2014 TECHNOLOGY TODAY LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.com September 30, 2014 page 13
More interconnectivity, and yet evolving
What’s new in electronic entertainment:
A person looking for entertainment has
access to more media than ever before, but
it can also be a little overwhelming. Here
is a look at some of the ways in which
technology has allowed for such a wide
range of ways to stay entertained. While the
technology itself is not so different from the
last decade, it is the way we use it that has
influenced entertainment.
Books and Reading
The reader of today no longer has to make
a journey to the book store to find the latest
best sellers. For those who wish to keep their
hard copies safe on the shelves at home, the
Internet has allowed for a greater distribution
of books through online purchases.
The benefit for readers is the ability to
purchase books online through Amazon
or other popular websites. However, in
recent years there has been a push towards
digital copies of books. Books of all ages
and genres are being uploaded to shopping
sites in the form of PDF files and E-Reader
With such technology, it has become possible
for readers to read their libraries via a tablet
or even their phone. It is easier to keep
track of where they left-off, and the threat
of spilling liquids or getting food stains on
the pages becomes less of a problem. In
addition, a series of books can now be stored
on a flash drive attached to a key ring. It is
certainly easier to carry a flash drive instead
of a stack of books with pages numbering in
the thousands.
The novel is not the only type of story that is
benefitting from the creation of the digital