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Supersweet sweet corn --
50 years in the making
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[JULY 24, 2003]  URBANA -- Fifty years ago, sweet corn wasn't all that sweet and had a short shelf-life, which made it difficult for grocery stores to stock it. Due to the persistence of some corn researchers at the University of Illinois, today's sweet corn not only lives up to its name in taste, it maintains its high quality for over a week -- long enough to get it into stores and onto our dinner tables.

Jerald "Snook" Pataky, U of I plant pathologist in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, has researched the history of U of I's contribution to the existence of today's supersweet corn and will be one of the featured speakers at Agronomy Day on Aug. 21.

The supersweet sweet corn saga began in the early 1950s, when John Laughnan, a corn geneticist and assistant professor of botany at U of I, was investigating the relationship between two genes: one that results in purple pigmentation and another, called sh2, that causes kernels to be shrunken and shriveled. As he contemplated why kernels of the sh2 genotype were so shriveled, Laughnan discovered that the endosperm of sh2 kernels stored less starch and four to 10 times more sugar than endosperms of normal "sugary" sweet corn or field corn.

In 1953, Laughnan published his work and suggested to the sweet corn industry that his findings might be of use in commercial sweet corn hybrids. At the time, very few sweet corn breeders shared Laughnan's enthusiasm for the possibilities of this new type of "supersweet" corn.

Despite a lack of support for his ideas, Laughnan began a program to convert a few of the most popular sweet corn inbreds to sh2. In 1961, he released through Illinois Foundation Seeds Inc. the supersweet versions of Golden Cross Bantam and Iochief, which became known as Illini Chief.

Since seed of Illini Chief was difficult to produce, IFSI developed a three-way hybrid named Illini Xtra Sweet. The company became the first to sell supersweet corn and began to develop markets for the new product in the United States and Japan. For the next 20 years, IFSI and Crookham Company, a family-owned, Idaho-based seed company involved in seed production of Illini Xtra Sweet, were the only commercial organizations with serious supersweet breeding programs.

During this time, professors at universities in Florida, Wisconsin and Hawaii were also developing supersweet hybrids.

During the late 1960s and early 1970s, A.M. "Dusty" Rhodes, a U of I professor of horticulture, discovered the "sugary enhancer" trait in an inbred line that was developed from a cross of Illinois sweet corn and corn with Bolivian ancestry. This trait modified normal sugary sweet corn, resulting in about twice as much sugar content and extremely tender kernels. Compared with the supersweet hybrids available during this period, these new sugary-enhancer hybrids were slightly less sweet but considerably more tender, with a creamy texture that was missing in the supersweet hybrids. Still, like normal sugary sweet corn, these hybrids had a relatively short shelf-life, because sugary and sugary-enhancer hybrids converted kernel sugars to starch after harvest. Supersweet hybrids based on Laughnan's sh2 gene, on the other hand, lacked ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, the enzyme responsible for this conversion.


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In the early 1980s, Abbott and Cobb Inc., a midsized, family-owned seed company, began a successful marketing campaign to educate grocery store produce buyers and Florida sweet corn growers about the superior extended shelf-life of supersweet corn. Within five years, the 50,000 acres of sweet corn produced in Florida went from less than 2 percent supersweet to over 90 percent supersweet. Soon, the same trend occurred throughout the U.S. for all sweet corn grown for long-distance shipping. Simultaneously, the introduction of a supersweet hybrid with traits necessary for processing marked the beginning of canned supersweet corn, which required no additional sugar or salt added to the can.

Disease resistance has been another factor in the process. In the early 1980s, Rhodes and a student, Mark Mikel, developed a new sugary-enhancer inbred that was resistant to the maize dwarf mosaic virus. This line is a parent of the most widely grown sweet corn hybrid in Europe. Various Rp genes, which convey resistance to the common rust fungus, Puccinia sorghi, were first identified in the 1960s by Art Hooker, a maize pathologist and breeder at UI. These genes, incorporated into supersweet and sugary-enhancer hybrids, are the primary method by which rust is being controlled in sweet corn today. Similarly, Ht genes identified by Hooker have been incorporated in supersweet hybrids to control the northern leaf blight fungus.

In the past three years, Crookham Company, IFSI and a few other companies have introduced a new type of supersweet sweet corn that combines the beneficial attributes of Laughnan's sh2 and Rhodes' sugary-enhancer corn. This new type of sweet corn has the high sugar content and long shelf-life that is characteristic of Laughnan's sh2 and the creamy texture of Rhodes' corn. Disease resistances identified at U of I also are being incorporated into these new Xtra Tender hybrids.

Pataky's history of sweet corn is one of more than 20 research projects that will be featured at Agronomy Day 2003, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 21, at the Crop Sciences Research Education Center, located south of the University of Illinois' main Urbana campus. For more information, including directions and a listing of all of the research projects to be presented, call (217) 333-4424 or visit www.cropsci.uiuc.edu/agronomyday.

[University of Illinois press release]    

Related LDN article: "Agronomy Day will feature latest research"

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