The Zonta Club of Lincoln will act in
an advisory capacity for the new club.
The University of Illinois Champaign
Golden Z Club is one of the youth groups of Zonta International, the
worldwide service organization of executives in business and the
professions, working together to advance the status of women.
Golden Z Club members undertake
service projects benefiting their school, community and the world.
They promote the development of leadership ability and good
character, and they strive for scholastic achievement and the
improvement of international understanding through service.
The Golden Z Club in Champaign is
the first in District 6, which includes Indiana, Illinois and
Members of Zonta International
support international service projects intended to advance the
status of women, particularly in developing nations, and they fund
the Amelia Earhart Fellowship awards, given annually to women
pursuing graduate study in aerospace-related sciences and
engineering. Zonta International enjoys nongovernmental organization
status with the United Nations and consultative status with several
of its agencies. As of spring 2011, there were approximately 30,000
Zontians belonging to more than 1,200 clubs in approximately 63
countries and geographic areas. |