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Marriage Licenses |
(Posted Aug. 1, 2009)
Mercedes Ruiz, Oak
Wanda Rodriguez, Oak Park
Steven Alan Sisk
Jr., Lincoln
Ashley Angelic Post, Lincoln
James Nathan
Matthew Link, East Galesburg
Mary Pearl Olson, Elkhart
Curtis Matthew
Clampet, Lincoln
Emily Nicole Minick, Lincoln
Eric Scott
Farwell, Lincoln
Sara Michelle Hicks, Lincoln
Mitchell Duane
Douglas, Lincoln
Margie Marie Douglas, Lincoln
Jason Lee Rich,
Ashley Nicole Steffens, Waynesville
Travis George
Boward, Lincoln
Hayley Maureen Vincent, Lincoln
Michael James
Curry, Lincoln
Abigail Ann Klokkenga, Lincoln
Colton Dean
Medlin, Chestnut
Rochelle Lynn Stewart, Chestnut
Brian Eugene
Scott, Beason
Jenelle Marie Brosamer, Beason
Jeff Whitmore
Kennedy, Springfield
Megan Renee Leesman, Springfield
Jason Dale Melton,
New Holland
Amanda Jo Green, New Holland
Andrew Leif Stephenson, Carlock
Laura Beth Kukuck, Carlock
Dissolutions |
(Posted Aug. 1, 2009)
- Kahled M. Fikri, 42, Lincoln
Alexandrea N. Huckabee, 26, Sangamon County
Married Sept. 2, 2004
Husband petitioned
Court Reports |
(Posted July 3, 2009)
Alley, Michael W.,
29, 1417 Pekin St.; 6-2-09, count 1 -- failure to report
accident, count 2 -- aggravated DUI
Beaupre, Cotton,
18, 1200 Cardinal Drive, Bourbonnais; 12-29-08, count 1 --
aggravated battery, count 2 -- unlawful restraint
Golden, Steven,
24, 648 Sixth; 6-7-09, counts 1 and 2 -- forgery
Hon, Michael W.,
30, 2058 County Road 456, Poplar Bluff, Mo.; 6-19-09, unlawful
meth conspiracy
Jenco, Joseph, 18,
34 Emery Drive, Bourbonnais; 12-29-08, unlawful restraint
Malone, Shelly F.,
48, 100 Corn St., Emden; 6-18-09, count 1 -- burglary, count 2
-- criminal damage to residence
McConnell, Ian P.,
18, 362 Grand Ave., Bradley; 12-29-08, unlawful restraint
Sirois, Jacob C.,
17, 1225 Winans Ave. 6, Bourbonnais; 12-29-08, unlawful
Taylor, William L.
Jr., 27, 832 Wyatt Ave. 1/2; 6-23-09, count 1 -- armed violence,
count 2 -- intimidation
Wilkerson, Jacob,
19, 215 S. Jackson; 6-25-09, unlawful possession of cannabis
Police Reports |
Lincoln and
Logan County accident, incident and arrest reports
Link to Illinois sex offender information provided by the Illinois
State Police:
http://www.isp.state.il.us/sor/ Searches available by name, ZIP code, city, county and compliance
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