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October 1
First Lincoln Alzheimer's Walk heightens awareness
Support includes LC runners
Cool day makes for easier waling at Lincoln's first Alzheimer's Walk
About 100 people gather for the
first-time event at the Oasis Wellness Track - slideshow
Participants include runners from Lincoln
College - slideshow
The cold dreary weather did not keep people away from
Saturday’s Alzheimer’s Walk held at the Oasis Senior Center, which
brought out around 100 people.
October 2
Sparks fly between Lincoln’s city attorney and the city
The Monday night meeting of the Lincoln City Council
ended with a confrontation between the City Administrator Beth
Kavelman and City Attorney Blinn Bates, as each speculated that the
other is not performing in the best interest of the city.
Ballot question for Logan County to be a Firearms Sanctuary
Proceedings of the Logan County Board
Resolution for an Advisory Referendum for the November 6, 2018
General Election for Firearm Sanctuary County
- Pdf
During the July meeting of the Logan County Board,
members voted to place a resolution for an advisory referendum on
the ballot. The public is being asked their opinion concerning gun
law in the context of protecting citizen’s right to bear arms in
Logan County.

October 3
City Attorneys Woods & Bates deliver
notice of contract termination - Pdf
October 4
Emden solar begins approval processes
Logan County Regional
Planning Commission recommends
On Wednesday, October 3, the Logan County Regional
Planning Commission heard about the application for community solar
farm project in Emden and considered whether to recommend the Zoning
Board of Appeal approve a special use to allow the construction of
the four-megawatt solar farm.
WLNX Broadcasters Jackson and Hoffman Named Best in State
Illinois Broadcasters Association Awards First Place to Lincoln
College Duo
The WLNX play-by-play duo of Nik Jackson and Adam
Hoffman is the best student sports broadcast announcing team in
Jackson and Hoffman were awarded First Place in the category of
“Best Radio/TV Live Game Sports Broadcast” in the Illinois
Broadcasters Association Student Silver Dome Awards, announced
Friday, September 28, at DePaul University in Chicago.
October 8
Fun Kids Day of Play hosted by Park District and ALMH supports
healthy lifestyle
Free Worldwide Day of Play Festivities at Lincoln Park District
Worldwide Day of Play - slideshow
On Saturday, September 29th, area children and their
parents were invited to participate in Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day
of Play. The Lincoln Park District and the Abraham Lincoln Memorial
Hospital Community Health Collaborative planned and hosted the
special event.
Lincoln College Swimmer to Represent Home Country at Youth Olympics
A member of the Lincoln College Women’s Swimming &
Diving team will be in action soon as an Olympic athlete. LC
freshman Roylin Akiwo will be representing her home country of Palau
in the upcoming 2018 Youth Olympic Games taking place later this
month in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
October 9
Logan County Fire Departments Parade to downtown Lincoln
The parade arrives in downtown Lincoln -
Fire Trucks and kids just go together -
A great afternoon for a fire truck
reunion - slideshow
On Sunday afternoon, dozens of people, many of them
children gathered on Broadway Street in downtown Lincoln to enjoy
the sights and sounds of a large collection of fire trucks. The
trucks were part of the Fifth Annual Fire Truck Parade and Truck
Show hosted by the Logan County Fire Fighters Association. The
collection of trucks included vehicles from throughout the county.
October 10
Logan County Zoning Board of Appeals votes for
Emden solar farm
On Thursday, October 4th, the Zoning Board of Appeals
held a public hearing to consider rezoning land in Emden. The
rezoning would be for a special use that would allow the
construction of a four-megawatt solar farm.
'Drug take back day' brings in 80 pounds medications and donation
for a new D.A.R.E. grill
On Saturday, September 29th, the Lincoln Police
Department, Lincoln D.A.R.E. program and the ALMH Community Health
Collaborative Opioid Task Force hosted a drug take-back day at the
Lincoln Police Station.
October 12
‘Save the Flag’ Penny Drive Now Underway
Logan County Students Raising Money for Lincoln Artifact
A ‘Save the Flag Penny Drive’ is underway in Logan
County schools through Nov. 8, as a way to raise funds to restore an
historic flag associated with Logan County and Abraham Lincoln’s
first presidential campaign.

October 13
Lincoln City Council:
Crawford Murphy & Tilly offer fixed rate sewerage billing
As the city of Lincoln prepares to undertake a
massive, multi-million dollar upgrade to the city sewerage system,
aldermen have been faced with how to pay for it. The Long Term
Control Plan that separates sewerage from storm water is state
Early in the project engineers from Crawford, Murphy, & Tilly,
Christy Crites and Shannon Brady, offered examples of sewerage
billing based on water usage. The plan included a scaled billing
based on zero to 1,000 gallons of water used, 1,001 to 4,000 gallons
usage, 4,001 to 8,000 gallons usage, and lastly 8,001 plus gallons
water used. Rates per month were recommended to start at $25 per
month for the lowest usage and scale upward in $10 increments to $55
per month for the highest usage.
Logan County Joint Solid Waste Agency Program ends November 30th
The Logan County Joint Solid Waste Agency will cease
operation as of November 30, 2018.
The Agency’s Board faced with decreasing membership and funding
coupled with increasing recycling expenses has decided to
discontinue recycling services after more than two decades. The
Agency cannot sustain the costs of transportation and processing of
recyclable materials.
Logan County Fifth-graders enjoy field trip to Chicago courtesy of
the Woods Foundation - Album
On Thursday, October 4, 2018, fifth graders from
across Logan County traveled to the Museum of Science and Industry
in Chicago.
This Student Enrichment Trip was sponsored by the Woods Foundation,
made possible by the generosity of Robert J. and Joan J. Woods.
Students from Lincoln Elementary District #27, Chester-East Lincoln,
Carroll Catholic, Hartsburg-Emden, Mount Pulaski, New
Holland-Middletown, Olympia South Elementary, West
Lincoln-Broadwell, and Zion Lutheran Schools in Lincoln and Mount
Pulaski all participated and enjoyed an exciting day in Chicago.
October 15
Significant question regarding CEL School Board on November ballot
A special public question will be on November's
ballot for Chester-East Lincoln School district voters to change how
board members get elected.
Deputy to be hired to serve as Logan County Courthouse security
At the Logan County Board Finance Committee meeting
on Tuesday, October 9, one focus of discussion was combining Court
Security into the Sheriff’s budget.
Chief Deputy Mark Landers talked to the committee about plans hire a
full-time deputy to serve as a security officer at the Logan County
Courthouse. He said statutorily, you cannot combine the two, but can
put a deputy at the courthouse.
Decades dispute over Campus View Drive may be settled in 2018
Over the past 50 plus years from time to time the
subject of Campus View Drive has come up in the meetings of the
Lincoln City Council. The street is an unusual situation within the
city as the debate for many years has been first over ownership of
the street, and second over the expense of bringing the street up to
code if the city were to take responsibility for it.
October 16
Board discusses options for Logan County’s jail and courthouse
At the Logan County Board Workshop on Thursday,
October 11, there was some discussion on the upcoming referendum for
the public safety tax that would help with courthouse dome repairs
and jail expansion. The previous referendum for the public safety
tax failed last spring, but it will be on the ballot again this
October 17
Greater Peoria Economic Development Council benefits to Logan County
At the Logan County Board Workshop on Thursday,
October 11, CEO of the Greater Peoria Economic Development Council (GPEDC)
Chris Setti gave a brief presentation. In February, Setti spoke at a
joint meeting between the Board and the Lincoln City Council.
[to top of second column] |

Complaints on HillTopper night work heard
At the Logan County Board meeting on Tuesday, October
16, there was some discussion on issues going on with the HillTopper
Wind Farm Project.
At the Board Workshop on Thursday, Chris Martin of Mount Pulaski
said he lives near the HillTopper Wind Farm Project and has talked
to several county board members about problems over there.
October 18
36 on 66 – Abe’s Carmelcorn Shoppe begins a year of celebration
Earlier this year, during the winter months, Abe’s
Carmelcorn Shoppe, located at 117 N. Kickapoo Street in Historic
Downtown Lincoln, Illinois, underwent a major renovation to the
interior of the building. The result was stunning – new flooring and
lighting accented by classic wood fixtures. In addition, the floor
space was increased by 500 square feet to accommodate the unique
shopping experience that features a cutting-edge selection of
merchandise designed to make memories of a lifetime.
October 19
First Solar Farm request gets thumbs up from Logan County Board
During the Logan County Board's Regular voting
session on Thursday, the board unanimously approved a special use
permit that would permit the development of the county's first solar
farm The four-megawatt solar facility would be built at the
northwest edge of Emden pending winning state approval and
incentives granting.
Area High School Students Learn about ‘Taking Care of Business’
Lincoln College hosts event
to expose students to business studies
Lincoln College’s MacKinnon School of Business
recently hosted its first annual Taking Care of Business event
geared to introducing area high school students to the various
disciplines of business. During the workshop, students experienced a
series of hands-on interactive exercises often used in the business
school’s course offerings. Areas highlighted included marketing,
operations management, leadership, and strategy. The sessions were
led by Lincoln College’s business faculty.
Video games, comics and memorabilia benefit veteran Honor Flights -
What do video games, comics and memorabilia have in
common with veterans? This past Saturday, the Cronin Brothers VFW
and Primary Colours Retro Relics hosted something new for the
Lincoln-Logan County community. Vet-Con, a convention dedicated to
games, comics, and various “nerdy” memorabilia, was a fundraiser
with proceeds going to the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight. The
convention was described as “the nerd's way to celebrate our
freedoms and to give back to the veterans that have fought for those
October 20
County Briefs: Windfarm progression and road plans
The Regular Logan County Board meeting in September
included updates on the HillTopper Wind Farm project and approval of
an addendum to the Construction Inspection agreement with Cummins
Judge Bill Workman accepts donation of Lincoln head statue at the
Logan County Courthouse
On Friday morning Judge Bill Workman was joined in
the third floor courtroom at the Logan County Courthouse by Bob and
Judith Gordon. The trio gathered for a photo op with an Abraham
Lincoln head donated to the Logan County Courthouse and Workman’s
courtroom by the Gordons.

October 22
It’s dollars and sense at Logan County Board Budget time
At the Logan County Board meeting Tuesday, October
16, the board heard brief committee updates and voted on motions
from several committees.
Mount Pulaski historical preservation works viewed by Logan County
Tourism Board
The Logan County Tourism Bureau Board was invited to
visit the Mount Pulaski Township Historical Society and Museum. For
the Tourism Bureau’s October monthly meeting, the board was served a
meal and updated on Mount Pulaski historical activities.
October 23
Two Logan County 4-H members earn special state recognition
4-H members from across the state were honored for
their lifetime 4-H achievements at the Illinois 4-H Celebrating
Excellence Award Program held on October 20th in Champaign. The
Illinois State 4-H Award recognizes exemplary work in five major
areas, including communications, community service, leadership,
personal growth and project mastery.
October 25
Haiku poet Dr. Lee Gurga retires from dentistry
Dr. Lee Gurga of Apple Dental Center in Lincoln is
retiring this year after 35 years of practice. He was honored with a
retirement party on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at Midwest Dental
located at 207 South McLean in Lincoln.
October 26
Scarecrow contest and fun and games make
for a great afternoon at the Oasis - slideshow
October 27
LYFL recognizes 2018 volunteers and coaches
Lincoln Youth Football recognizes
outstanding leaders for 2018 season - slideshow
In the middle of practice Thursday night Lincoln
Youth Football Commissioner Wesley Fuchs called the players
together. It was time to thank the many volunteers who make the
program such a huge success.
Fuchs, a dad himself, reminded the youth that many adults gave up
countless hours to coach, run concessions, help with equipment, and
pitch in when/where needed. Fuchs emphasized to the players that the
volunteers spent time away from their families to help them. His
comments were met with a loud round of applause from the players.
Halloween FunFest at the
Lincoln Park District
Lots of fun and games for everyone -
All treats --- No tricks! - slideshow
Oh those faces! - slideshow
October 29
Saturday Trick or Treat with the Mayor enjoys a huge turnout
An excellent morning with Mayor Seth
Goodman - slideshow
Downtown businesses and organizations get
in on the fun - slideshow
Lots of treats for everyone - slideshow
Gotta love those Halloween faces -
On Saturday morning more than 200 children
accompanied by about that many parents or other escorts participated
in Trick or Treat around the town with Lincoln Mayor Seth Goodman.
Children enjoy trick or treat at the Lincoln Heritage Museum - Album
This past Saturday, the Lincoln Heritage Museum,
located in the Lincoln Center on the campus of Lincoln College in
Lincoln, hosted a free trick or treating event for kids in costume.
Kids and their parents were given a free tour of the Lincoln
Heritage Museum with Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln, along with
guests in the form of a few of his friends in period dress, gave out
candy to the kids, and played a 19th century game, including War,
marbles, bean bag toss, and jacks. The event lasted from 1 to 4 p.m.
with multiple groups of kids and families taking part.

HSLC Saturday pet costume contest and blessing of the animals makes
for a great fall event
Humane Society goes to the dogs for
Halloween - slideshow
Saturday event includes annual Blessing
of the Animals - slideshow
On Saturday afternoon, the Humane Society of Logan
County enjoyed a large turnout for the annual Blessing of the
Animals, this year coupled with a pet costume contest.
Several dogs arrived, escorted by their people pets. They were
dressed in wonderful costumes ranging from Santa Clause to perhaps a
pups favorite table foods - hamburgers and hot dogs.
October 30
Harvest of Talents feeding the hungry around the globe
5K kicks off on a cool, crisp October
morning - slideshow
Runners and walkers bring it home for HOT
- slideshow
Saturday afternoon auction a bounty of
great items - slideshow
On this glorious day - did we see you
there? - slideshow
We love those beautiful faces! -
Sunday celebration a time of thanksgiving
- slideshow
“Chain of Blessings” began in the Old Testament when
Almighty God came to Abram and Abraham passed that along to Isaac,
who passed it along to his son Jacob, who passed it along to his
sons, including Judah, and on and on through generations leading to
a guy named Jesus of Nazareth.
[LDN Archives] |