July 12
Heavy rains over parts of central Illinois
on Wednesday
Janson Cooper achieves rank of
Eagle Scout
County meeting minutes:
Adjourned session, May 21
House passes 'farm-only' farm bill
(Prairie Farmer)
Illinois EPA launches
informational website on Clinton Landfill 3 monitoring and Mahomet
Aquifer protection
IEMA launches mobile Ready
Illinois website
This day in history
July 11
By John
County meeting minutes:
Waste management, May 15
1st West
Nile virus-positive bird in Illinois reported
for this year
This day in history
July 10
Part 1: Four years of constant
Mayor warns about energy marketing calls
Flash flood warning for Logan County until
3:30 p.m.
Firehouse news with Chief Mark
County meeting minutes:
Mobile weather warnings on the way!
Get emergency
alerts automatically on your cellphone
This day in history


July 9
This day in history
July 8
Fewer kindergartners coming in with preschool skills
Strong to severe storms
forecast Monday into Tuesday
Latham Firefighters to host
annual ice cream social Saturday
Registration open for Moving
Forward 5K
Free seminar at ALMH on
weight-loss surgery
Wet June and wettest year to
date in Illinois
Lincoln Home to present play
about Mary Lincoln's divided family
This day in history
July 6