, and they depend on
healthy community members for the lifesaving blood they need. No
other organization provides blood in any of these hospitals.
In addition to helping save lives in
your community, you may credit your blood donation to Lincoln
Community High School to help in their effort to win a $1,000
scholarship from Springfield Clinic.
[to top of second column in this article]
You may donate blood if you are at
least 17 years old (16 years old with a signed permission slip from
parent or guardian), weigh at least 110 pounds, are in good health
and have not donated in the past 56 days (eight weeks). There is no
upper age limit. You need to eat well before you donate, and you
should bring a picture ID or two other forms of ID. If you have
never donated blood or if it has been some time since you tried,
please come in and try again. Donation guidelines change regularly.
As a blood donor, you truly save lives.
Central Illinois Community Blood Center
is a community-based blood center whose mission is to provide a
safe, adequate and cost-effective blood supply for patients in local
hospitals. After local blood needs are met, CICBC can and does share
any excess blood with other areas of the country. However, CICBC's
prime objective is to make certain there is enough blood for local
communities first. Please help save lives in your community by
donating blood to your local blood supplier.
For more
information, call Kristen Helton at 445-2678.
[CICBC news release]
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