NEWS.COMMarch 1, 2016 Page 33
Teena Lowery
Lincoln Daily News
“I really felt the need this
year to do something with
character education,” said
Mount Pulaski High School
Principal Terry Morgan, as
he spoke excitedly about a
program called The Harbor by
Jostens. The Harbor, which is
part of the Jostens Renaissance
Education program, just
happened to come across
Morgan’s desk over the
summer and it immediately
caught his attention.
If the name Jostens rings a
bell, it’s because it is indeed
the same company that makes
yearbooks, graduation gifts
and class rings, among other
things offered to schools and
organizations. Jostens has
branched out with this program
designed to help students
achieve greater success beyond
the classroom by teaching
them character development in
the classroom.
MPHS students are
introduced to The Harbor
Basically, The Harbor is a
series of character-led videos
addressing issues that affect
students each and every day,
according to Morgan. The
videos are full of messages
that are meant to inspire
students and that is something
Morgan himself is very
passionate about. As the
principal of Mount Pulaski
High School the past seven
years, Morgan really connects
with the students and this
program facilitates his passion
of helping his students to not
only become better people,
but to also feel more like they
are part of a community or a
family if you will.
Principal Morgan explains
the situation that developed at
Mount Pulaski High School
last fall following a student
trip to Springfield to take
part in what was called “The
Harbor Tour.”
“At the beginning of the year,
Michele Clark and Denise
Farnam took forty kids who
At left, Terry
Morgan has
been very
impressed by
The Harbor
videos that
teach character
Learning in the Legacy Groups -
character at Mount Pulaski High School
Principal Terry Morgan is on to something