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Recent obituaries
Alley, Erskine Wayne “Corky”
Buckles, Kenneth Allen
Cook, Fred William
Godbey, Buddy A.
Guy, Thomas J.
Hackett, Joseph P.
Hall, Lacy II
Hartzell, Becky
Hindt, Joyce Darlene (Urke)
Hoyt, John Nealy Jr.
Hurley, Gary Lynn
Kendrick, Virginia Ruth
Minick, Theresa “Jane”
Polk, Thomas E. Jr.
Price, Janet E.
Ritchhart , Ruth
Russell, Sandra Rose
Snyder, Patricia Joan “Pat”
Steffens, Dale W.
Wheeler, Donald E.
Wilcoxson, Nena Gae
Williams, Gregory Roger
For other
past obituaries
Other area obituaries
Hurley Funeral Home
Locations: Mason City, San Jose, Greenview,
Petersburg, Chandlerville, Havana

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