Tuesday, October 6
Monday, October 5
Saturday, October 3
Shirley Bartelmay passes away at age
Lincoln Kiwanis Donates to Local
Angela Whiteman named Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital September Colleague of the Month
Olympia FFA
Officer Spotlight
Tyler Miller - President
2020 Fall Home
Improvement Magazine
Your dream home: Why someone else
should build it
Logan County 4-H Invites Youth to Join
4-H Clubs
Heartland Foundation adapts annual 5K
to a virtual and ‘Haunted’ format
Illinois Fall Trout Season Opens
October 17th
If you have any signs or symptoms of
flu, stay home
University of
Illinois College of ACES
Redefining drought in the US Corn Belt
Slim Randles'
Home Country
Dewey Decker, Vermiculturist
Create New Garden Beds This Fall
By Melinda Myers
Friday, October
2, 2020
Logan County COVID update
Logan County sees second death from
coronavirus - Pdf
Nine new cases on Thursday and Friday
Friday, October
2, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
14,214 tested - 13,730 negative- 484 positive - 42 active
cases- 440 recovered - TWO deaths
Friday, October
2, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 2,206
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Friday, October 2
Lincoln Rural Fire Protection District
seeks new revenue via a referendum on the November ballot
City of Lincoln
Employee health plans to see no
premium increases in 2021
Aldermen to decide on Health Savings Account contributions
next week
Lincoln City
Public Notice of Meeting Monday,
October 5, 2020
Topic: Taxable General Obligation Bonds - Pdf
2020 Fall Home
Improvement Magazine
The lights stay on when your power
goes out
Ameren Illinois petitions Illinois
Commerce Commission to protect downstate customers from
unnecessary cost increases
Illinois State Police Division of
Forensic Service launch sexual assault kit tracking
Pritzker Administration Announces $5
Million Business Grant Program for Agriculture Businesses
Application for funding now available to livestock producers
and small meat and poultry plants as a part of the state’s
Business Interruption Grants (BIG) Program
IDOI Helps Illinois Life Insurance
Holders Collect More than $5 Million in Unclaimed Funds
Oh, deer: Mating season ups crash risk
IDOT, IDNR remind motorists to stay alert, don’t veer for
October 01, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
14,025 tested - 13,549 negative- 476 positive - 40 active
cases- 433 recovered - ONE death
October 1, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 2,166
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Election 2020
Letter to the

Thursday, October 1
Civil servant Chuck Ruben leaves a
finance legacy
Illinois American Water Reminds
Customers about Customer Assistance Program and Payment
Customers with a past due balance need to contact utility
immediately to prevent service interruption
Illinois Department of Public Health
Issues COVID-19 Halloween Festivities Guidance
The 3 W’s still apply – Wash your hands. Watch your
distance. Wear your mask
2020 Fall Home
Improvement Magazine
Call the plumber!!!
Atlanta Ag 4-H starts new program year
with new leadership
Chloe Olson named September Senior of
the Month at Mount Pulaski High School
Let’s Celebrate Early Childhood
Parents and children invited to post their BIG READ on
library Facebook page October 2nd
Illinois Department of Labor Launches
Back to Business Illinois
Health and Safety Program Promotes Successful Small Business
Change of Date for October collection
Mount Pulaski announces 2020 landscape waste pick-up dates
September 30, 2020
Logan County COVID update
Five new confirmed cases on Wednesday
- Pdf
September 30, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
13,702 tested - 13,187 negative- 475 positive - 42 active
cases- 432 recovered - ONE death
September 30, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 2,273
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Public health officials warn Region 6 that additional
mitigation measures could be coming
November 3, 2020 General Election
Sample Ballot - Pdf
Meet the candidates
Wednesday, September 30
Logan County Board briefs: Tax credit
for home buyers; Winter Wonderland to return; wind tower
2020 Fall
Home Improvement Magazine
Room additions: Avoid DIY disasters by
hiring qualified contractors
Illinois' Chancellor Jones elected
trustee of National 4-H Council Board
Local Churches Join in Worship on
World Wide Communion Sunday, October 4
Springfield Mile ARCA Race
Hendren and Unzicker Preparing for
Springfield Race Return
Conference on Illinois History will
explore Prairie State stories online this year
Conference by Lincoln Presidential Library runs Oct. 5-9
September 29, 2020
Logan County COVID update
Two new confirmed cases on Tuesday -
September 29, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
13,702 tested - 13,187 negative- 469 positive - 41 active
cases- 427 recovered - ONE death
September 29, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,362
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Governor's Office Staffer Tests
Positive for COVID-19, Governor and All Close Contacts to
Self-Isolate for 14 Days
All Office Operations Will Continue Uninterrupted
Tuesday, September 29
Lincoln City Council
September 29, 2020 Committee of the Whole
meeting agenda - Pdf
Notice of city ordinance
Issuance of Taxable General Obligation Refunding
Bonds - Pdf
Regions Bank donation supports students and
programs for Heartland Truck Driver Training
Fall Home Improvement Magazine
Do's and don't when hiring a professional
USDA to Provide Additional Direct Assistance to
Farmers and Ranchers Impacted by the Coronavirus
Illinois DCFS releases public service
announcement reminding mandated reporters to
report child abuse or neglect
Illinois Department of Public Health Emphasizes
Importance of Getting A Flu Shot Amid Ongoing
COVID-19 Pandemic
Avoid co-infection with COVID-19 and flu
Monday, September 28, 2020
Logan County COVID update
Eighteen new cases from Friday to Monday - Pdf
Monday, September 28, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
13,655 tested - 13,187 negative- 468 positive -
45 active cases- 423 recovered - ONE death
Monday, September 28, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,709 New
Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Monday, September 28