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Lincoln District 27       Send a link to a friend

Tuesday, March 15 -- Mini pancakes with syrup, fruit, milk

Wednesday, March 16 -- Cereal, doughnut holes, juice, milk

Thursday, March 17 -- Oatmeal, toast, juice, milk

Friday, March 18 -- Cereal, peanut butter pixie, juice, milk

(Milk served with all meals)

Tuesday, March 15 -- Sloppy joes, french fries, cole slaw, peaches

Wednesday, March 16 -- Chicken and biscuit, peas, jello, pears

Thursday, March 17 -- Hot ham and cheese on bun, baked beans, carrot sticks, cinnamon applesauce

Friday, March 18 -- French toast sticks with syrup, sausage patties, hash brown, pineapple and oranges

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