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(Name, age, address; date,
charge; sentence)
Reports available March 9, 2006
Tabitha L. Duncan,
18, 1000 N. College St., A1; 2-6-06, unlawful consumption of
alcohol; pleaded guilty, 12 months probation, $250 fine plus
court costs; attend victim impact panel
Stephanie J.
Humble, 19, 18615 N. Arrowhead, Danvers; 2-6-06, unlawful
consumption of alcohol; pleaded guilty, 12 months probation,
$250 fine plus court costs, attend victim impact panel
Candis L. Ipsen,
20, 717 N.W. North Macedo, Port St. Lucie, Fla.; 2-6-06,
unlawful consumption of alcohol; pleaded guilty, six months
court supervision, $250 fine plus court costs, attend victim
impact panel
Johnna J. Jacobson,
18, 726 Park Ave. West, Princeton; 1-26-06, unlawful consumption
of alcohol; pleaded guilty, 12 months probation, $250 fine plus
court costs, attend victim impact panel
Daniel O. Jahnke,
19, 850 Huber Lane, Glenview; 1-18-06, unlawful consumption of
alcohol; pleaded guilty, 24 months probation, $250 fine plus
court costs
Donald R. Letterle,
54, 402 S. Marion, Mount Pulaski; 11-18-05, criminal trespass to
residence; pleaded guilty, 24 months probation, $250 fine plus
court costs
John D. Maddox, 25,
117 1/2 S. Kickapoo; 2-15-06, unlawful possession of cannabis;
pleaded guilty, $700 fine plus court costs, $200 drug treatment
assessment, $21 street-value fine
Casey J. Martinie,
19, 707 N. Eighth; 2-5-06, unlawful possession of cannabis;
pleaded guilty, 24 months court supervision, $500 fine plus
court costs, $300 drug treatment assessment, $140 street-value
Tamara A. McGinnis,
19, 5017 Smithville Road, Bartonville; 1-26-06, unlawful
consumption of alcohol; six months court supervision, $250 fine
plus court costs, attend victim impact panel
Nicholas R.
Schriber, 19, 2 Illini; 1-26-06, unlawful consumption of
alcohol; pleaded guilty, 24 months court supervision, $250 fine
plus court costs, $386.90 restitution, attend victim impact
Lindsey R. Vaughan,
20, no address, Atlanta; 4-21-05 to 4-27-05; deceptive practice;
per Class A misdemeanor, 24 months probation, $250 fine, $832.18
Brian N. Veronesi,
21, 803 N. McLean St., Lincoln; 2-6-06, unlawful consumption of
alcohol; pleaded guilty, 24 months probation, $500 fine plus
court costs, attend victim impact panel
Shane A. Ward, 20,
516 Valley View Circle, Bloomington; 1-29-06, unlawful
consumption of alcohol; pleaded guilty, 12 months probation,
$250 fine plus court costs, attend victim impact panel
Marriage Licenses |
Reports available March 9, 2006
Peter Peter Wipf,
Robin Louise Bough, Newton
Levi Daniel Ross
Jr., Mason City
Marcia Joan Horn, Mason City
David Eugene
McCarty, Lincoln
Linda Joann Barnes, Lincoln
Dissolutions |
Reports available March 9, 2006
Raymond M. Craig,
53, Lawndale
Mary Ann Griffin Craig, 47, Marshall, Ark.
Married Feb. 10, 1979
Husband filed; mental cruelty
First marriage for each
No children
Leon Allen Hubrick,
47, Beason
Dawn Marie Brown Hubrick, 41, Beason
Married April 6, 2002
Husband filed, mental cruelty
Second marriage for husband; previous ended in dissolution in
Third marriage for wife; previous ended in dissolution in 2001
No children
James Montgomery,
45, Lincoln
Erica A. Hedrick Montgomery, 36, Mount Pulaski
Married Oct. 6, 1993
Irreconcilable differences
No children
Aaron M. Rich, 23,
Logan County
Jade E. Holt Rich, 23, Lincoln
Married Sept. 16, 2002
Husband filed; irreconcilable differences
First marriage for each
Custody of one child to wife
Scott L. Turner,
39, Decatur
Julie A. White Turner, 38, Lincoln
Married Feb. 16, 1991
Wife filed; irreconcilable differences
Second marriage for each; previous marriages ended in
dissolution in 1989
Custody of two children to wife
Roy Lee Wharton
Jr., 29, Lincoln
Erin Leigh Eskra Wharton, 26, Lincoln
Married Jan. 4, 2003
Wife filed; mental cruelty
No children
Reports |
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State Police:
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