LDN publishes all obituaries free of
charge and accepts pictures for obits free of charge. The full text
of the obituaries is available online free of charge in Logan County
and across the world. E-mail condolences are available from
subscribing funeral homes. Ask your funeral director to make sure
the obituary of your loved one is placed in Lincoln Daily News.
Tuesday, March 3:
City: Police
department restructure approved; federal funds to help secure City
Hall; and more city business
ALMH employees
receive recognition from American Heart Association
Hope for
transportation continues for Logan, Mason and Menard
HOPE Mobile to offer
colorectal screening tests
This is
Severe Weather Preparedness
2009 severe weather fact sheet
Kick-a-Thon, LJHS band kudos, Humane
Society, Mount Pulaski American Legion and First Cumberland
Presbyterian Church in Close Up By Mike Fak
Police reports
Spring pruning
By John Fulton
Weekly Outlook:
Hog profits
Library notes
service of prayer for healing
Monday's results from games within the Decatur Sectional
Logan Lanes:
American Bowling League -
Split 'n' Gutter League
AP news
Monday, March 2
Saturday, Feb. 28
Friday, Feb. 27
Thursday, Feb. 26
Wednesday, Feb. 25