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For new Wal-Mart          Send a link to a friend

To the editor:

A new, larger Wal-Mart Supercenter is good for Lincoln and Logan County.

For the past several years Lincoln and Logan County residents have elected to spend their money outside of Logan County. Their decisions have resulted in fewer new retail stores in Lincoln and less retail sales taxes collected to pay for the needed services that we have grown accustomed to and expected from our city and county governments. In order for these services to be continued, our city and county governments have had to turn to increasing real-estate taxes and raising sales taxes to make up for the loss of revenue as a result of the out-of-county shopping by Lincoln and Logan County residents.

In all due respect, there was a compelling reason why our residents stopped shopping here. We lost all of our local chain and local department stores and several local grocery stores, beginning with Wards, Sears, Penneys, Kmart, Myers Brothers, Spurgeons, Landauers, Eisner, Eagle, Red Fox and the old IGA.

[to top of second column in this letter]

We now have an excellent opportunity to reverse this trend by accepting Wal-Mart's offer to reinvest in Lincoln and Logan County by them agreeing to add a much-needed third local supermarket and a much-needed additional gas station here. They will also be paying higher real-estate taxes for this much larger facility, we will be receiving much higher retail sales taxes from these improvements, and this added competition should lead to lower food prices and lower gasoline prices for all area residents. A new Wal-Mart Supercenter should also spark additional development to Route 10 West because other retail chains will then recognize that Lincoln and Logan County must be worth making an investment in, if Wal-Mart is reinvesting in this market. This, too, should result in higher retail sales taxes, while providing very good reasons for us to shop at home, in Lincoln and Logan County.

In my opinion, this is our only hope to reverse the past trend and habits of residents shopping out of town and to once again begin to grow Lincoln's retail trade area by giving residents a good reason to spend their money in Lincoln and Logan County.

Les Van Bibber

(Posted Nov. 25, 2005)

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