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Recent obituaries
Barger, Tristyn
Bell, Janet F.
Benedict, Robert L
Chrisman, Lois Maxine
Daugherty, Elizabeth
Dyer, George “Buster” K.
Galloway-Scanlon, Judith Ann
Huneke, Alice Faye
Knauer, Darrell E.
Laurence, Gregg A.
Rifner, Jerry H.
Ruble, Charles “Chuckie” W.
Sams, Carolyn Rebecca (Noling) Leesman
Sanders, Harold
Schneider, Edwin Robert “Ed”
Scroggin, Joyce
Shehorn, Sandra
Smith, Marion Eudell
Vaughan, Lance Edward
West, Joan Lillie
Williams, James E.
For other
past obituaries
Other area obituaries
Hurley Funeral Home
Locations: Mason City, San Jose, Greenview,
Petersburg, Chandlerville, Havana

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