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(Name, age, address; date,
charge; sentence)
Reports available Aug. 31, 2006
Jon R. Benninger,
38, 524 W. Chestnut, Apt. 5, Mason City; 3-10-06, deceptive
practice; pleaded guilty, $100 fine plus court costs, $150
Jeremiah T.
Groves, 21, 2115 Lawrence, Decatur; 8-6-06, theft under $300;
pleaded guilty, 12 months court supervision, $250 fine plus
court costs
Terry M. Overbey
Sr., 50, 302 Walnut, Box 5A, Atlanta; 4-2-06, deceptive
practice; pleaded guilty, 12 months court supervision, $100 fine
plus court costs, $33.10 restitution
Zackery M. Owens,
20, 613 S. First St., San Jose; 7-29-06, unlawful possession of
drug paraphernalia; pleaded guilty, six months court supervision
(non-report), $750 fine plus court costs
Jody R. Palladini,
35, 517 W. Walnut, San Jose; 5-13-06, 5-25-06, deceptive
practice; pleaded guilty, $100 fine plus court costs, $143.89
Vesta L. Slayton,
17, 370 2000th St., New Holland; 5-18-06, count 1 -- burglary,
count 2 -- retail theft, count 3 -- unlawful consumption, count
4 -- unlawful possession of alcohol; pleaded guilty to count 1,
counts 2-4 dismissed, 48 months TASC probation
Aaron C. Taghan,
20, 140 Carolina St., East Peoria; 4-15-06, unlawful possession
of cannabis; pleaded guilty, $200 fine plus court costs, $200
drug treatment assessment, $100 lab fee, $56 street-value fine
Kayla J. Tuttle,
18, 108 S. Monroe; 5-24-06, deceptive practice; pleaded guilty,
12 months court supervision, $100 fine plus court costs, $20
Jamie L. Walker,
31, 713 N. 11th, Petersburg; 9-7-04, deceptive practice; pleaded
guilty, $100 fine plus court costs, $52.76 restitution
Marriage Licenses |
Reports available Aug. 31, 2006
Michael Glen
Nolan, Atlanta
Jeannie Mae Cisneros, Atlanta
Scott Michael
Marquez, Chicago
Natalie Noel Ferguson, Chicago
James Larry
Bailey, Atlanta
Natalie Kaye Aper, Atlanta
Casey Lee
O'Donoghue, Lincoln
Danelle Rae White, Lincoln
Andrew Scott
Chapman, Lincoln
Kendra Deann Barnes, Lincoln
Robert Dean Perino,
Lynne Marie Pickett, Lincoln
Dissolutions |
Reports available Aug. 31, 2006
Bruce Karl
Rinehart, 47, Dwight
Debra Lynn Kelly Rinehart, 44, Lincoln
Married May 17, 1995
Petitioner not specified; mental cruelty
No child
Joe Wanye Ryan,
48, Mount Pulaski
Debbra A. Dryer Ryan, 38, Phoenix, Ariz.
Married Oct. 7, 2005; last resided in same household Nov. 20,
Husband filed; abandonment
Husband married once before; ended in dissolution in November
No child
Reports |
Link to Illinois sex offender information provided by the Illinois
State Police:
Searches available by name, ZIP code, city, county and compliance
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