Modernization will be made to traffic signals at:
Union Street and
Woodlawn Road (Route 10)
Mast arms and signal heads will be upgraded at a cost of $5,175.
Connolley Road and
Woodlawn Road (at Zion Lutheran School)
Heitmann Drive and Woodlawn Road
Logan Street and Broadway Street
Cost to the city will be $3,018.75.
Lights will be replaced with long-lasting, energy-efficient LED
lights that city engineer Mark Mathon says will make back their
costs in two years or less.
Motor fuel tax funds will be used to cover the cost of the
projects. The projects are each 90 percent federally funded, with
the state providing 5 percent of the funds and the city covering the
remaining 5 percent.
Both agreements had eight yeses and one abstention (Benny Huskins).
Alderman Wanda Lee Rohlfs was absent.

City Hall renovations are nearly done, buildings and grounds
chair Jonie Tibbs told the council at the end of November. A coat of
colored plaster that carries a seven-year guarantee will be redone
in the spring, she said.
Next the city will be replacing all the windows on the City Hall
building. "The windows are so bad, particularly on the firemen house
side, they could just fall out," Tibbs said. They're 25 years old
and can't be repaired, she said. Windows and costs will be on display for the Jan. 16 meeting. The
windows will go into next year's budget, which begins in May.
[to top of second column] |
 Sanitation committee chair Melody Anderson reported that she
would be doing a little research on animal control operations. A
recent visitor, Ledy Van Kavage from the American Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, provided websites that offer
formulas to calculate what townships, municipalities and county
should be contributing.
The county indicated in the fall that they intend to increase
Lincoln's animal control fees substantially, with the reasoning that
the city accounts for 80 percent of the animals taken in at the
local facility. The facility is in need of large-ticket items, which
include a vehicle, new dog kennels and fixing the roof. The city
contract is up in May.
Anderson said that in addition to researching the costs, she also
received "referrals and possibly alternatives, in case push comes to
The city is looking for a four-month volunteer to take over the
city website. The Lincoln Community High School class that developed
the site is no longer in existence.

Past related
Animal control
City Hall renovations