*A "Support Our Troops" rally is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Wednesday,
April 23, on the north side of the courthouse in Lincoln. The public
is invited to come and bring flags and banners.
*Lincoln High School has a mural of
past graduates who are serving in the military. The students are
also taking donations to send packages to the troops.
*Weyerhaeuser is providing boxes for
shipments to troops.
*Pam Barton-Ridgeway is coordinating an
effort to get yellow ribbons to anyone in the community so the
ribbons will all be the same. The YMCA Teen Leaders group is
assisting her in that effort. Call 732-8846 if you are interested.
*Y Teen Leaders are also doing
fund-raising and purchasing supplies such as shampoo, conditioner,
body wash and plastic kitchenware to give to military families for
their use or to send overseas.

[to top of second column in
this article] |

*Channel 5 is offering to do free
videotapes for families and will display on Channel 5 any pictures
provided of military personnel.
*IGA gave $1,000 in supplies to the VFW
to help them fill packages to send to our troops.
*"Support our Troops" signs are being
sold by VFW, Bright Idea Screen Printing and Glenn Brunk Stationers.
VFW is also selling gold star flags.
*Lincoln Area YMCA is offering 50
percent off on any programs to military families.
*"Support our Troops" pins are being
sold by Y Teen Leaders for $2. Call 735-3915 if you are interested
in purchasing these pins.
with a loved one in the service can tie a yellow ribbon and
plastic-enclosed photo on a tree around the courthouse.
[Linda Marini, Lincoln Area