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Wednesday, May 13, 2015
published daily from 8am Lincoln, Illinois

LDN -- Top Stories

Pictured from the left are Andi Hake of the Logan County Alliance, Alderman Scott Cooper and city administrator Clay Johnson of the city of Lincoln, Dr. Keith Ray, Jo Hilliard, and Jeff Hills of The Christian Homes/Christian Village. On Tuesday, the Christian Village hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for a $6,000,000 expansion project. The soil was turned at the corner of Main and Sixth Streets, the future site of the assisted living for memory care building. LDN will have additional coverage of the event in the Thursday edition.

Photo by Nila Smith      (Click on image for larger version)

2015 Spring Home Improvement Magazine

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to open


2015 Prom
Grand March

Lincoln, Mount Pulaski
and Hartsburg

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This Week's Top Stories


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        Opinions & editorials

[click on cartoon for larger image]


Historic Preservation Commission presents "All About Abstracts" May 30th

Princess Tea to be a trip to Candyland
“The Life and Times of Logan County Mammals” rescheduled for June 6

Master Gardener Plant Sale

Logan County Genealogical & Historical Society May meeting

HSLC Garage Sale June 12 through 14

2015 schedule for the Logan County Arts

Fill your cup coffee and fellowship

Glass recycling

Electronics recycling

CICBC Blood Drives
Lincoln Emblem Club #443

► 5th Saturday Opry Schedule for 2015

sponsored by CHRIS COYNE, Agent — State Farm Insurance





Civic Events

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Tuesday, May 12

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Wednesday, May 6

Tuesday, May 5