Thursday, Aug. 7


Emden to receive Community Development Grant, and local
IDOT projects announced    
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[AUG. 7, 2003]  Rep. Bill Mitchell, R-Forsyth, is pleased to announce that the following villages will be receiving a Community Development Assistance Grant:

  • Village of Emden, $25,000.00 -- Feasibility study for new waste water system
  • Village of Hopedale, $25,000.00 -- Study of malfunctioning wastewater treatment plant

"I’m happy that the state of Illinois has recognized the tremendous infrastructure needs of central Illinois. I am committed to bringing our hard-earned tax dollars back to our communities," Mitchell said.

Word has also been received from the Illinois Department of Transportation that some new infrastructure projects are being released in our area.

The projects announced in the Logan County area are:

  • $750,000 toward widening and resurfacing of the internal park roads and the reconstruction of parking areas at the Edward Madigan State Park. Also included is the resurfacing of County Road 128.
  • $588,000 for resurfacing Route 464 (Springfield Road) from Toboggan Avenue south to Route 122 northeast of Delavan.

[to top of second column in this article]

"Of course I like to see as many infrastructure dollars as possible come into central. Illinois," said Mitchell. "High-quality roads help attract businesses and improve the quality of life in a community, not to mention save you from some wear and tear on your car."

"I'll always be fighting to bring road fund money back to the 87th District," Mitchell added.

[News releases from Rep. Bill Mitchell]

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