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Wednesday Feb. 25, 2015
published daily from 8am Lincoln, Illinois

LDN -- Top Stories

By a narrow margin of 10 votes, the winner of Tuesday’s Republican primary for the city of Lincoln Ward 3 Alderman is Todd Mourning (pictured center). Polling held just at the Logan County Courthouse closed at 7 p.m. and the unofficial results of the hand counted ballots used for the limited primary of two candidates were posted on the Logan County Clerk Sally Turner’s website last evening at about 8:20 p.m. Of the 2,258 registered voters registered in Ward 3, incumbent Todd Mourning received a total of 148 votes to candidate Wanda Lee Rohlfs 138 votes.

Photo from LDN archives     (Click on image for larger version)

This Week's Top Stories


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Retirement reception planned for Wally Kautz by the Mount Pulaski Courthouse Foundation

Friday night Dinner Programs at the Palms Grill

2015 schedule for the Logan County Arts

Fill your cup coffee and fellowship

Electronics recycling held on the second Saturday of each month

Lincoln Emblem Club #443

► 5th Saturday Opry Schedule for 2015

sponsored by CHRIS COYNE, Agent — State Farm Insurance





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