White Auction House
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL
Large Antiques & Collectibles
Liquidation Auction
Saturday, August 11, 2012 10:00 a.m.
Sunday, August 12, 2012 1:00 pm
Viewing will be on Friday, August 10th
from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
NOTE: This sale is full
of unique, high quality, rare items not often seen in one location.
Come and look and see for yourself the wide variety that will be
Large Selection of Antique Glassware:
Roseville; Weller; Depression glass-variety of
colors/patterns; large selection of gray granite, kitchen utensils &
Jewel Tea; Alocite lamps-Crown Tuscan dishes; swag lamps; Jadeite;
Delphite; cookie jars; pressed glass; red rimmed glass; set of
Franciscanware; Hallmark ornaments; English bone china; blue front slot
machine; Staffordshire; collectible mugs/glasses-sports, states,
advertising, presidents; Fire King; toys; comic books; black
memorabilia-figurines; salt/peppers; cast iron; postcards; Ringling
Bros, poster; arcade games-pinball machine, ball games; money
banks-glass, tin, plastic, cast, theme; Howdy Doody ventriloquist
dummy-complete kit in suitcase; Elvis; 33 records-great covers;
Disney-Mickey, Pluto, Donald Duck, others books, figurines, glasses,
plastic, etc; Aladdin lamps; kerosene lamps; Batman stuff; Roy Rogers
items-plastic stagecoach in box; Hopalong Cassidy; Lone Ranger; books &
magazines; children’s books; horses; Mr. Peanuts banks & items; movie
posters; nursery rhyme china cups; Longaberger baskets; linens; lace
bedspreads; milk bottles; beer bottles; steins; whiskey decanters; music
boxes; brass spittoon; trays; pipes; set Fire King bowls; political
bumper stickers; old newspapers; boxing memorabilia; Sports Illustrated
mags; hard back set of Louis L’Amour; cigarette cards; glass angel food
cake pans; dolls; much, much more
Furniture: settee;
couch; lamps; maple dry sink; oak library card file drawers; side table
w/oak leaf pull; flat top trunks; maple desk.
Miscellaneous: 20” bicycle; Electric Mobility Scooter; fertilizer
spreader; 24” snow blower; pool table mover; galvanized tubs; HD filing
cabinets. Many, many more items than are listed.
Bob Gillespie, Owner, Morton, Il.
Terms: Cash on the
day of the sale or check with a valid picture ID.
Not responsible for accidents or for
items after they are sold. Announcements on the day of the sale take
over printed material.
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Il. License Numbers: 440000381 & 441000185
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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Estate Auction
White Auction House
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL
Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:00 a.m.
Motorcycle, Riding Mower,
Antiques & Collectibles, Fine Furniture,
Household Goods & Misc., Tools & Outdoor Equip
Rosey Knollenberg Estate, Lincoln, IL.
Jerry Shockey Estate, Lincoln, IL.
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Il. License Numbers: 440000381 & 441000185
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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Real Estate Auction
Building Lots At Crane Creek Golf Course
Tuesday August 21, 2012
Auction to be held at the
Crane Creek Club House, 24205 ECR 700N
Kilbourne, IL 62655
Located 14 miles from Havana; 35 miles from
33 miles from Lincoln; and 50 miles from Peoria.
Lots may be purchased prior to auction date. Call for details.
DIRECTIONS: Take Rt. 29 3˝ miles
south from Mason City or 26 miles north of Springfield, turn west on CR
700N, travel 6˝ miles to T intersection, turn south approx. 3 miles or
go south from Havana on Rt. 97, 9 miles, turn east on CR 700N, travel 5
miles to Crane Creek Golf Course. Watch for signs.
This auction consists of 26 surveyed lots
ranging from .883 to 1.923 acres in size. All of which are
platted on the front 9 holes of the course. Lots include a country
setting with mature trees, contiguous to the course, many are elevated
with a wonderful view of not only the course, but the country side as
well. The majority of these lots are located contiguous with each other,
which would give the buyer an option to purchase several lots for a
multi-acre parcel if desired.
This is a rare real estate offering and has great potential for a
builder, speculater or someone looking for a beautiful country setting
to build their new home, on one of the top 20 golf courses, rated by
GolfLink.com’s Best Illinois Golf Courses, in Illinois.
Terms and Conditions: Lots to be sold with a minimum starting bid of
$5,000 per lot. Buyer to pay $1,500 non-refundable down payment and
enter into a written contract for each lot purchased. Balance of
purchase due at closing in approx. 20 days, possession at closing.
Property being sold AS IS, WHERE IS
with no warranty or representations expressed or implied in regard to
the property from the Seller or Auction Company. Buyer responsible for
all inspections and to have financial arrangements made, prior to
auction day.
OWNER: Crane Creek LLC
Mason City, Ill. • Office Ph. 217-482-5351
(IL. License #440000160) Cell 217-341-1219
(IL. License #041000157) Cell 217-652-3403
Auctioneer Note: This is a wonderful
opportunity to purchase one or more scenic lots. It is the absolute
intension of the seller to market these parcels. Contact the auction
company for more information or to view the property. Your attendance is
always appreciated. Ron & Matt
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