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NEWS.COMMarch 1, 2016
we identified as potential student leaders and sent
them to a half-day workshop at Sacred Heart-
Griffin High School.” Morgan estimated that
probably thirty other schools participated in the
program that day. He continued, “They came back
and those forty kids are our leaders.”
Meanwhile, he goes on to talk about how the
students were split up into small groups later at
Mount Pulaski High School. “We’ve taken the
freshmen, sophomores and juniors and divided
them into four groups. So you’ve got four
freshmen groups, four sophomore groups and four
junior groups. We only have two senior groups
partly because of two reasons. We lose a chunk
of kids for co-op in the afternoon but we also use
about twenty seniors as our group leaders. In
every one of those groups there is a senior that’s
helping lead the group. So every group has two
student leaders. So ideally, the freshman group has
a senior and a freshman leader in each group. For
the first semester we did this every Friday. Every
Friday afternoon, we took fifteen minutes and they
watched this five minute video and they spent the
next five to ten minutes discussing the video.”
Morgan is very pleased with how well-received
the videos have been and the impact the program
has had on the students. “It’s been very effective.
It’s really good stuff and they actually got to meet
the guy who’s running this whole thing,” said the
principal of approximately 170 students.
Mike Smith influences MPHS to create the
“Legacy Groups”
The guy who is running the whole thing is Mike
Smith, a professional youth speaker and the host
of The Harbor. According to the Jostens website,
Smith “works with young people from all walks of
life, encouraging them to pursue their passions and
out their dreams.” Morgan was as equally
impressed with Smith and his message as the
Mount Pulaski High School students were.
Smith offered up this life-changing theory that
immediately struck a chord with Morgan, “When
they went to visit this presentation, he kept talking
about legacy. What is your legacy? What are you
going to leave behind?” The students from Mount
Pulaski were so impressed that they decided on
the perfect name for their groups. “So we call our
groups “Legacy Groups,” stated Morgan.
Smith introduces the program in one of the videos
by saying, “My name is Mike Smith and for the
past five years I’ve had one focus. To travel
around the country and inspire young people to
leave a legacy behind. As I’ve walked around
hundreds of campuses and spoken to nearly a
million students I’ve noticed something’s missing.
It’s not enough for us to focus on test scores and
grades and GPAs and weighted classes. We’ve
got to challenge young people to think about the
character that they’re developing each and every
day. And that’s what The Harbor aims to do. The
Harbor is a free, online video resource that