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Saturday, Aug. 31




High school football

[AUG. 31, 2002]  Lincoln 14 - Olympia 25

[Click here for pictures from Friday night's game]


College men's soccer

[AUG. 31, 2002]  Lincoln Christian College 0 - Blackburn College 2

Sport schedules

High school football

Central State 8 (including LCHS)


College football


U of I


College women's volleyball



U of I


College men's soccer




College women's soccer



U of I


Articles from the past week


  • Lincoln College golf
  • Lincoln College volleyball


  • Lincoln College soccer season opens on Saturday


  • Anderson returns to volleyball roots


  • Illinois men’s basketball schedule


  • Mayfield’s Mutterings...
    ‘Fandamonium’ opening tonight
    Lincoln/Logan County Chamber, team of the week
  • Lincoln vs. Yankees in Wooden Bat League


  • No new sports reports posted

Bonus mutterings...
live from the Rail Classic

By Jeff Mayfield

[AUG. 30, 2002]  From just inside the ropes

Not very often is the LDN allowed inside the real world of sports. And contrary to what some of our detractors think and say, we totally understand that. We know our place. And we like our place.

We understand that ESPN, FOX, George Steinbrenner and all the big dogs are gonna get wined and dined. That State Farm, Cat and all the big corporations are gonna get catered to since they foot a lot of the bills. We have no problem with that.

Some of my friends say that we’re just the poor stepchild of the whole thing and that the only reason that we get to cover anything is that they probably feel sorry for us. That they’re throwing us a bone because we appear harmless.

We don’t care! We just enjoy doing it. When I’m on vacation or spending time with my family, every once in a while we’re gonna end up at a sporting event. And if that opens the door so that our loyal LDN readers can also take a peak at the action, so be it. Thursday afternoon was just such a case. After work I moseyed over to the Rail with really one plan in mind: to see Nancy Lopez for probably the last time. She has always been one of my favorite golfers — and not because of her association with Ray Knight! Her whole story is a made-for-TV movie.

And the class that she exudes may be second to none in the world of sports. In fact, they ought to let her hold classes for all athletes on manners, how to handle and carry yourself, and being gracious everywhere you go. Nancy has few peers in that department.

She has done so much for women’s golf and golf in general that it’s incredible. I could probably go so far as to say that she has done so much for women’s sports, period!


Because of my late arrival I got to see only four or five holes, but enough to get the gist of the day.

Many of the LPGA workers and volunteers that I spoke with were surprised that there weren’t a few golfers in double figures below par. They felt that with the rain we got, the greens would really hold and make for some lower scores. Perhaps they have never played the Rail themselves.

The Rail is one of my all-time favorite courses. I have actually hit a few good shots on that course. I’ll never forget the 3-wood I hit across the water on 8 or 17, depending on how it is routed now. Yesterday I saw one of the biggest hitters on the tour, Laura Davies, almost knock her tee shot over the water. That lady can really spank a golf ball. I also made a few long, adventurous putts over there. I guess it’s a little harder to do all that with so much pressure and money riding on every shot; I’ll probably never know.

At any rate, that course is one beautiful jewel nestled here in beautiful central Illinois. And these ladies only make it look better.

As I had a chance to speak to some of them, I pointed out to them that this is the one truly major sport that does come to our neighborhood every year. They seemed pleased by that and indicated to me that the Springfield stop on the tour compares favorably with other tour destinations.

What follows are some stray shots — just like my game!


[to top of second column in this article]

Thank You

To Lincoln Developmental Center employees:

The Lincoln Parents' Association would like to express our sincere appreciation for the excellent care you have given our loved ones over the years. You chose to make a career in caring for the most fragile of individuals with disabilities. For this, we are most grateful. 

The stress of this past year has been almost unbearable for you and for us. In spite of poor management, politics and constant scrutiny, you have maintained your excellent level of care. There are not enough words to express our thanks.

Members of the
Lincoln Parents' Association

Celebrity brushes with greatness

The LDN did get to speak to Nancy Lopez, and here’s what the legend had to say:

LDN: Nancy, thank you for the wonderful memories over the years.

Lopez: Thank you.

Very informative and compelling, don’t you think?

We also had a conversation with U.S. Open contender Laura Diaz:

LDN: Laura, you’re on fire…nice putt.

Diaz: Thanks.

It’s insightful reporting like this that makes a guy like me indispensable!

[Photos provided by]

Speaking of Diaz

If you play fantasy golf or can get publicly traded stocks on an LPGAer, put your money on Miss Diaz. This gal is the cat’s meow! She is extremely athletic and has all the tools and all the skills to give Annika and Karrie a run for their money. I really like this young lady’s game. She seems to have the perfect golf build along with a sweet swing. If I had a swing like hers, I wouldn’t have to work for a living!

Shot of the day

On the par-5 fourth, Nancy Lopez hit a titanic drive; but that was nothing compared to her second shot. I think she hit either a 3-wood or a 5-wood to within 6 feet of the hole. It was a magical shot — the one I want to remember Nancy by! Then she snaked in the putt with a great read for the eagle! What a hole!

[Jeff Mayfield]

‘Fandamonium’ opening tonight

Lincoln/Logan County Chamber, team of the week

By Jeff Mayfield

[AUG. 26, 2002]  As a semiprofessional sports writer you hate to ever start a piece by leading in with a confession or an apology. But under the category of shameless promotion, I am forced once again to give you a disclaimer.

Almost three years ago, I got my start with the LDN sports department in what I thought might be a very short-lived endeavor. Three years later we’re going strong, and new possibilities are cropping up every day. One such opportunity has presented itself currently.

My good friend Greg Taylor and I will be hosting a new concept for our area, starting tonight in beautiful downtown Lincoln. We will be simulcasting our sports show via Lincoln Daily News and FIX 96.3 radio from our own local cable station, LogOn Productions, Channel 15. The simulcast will start at 6 p.m. and run an hour. Our goal in the future is to be your sports hangout leading into "Monday Night Football."

To say that we’re excited about this development would be a huge understatement. But actually it’s you loyal LDN readers and FIX 96 listeners who made this thing happen. Apparently dozens of you have been talking up our show at the doughnut shops and the local eateries. The right people overheard some of those conversations, and then I was approached about our interest.

Jim Ash of FIX 96 and Tim and Celeste Rogers of LogOn took it from there. They have worked very hard on this concept all summer long. Tests have been conducted to see how well this format will work, and the possibilities are getting more exciting by the moment.

Just for clarification’s sake. Tim, Celeste and Jim are all professionals; Greg and I are not. The only time we can give them is whatever free time our wives graciously allow us from "honey do" list work and family stuff. I’m sure it would be easier for the professionals to work with other professionals, but we do come cheaply. We also love to do it.

Our jobs have intensified so much in the last couple of years that oftentimes we haven’t even mulled over any sports stuff until we go on the air. So this program, along with our work with the LDN, really gives us a chance to put a handle on things.

On the weekends I try to make a mental note of what sports things people are talking about at Mel-O-Cream, at Guzzardo’s, at Bonanza, while I’m shopping downtown on the square or wherever I am. I then make a list… and if you’ve read our stuff or heard our show you know that we’ve covered more ground than we probably even should have.

BUT, we were serious when we said that this is YOUR paper and this new show is YOUR show.

We do have a few sports and a few athletes that are probably our favorites, but I’m not going to apologize for that. Many of these people and sports have been loyal to me through the years, and if you can’t understand that you never would anyway. For instance, we’re going to root like crazy for Illinois, Illinois State and Lincoln athletic teams. They give us access to their players and to their sports. We think that since we live in this area that most people occasionally care about how our local teams are doing. On the other hand, we’re not going to belittle you if you happen to root for Georgetown, let’s just say. We might ask you why... but we’ll try not to make it personal.


[to top of second column in this article]

There is ONE THING that I would like to ask ALL of our great area residents. Many of you told me during the school year that you listened to Greg and me on the air but that you didn’t call in because you thought that your comment or question wasn’t going to help the show. PLEASE don’t think that. Every single person that has called in, with the exception of Donnie Aeilts (we busted him when he called in), has made a positive impact on the show. In reality, the success of "Fandamonium" will rest in your hands.

Oh, don’t worry about Greg and me. We’ll have plenty of material. Our friends comfort us often by saying that we could spend hours talking about nothing because we just like to hear our own voices. Isn’t it great to have encouraging, supportive pals?

We promise to do our part to make this one of the most exciting new shows on Channel 15 and on the FIX 96 networks. We hope to do some zany and absolutely crazy things that will help rescue YOUR Mondays and get the rest of your work week off to a great start. We hope to do some remote broadcasts, and we hope to interview some celebrities and bring them right into your homes each week.

This very first week we plan to spend some time promoting the re-emergence of Lincoln High School football. If head coach John Oaks is available, we hope to have him in the studio tonight for our very first telecast. This man and his staff have poured themselves into this football program. In some ways, that alone should command some of our respect. I’m hearing good things about Railer football on the streets… I hope you hear them straight from the horse’s mouth tonight on our first installment of "Fandamonium!"

Other guests have been contacted, and we think you will really enjoy hearing from local as well as national celebrities. It could be an amazing ride, and we’d like you to take the journey with us.

So, set your radio dial to FIX 96.3, your TV dial to 15 and your browser to Lincoln Daily News, and the world will be a better place in which to live.

Have a great week, everybody. See YOU tonight at 6!!!

Team of the week

I go outside of the sports bubble to name my TOW for this week. The winner: Bobbi Abbott, her chamber of commerce staff and hundreds of volunteers from Vern Turner on down.

I love this festival! I love the art and I love the balloons! These selfless workers basically killed themselves for several months so that our community could have an event that we could all be proud of — not to mention the thousands of badly needed dollars that are trickling through our town because of their efforts. I never want to take any of them for granted — and just in case no one has bothered to say thank you to any of you great volunteers, on behalf of the LDN, I say THANK YOU by naming you as my team of the week!!!

[Jeff Mayfield]

[Aug. 19 column:  "August mutterings...
Gearing up for another great year of sports


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