Wednesday, December 29, 2010
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A brief look at the year 2010

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[December 29, 2010]  It's hard to believe another year is almost over.

Time flies in a busy community and Logan County certainly is busy.

Once again, you kept us on our toes all year trying to cover all the events, government, agency and organization news, and some of the personal stories that occurred within our community. We tried as best we could to document those events. The result is that in 2010 we are completing our best year ever in news, stories and pictures.

In this season of counting one's blessings, on our list are all our advertisers and readers. We thank you for helping us continue to grow as we near 11 years of publication.

As the new year approaches, we have made the resolution to try even harder next year to continue to expand coverage of all that goes on in Logan County: the busiest community in central Illinois.

With all that said, we do want to take a brief look back at some of what we reported or wrote on last year and bring a few of the important or special stories out of the archives for another read.

The staff at LDN was allowed to individually choose stories, articles and pictures they thought carried significance to the community in 2010, and during this week we will include these in our Top Stories section.

The sampling by no means has everything we feel was significant, and you may not find favorites in this sampling. However, every story and picture is saved in our archives and remains available for all to see anytime.

Again, we want to thank all of you for making 2010 such a success for LDN and invite you to read some of the stories that show who we are, where we have been and, just as important, where we as a community are heading.


Featured articles from the LDN archives



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