Plans were underway for the annual Boy Scout
Barbecue, the John Welsh Tournament for junior high athletes had
occurred over the weekend that split February and March. Also that
weekend Mount Pulaski had offered Barbara Stroud-Borth a friendly
sendoff as she officially retired as the Mount Pulaski Historic
Courthouse Site Director.
On Saturday
afternoon, Barbara Stroud-Borth was the center of attention at the
Mount Pulaski Courthouse. Borth was celebrating her last day as the
site director of the courthouse. The community joined the Mount
Pulaski Courthouse Foundation, all coming together to give her a
memorable send off as she retires from her position.
Photo by Nila Smith
Mount Pulaski Courthouse Foundation sends well wishes to Barbara
Stroud-Borth as she retires
John Welsh Memorial Tournament draws 1,500 young basketball players
to Lincoln
The first week in March also saw a huge turnout in the Logan County
Courthouse for a special veteran event.
The Logan County Veteran’s Assistance Commission, Military Order of
the Purple Heart and the Logan County Board had joined together to
create and dedicate a memorial wall for veterans who had served in
the War on Terror.

Logan County Courthouse fills for War on Terror plaque dedication
Staff Sergeant Daniel Gresham
On March 7th, LDN offered coverage from the LCHS Class 3A Regional
Basketball Championship. The Railers won over Danville to become the
regional champions with high hopes of moving forward throughout the
next few weeks and taking the state championship at the end of the
battles. Unfortuantely, that didn’t happen. When they beat Danville,
the team had no idea that it would be the last tournament game they
would play in 2020.
Lincoln escapes with a narrow win over Danville for the Class 3A
Regional Championship
Railers win Class 3A Regional Championship - slideshow
The community of Elkhart made the news with the beautiful pipe organ
that is a mainstay at the Elkhart Christian Church, and the lovely
lady who has played if for so many years. Elizabeth Ann Anderson was
celebrated for her more than sixty years as the organist at the

The Elkhart
Historical Society recently hosted a lecture event at the Elkhart
Christian Church featuring renowned organist and educator Dr. Paula
Romanaux. Included in her presentation was a performance on the
church's beautiful pipe organ and also special recognition of the
church's resident organist Elizabeth Ann Anderson who has been
making beautiful music at the church for the past 60 years.
Anderson, pictured center holding flowers, was joined by members of
her family for a photo after a special plaque presentation by
Romanaux and Dale Rogers, a representative from the American Guild
of Organists.
Photos by Curtis Fox

Renowned organist and educator Dr. Paula Romanaux shares quest to
find Carnegie organs
Romanaux visits Elkhart Christian Church - Album
In Lincoln, downtown businesses owners were working to enhance foot
traffic into their stores. The Lucky Leprechaun contest was underway
and all were hoping that 2020 would be a great year for the heart of
the city. The group met on a regular basis to strategize and work
together for the greater good of the whole.
Downtown Lincoln business owners bring unity and small town friendly
feel to the heart of the city
On a national level, the first of March marked the day when cases of
coronavirus were confirmed in the state of New York. Previously the
disease had been circulating on the west coast, infiltrating first
in California. The disease continued to spread.
In Logan County, the virus seemed to be having no impact, though by
the second and third weeks of March the illness was spreading in
larger metropolitan areas such as Chicago.
The last sporting events of the year may have been the Junior High
Boys Basketball competitions.
Junior High Boys Basketball: Lincoln hosts the third annual
All-State Junior High Classic
basketball standout Aidan Gowin crowned the 3-point champion
Jr. High Classic results - pictures
Hartsburg-Emden High School Scholastic Bowl Wins First Regional
All Remaining 2020 Illinois State Spring Sport Contests Canceled
With reports that the governor was going to take some drastic
measures to control or prevent the spread of the virus, Lincoln
Daily News turned to a trusted friend and medical professional Dr.
Dru Hauter to get a professional opinion and advice on the
Dr. Dru Hauter: sage analysis and advice about the Corona Virus
The state with the federal authorities began strongly urging people
to stay home and not attend social events. On the federal level, the
gravity of the situation was being taken seriously by some and not
so much by others.
The first local event to take a hit from coronavirus was the annual
Boy Scout Barbecue. While the number of takeout orders for the
annual event increased substantially, the dining hall tables at the
Knights of Columbus in Lincoln on Barbecue Sunday were nearly empty.

The empty
tables on Sunday at the annual Boy Scout BBQ tell a big part of the
story of what is going on in our community right now in response to
the Coronavirus. Normally filled wall to wall with guests enjoying a
fine meal of smoked pulled pork, sides and dessert, this year the
eat-in option was not widely used. On the flip side, the ticket
takers and greeters at the event said that carry-out orders were up
compared to years past.
Photo by Nila Smith
Boy Scout BBQ sees reduction in numbers in light of Covid-19
On March 19th, the Logan County Department of Public Health, Logan
County officials and members of the Logan County Community Health
Collaborative gathered at the Logan County Courthouse to announce a
Disaster Proclamation in response to Covid-19. The measure was taken
as a pre-emptive measure to make sure that the county would have
access to emergency supplies as needed.
Then, the governor issued his stay at home order, closing
non-essential businesses and schools. Public meetings were to be
limited or canceled, and thus began a long trek of local authorities
learning how to continue day to day business in a more virtual
Logan County
Department of Public Health Administrator Don Cavi came to the
podium during a press conference Friday morning at the Logan County
Courthouse. In the background were Angela Stoltzenburg representing
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital, Kara Davis with LCDPH, Logan
County State's Attorney Brad Hauge, Logan County Board Chair Emily
Davenport, Salena Matson LCDPH Emergency Response Coordinator, and
Sheriff Mark Landers.
The group announced that the county was issuing a Disaster
Proclamation in response to Covid-19. The proclamation opens the
county up to additional resources of supplies and equipment that
will be needed if and when the coronavirus arrives in Logan County.
Cavi reiterated that as of Friday morning, there were NO confirmed
cases of coronavirus in Logan County. Eight people had been tested.
Two were found negative and the other six test results still
Photo by Nila Smith
Logan County issues disaster proclamation, Illinois Governor issues
“Stay at Home” order
Logan County Disaster Proclamation - Pdf
Gov. Pritzker Announces Statewide Stay At Home Order to Maximize
COVID-19 Containment, Ensure Health Care System Remains Fully
Order Begins 5 p.m. Saturday
Governor Orders Local Governments to Halt Evictions, Bans Gatherings
of More Than 10 People
Logan County Board takes measures to protect the public during open
Limited seating at meetings, email
public comments ahead of time, watch meetings via live streaming
City of Lincoln discusses Coronavirus - Sewer bills, restaurant
parking, tax revenues, use of toilet paper, and next meeting
While many were still doubtful that the coronavirus was going to
have an impact on the health of community, it was obvious that it
was having an impact on the financial stability of our residents and
local businesses.
Food pantries were going to be stretched to their limit because
there were people out of work who had not been out of work in years,
if ever. There were children home from school who were not going to
benefit from school meal programs, and with all the layoffs
household incomes were cut, making it hard to afford paying the
bills, not to mention buying food.
And, as is typical for Logan County, there were those who were
ready, willing and able to step up and do something to encourage our
people and make life a little easier for those who were suffering.

On Wednesday
morning, a volunteer at the Oasis Senior Center hands groceries
through the driver's window of a vehicle. The Oasis hosted a
drive-through food distribution for those in need. The response was
overwhelming and proving a basic need in our community - food.
The Oasis is currently closed, even so, the organization came up
with a way to help others. Thanks to Nancy Cunningham and the
volunteers who pitched in for our community.
Photo by Karen Hargis

In these days
of uncertainty about the coronavirus we need to bring attention, and
lots of it, to the people who are coming up with positive ways to
make a difference in our community. At Krueger Elevator a group of
farmers gather regularly for their morning coffee and talk. This
week they decided to conduct a food drive. One day they reached out
to each other and all agreed they could lend a hand by donating to
the Lincoln Logan Food Pantry. On Wednesday morning they gathered
their donations and delivered them to the pantry in Lincoln.
Photo by Laura Tomlinson
Oasis Senior Center and a band of farmers each contribute to the
well-being of others

[to top of second column] |

Do you have
heart? A lot of folks do! We are seeing these hearts in random
locations throughout Lincoln and wanted to share. Our favorite is
the top picture here because they are not just hearts; they show
heartfelt appreciation for those on the front lines.
The center Heart says, "Thank you!" Then the hearts surrounding it
name people for which the folks inside are thankful for - emergency
workers, food providers, delivery drivers, mail carriers, the health
department, medical workers, and law enforcement.
A very good point to remember, they do their jobs because their jobs
contribute to the well being of the rest of us.
What an inspiration, and we are sure that those front line people
appreciate the sentiment!
Photo by Karen Hargis & Nila Smith

As many of our
readers already know, Teena Lowery is a very popular postal worker
in Lincoln and also the official sports reporter for Lincoln Daily
News. While out on her route the other day she snapped some photos
of sidewalk chalk art on her route. The first three were taken on
Pulaski Street. The fourth one, which is a personal message to
Lowery, was taken on Nugent Place in the Mayfair Addition.
Photo by Teena Lowery

Lincoln Daily News, recognizing that there were a lot of folks
spending their days at home with their children began posting
information about things to do while staying at home. Each day items
were added that included activities like making and flying a kite,
playing outdoor games with children, and taking virtual tours of
historic sites and museums.
Then came the first blow to the tourism and festival season, the
Pigs & Swigs committee announced that in 2020 there would be no Up
in Smoke BBQ competition. This would be the first announcement of
many small and major local events that were canceled due to
Pigs & Swigs committee cancels 2020 festival
In other news
There was one horrible and deadly accident in Logan County at the
beginning of the month. A Cessna 172 crashed on the west side of
town, just past the Cracker Barrel Restaurant.

Illinois State Police releases the identities of the occupants of
the 2013 Cessna 172 that crashed on I-55 west of Lincoln on Tuesday
The pilot was Mitchell W. Janssen, 22-year-old male of Princeville,
IL. Passengers were Matthew R. Hanson, 33-year old male of Pulaski,
WI (deceased) and Kevin G. Chapman, 30-year old male of Urbana, IL
The airplane departed the Central Illinois Regional Airport in
Bloomington, IL on the morning of Tuesday, Mar 03, 2020. The Cessna
172 crashed on Interstate 55 near the State Route 10, 126-mile post
taking the lives of three occupants. Names were not released pending
notification of kin.
The plane is reported to have crashed at 8:49 a.m. An eye witness
said that the plane came in at a very sharp angle and nosedived.
Crashing into the ground it was instantly engulfed in flames. The
interstate was shut down several hours and traffic was re-routed
through Lincoln.
Local first responders were active on the scene along with the
Illinois State Police, who took the lead on the accident. The
incident is under investigation.
The local Salvation Army tended to the needs of firefighters and
other first responders providing food and water for those working
the scene.
Photos from social media
John and Susan Adams of Atlanta were recognized as 2020 Master

Congratulations to John and Susan Adams of Atlanta who have been
named as 2020 Master Farmers by Prairie Farmer Magazine. The couple
works side-by-side on their nearly 1,000 acres, and also for several
years raised livestock on the family farm working beside John's
father until his retirement in 1982.
Photo provided by Holly Spangler
The city of Lincoln recognized Art Whitham, who was awarded the 2020
Carnegie Hero Medal for saving the life of Logan County resident
George Horn.

At the last
meeting of the Lincoln City Council, Mayor Seth Goodman shared that
Lincoln resident Art Whitham is a 2020 recipient of the Carnegie
Hero Medal.
Whitham was recognized for his heroic efforts in assisting George
Horn from his vehicle when it plunged into an icy pond in December
2018 after sliding off an icy road.
Photo from the Carnegie Hero website
Lincolnite Art Whitham recognized as Carnegie Hero for life-saving
The Lincoln Area YMCA celebrated 20 years of 3-D archery.
Lincoln Area YMCA celebrates 20 years of 3D Archery
Lincoln Area YMCA celebrates 20 years of 3D Archery - slideshow
Lincoln College made the news a few times in March.
Lincoln College at 155 Years: "Where We’ve Been and Where We Are"
Lincoln College Bachelor of Law under way
New Students Join Law Program
Lincoln College and Lincoln Christian University Announce New
Articulation Agreement
Students Can Pursue Five Degree
Programs at Lincoln College
In the chamber of the Lincoln City Council, Fifth Street Road and
city owned parks were discussed.
Engineering firms attempt to clean up confusion over Fifth Street
Road project
Lincoln Park District offers "ideas” for the future of city parks to
the City Council
The month ended with the announcement that the city would close all
playgrounds in the city-owned parks due to coronavirus. The city
parks were not closed for walking or other exercise, but no
playground or exercise equipment could be used.

On Monday, by
order of Lincoln Mayor Seth Goodman and the Lincoln City Council,
crews went out and roped off all the playground area at city-owned
parks. Children are not allowed to play on the playground equipment
until further notice in response to the state restrictions to fight
We want to be clear. The city parks are not closed. People are still
allowed to walk through the parks, but MUST observe social
Photos by Nila Smith
While March marked the beginning of the journey into Covid-19 for
Logan County residents, the foreseeable future would provide no
ending. There were ups and downs throughout the summer, fall, and
into the winter. Businesses would eventually be permitted to
re-open, but then many would be asked to close again.
The March spring break for school children would meld into to summer
vacation and even as fall approached, public education was at risk.
Schools scrambled to figure out how to cope with holding in-person
classes and how to go about offering alternatives for those parents
who were not comfortable sending their kids to the classroom.
All in all, March marked the beginning of a saga that would be in
the foreground of all news for the next several months to come.
Yet, in spite of the difficult situation, there were those who
figured out how to make a difference and how to celebrate our
community as the strong, resilient society we have always been.
In coming reviews many examples of such will be touted in the 2020
year in review. Be sure to follow along as we look at our local
heroes in the months ahead.
[Nila Smith] |