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ALMH celebrates with open house

New women’s health and birthing facilities provide caring environment while using advanced technology

[AUG. 3, 2001]  Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital is celebrating the opening of its newest additions, the Women's Health Unit and Family Maternity Suites, with an open house on Sunday, Aug. 12. The community is invited to tour the new unit and suites from 2 to 4 p.m.

According to Woody Hester, ALMH president and CEO, "We are committed to recognizing and responding to the needs of our patients, families and physicians, and these state-of-the-art facilities ensure that we continue to provide the most up-to-date service available to our community."

The Women's Health Unit is designed to promote the lifelong good health of women. Providing individualized care in a comfortable setting, the unit is dedicated to providing quality care for women in any stage in their life. The Women's Health Unit includes five private rooms, each with private restrooms. The unit will focus on women's inpatient gynecological surgical procedures.


According to Donna Klawitter, obstetrics nurse manager, "At the new ALMH Women's Health Unit, the balance between a warm, caring environment and the most advanced technology helps make women's health our top priority."

At ALMH's new Family Maternity Suites, families are welcomed and encouraged to share in the wonder and excitement of childbirth. Inside each family-centered birthing suite, the latest technology is balanced with the comforts of home.


[to top of second column in this article]

One of the unique features of the attractively decorated suites is that labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum care are now possible in a spacious single room. There is no need for an uncomfortable move to another room after delivery. Family Maternity Suites includes four private maternity suites, two private rooms and a state-of-the art nursery. The floor also includes a surgery suite for Caesarean sections.

All rooms are private and feature a private bath and hand-held massage shower, color television, VCR, phone and homelike furnishings, including a sleep chair for the support person's overnight stay. A 24-hour visitation policy for fathers and support persons adds to mom's comfort and confidence.

Klawitter states, "We take the health and well-being of the women we serve very seriously and are committed to improving it. These new facilities are state-of-the-art. It is a tremendous accomplishment for this community to have a Women's Health Unit and Family Maternity Suites of this caliber."

These projects were funded by the generous support of community friends, with ALMH employees and the ALMH Auxiliary leading the way.

[ALMH news release]

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Health Matters

A monthly feature from Logan County Health Department

Breast-feeding benefits

[AUG. 1, 2001]  There are many benefits from breast-feeding your baby. Breast-feeding is nature’s way to feed and nourish your baby.

Breast or human milk gives the best nutrition for your baby. It provides the right balance of nutrients for human babies from birth through the growth and development of your baby’s first year. No other food is necessary for the first six months.

Breast milk also provides protection against some infections. Studies have shown that the immune system of breast-fed babies benefits as well. The incidence of certain diseases in exclusively breast-fed babies is reduced. Even some allergic symptoms show a reduced incidence in these babies.

Breast-feeding helps with the babies’ development of strong jaw and facial muscles, mouth structure, and positioning of the teeth. This is because the sucking technique for breast-feeding is entirely different than for bottle feeding.

There are studies that have also suggested other benefits for your baby. These include psychological as well as cognitive benefits, with breast milk playing a role in the growth of the central nervous system. Breast-fed babies have scored higher in educational achievement tests as they have grown. Some of the studies have taken place over an 18-year time span.

There are also a variety of benefits for the mother who chooses to breast-feed.

If you have any questions or would like more information about breast-feeding, please contact the certified lactation counselor at the Logan County Health Department, 109 Third St.; phone (217) 735-2317.

[Provided by Logan County Health Department]


[to top of second column in this article]

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Part 2

Walking: A good step to better health

[JULY 12, 2001]  Walking is great for the body and mind, the cheapest exercise around and also one of the easiest forms of exercise a person can do.

[Click here for Part 1]

According to the U.S. Public Health Service, before you start any fitness routine, it’s a good idea to visit your physician for a checkup, just in case you have any underlying health conditions that need monitoring. Once you get the go-ahead, wear comfortable clothing and shoes to make your walk as pleasant as possible and to avoid serious injuries.

Once you have your gear ready, start slowly and do only what feels comfortable. Results can be seen with only 20 to 30 minutes of walking a day, three times a week.

Once you have the right attire and the right attitude, approach walking wisely to get an effective workout. Stretch before and after your walk to prevent muscle cramps. Start slow, walking with your back straight, toes pointed forward and chin up. With each step, plant your heel down first and push off with your toes. Move your arms to give yourself more momentum and to tone arm muscles. You can even carry a couple of dumbbells and do arm curls while you walk.

Experts say you can use the "talk test" to determine if you’re exercising at the proper pace. You should be able to carry on a conversation without gasping for air. Finish your workout by slowing down to a casual stroll and ending with a stretch.

Studies also show that incorporating moderate- to high-intensity spurts into your workout not only helps you burn fat four times faster but also brings new life to an old routine and keeps your body from plateauing — getting so accustomed to a particular workout that it loses its effectiveness. To interval train, walk three minutes at your regular pace (brisk, yet comfortable), then walk faster for a full minute by lengthening your stride and swinging your arms harder. Return to your regular pace for three minutes, then walk fast for one minute. You can do this combination throughout your workout.


[to top of second column in this article]

Varying the intensity level of each interval is also helpful. For example, walk faster the first one-minute interval. The second interval, walk up a small hill or a few flights of stairs or increase the incline on the treadmill. On the third interval, jog or sprint if you can and repeat the different levels during your walk.

Also, when walking outdoors, consider the effects of the environment on your body, especially during the summer. The sun can affect your endurance, so you may not perform as well on a blistering hot day. Experts advise walking during cooler periods, such as early morning or at dusk, and carrying water and drinking it frequently, even if you’re not thirsty.

Many people find that walking in shady areas or air-conditioned shopping malls is an easy alternative to fighting the outdoor conditions.

A regular walking plan can provide major health benefits. A recent study by the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health found that post-menopausal women who started a walking program 10 to 15 years ago as part of a clinical trial reported fewer cases of heart disease and half as many hospitalizations compared with
women in the trial who did not walk.

Walking has been proven to be a good choice of exercise for people of all ages, and experts say that walking is a good foundation for any fitness program and an excellent alternative when you can’t make it to the gym. Even if you’ve never exercised before, or started and stopped, walking could be your best prescription for fitness.

[Penny Zimmerman-Wills]

Part 1

Walking: A good step to better health

[JULY 7, 2001]  Gary "Skip" Dobey of Elkhart dons his walking shoes several times a week for a mile-and-a-half trek. But walking wasn’t always part of his daily routine.

Benefits of walking

(source: U.S. Public Health Service)

*  Increases your energy

*  Makes you feel better

*  Helps relieve tension and helps you relax

*  Reduces stress

*  Helps you sleep better

*  Tones your muscles

*  Controls your appetite

*  Burns calories

Even though the 57-year-old now says walking makes him feel better, he admits health reasons forced him to take up the exercise. Last Thanksgiving, Dobey had heart bypass surgery. After three months of recovery, he took his doctor’s advice and began walking toward a healthier lifestyle.

"It’s not my favorite thing to do," said Dobey. "It’s not one of my favorite pastimes, but you have to do what you have to do. I walk fast to get my heartbeat up. I feel better. You can tell a difference in the way you feel."

Dobey is just one of millions of Americans who have found walking to be their preferred form of exercise. Walking is the most popular exercise in the country today because it’s easy, convenient and can be done anywhere, anytime. It’s a safe, low-impact activity that’s easy on the body and an excellent form of exercise for senior citizens because of the minimal risk to muscles and joints.

How to walk

Walking the right way is important to avoid injuries.

* Walk with your chin up and shoulders held slightly back.

* Walk so the heel of your foot touches the ground first. Roll your weight forward.

* Walk with your toes pointed forward.

* Make sure you wear comfortable shoes and cushioned socks.

Dobey, who enjoys walking outside during warm weather months, said he walked at
the hospital during his recovery and later at the local Wal-Mart store and at home on a treadmill during the cold winter months. He plans to continue his new exercise regime, which includes weight machines and bicycling, this winter.

"Sometimes I don’t want to walk, but after I get going and start doing it, you feel better. It’s hard to discipline yourself that you have to do it," he added.

Medical experts claim walking just 30 minutes a day three times every week can produce great benefits for your body, especially when combined with healthy eating. Walking lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, stimulates circulation and
reduces the risk of heart attack, heart disease and stroke. It boosts your immune system, metabolism and endurance, while strengthening your bones, toning muscles, prompting weight loss and helping you sleep better.

In addition to the physical benefits, walking has
important psychological effects. It decreases stress and tension, relieves depression and improves both your mood and your self-image.



[to top of second column in this article]

Tips for your walking program

It’s important to design a program that will work for you. In planning your walking program, keep the following points in mind:

* Choose a safe place to walk. Find a partner or group of people to walk with.

* Wear shoes with thick, flexible soles to cushion your feet and absorb shock.

* Wear clothes right for the season. Cotton clothes in summer help keep you cool by absorbing sweat and allowing it to evaporate. Layer clothing in the winter and take layers off as you warm up.

* Stretch before you walk.

* Walk in three parts: slowly for five minutes at the beginning and end of your walk to warm up and cool down and at a faster pace in between.

* Try to walk a minimum of three times a week.

"Men tend to think that they work hard and walk (at work) all week, but that’s not the same kind of exercise," said Dobey, who has been an Eaton Corporation employee for 37 years.

"Sometimes I come home from the plant and I don’t feel like doing it. I think to myself that I put in eight hours and I’m tired. But that’s a different kind of exercise; it’s not the same as continuous exercise to get your heart rate up," he said. 

A study by the American Council on Exercise shows that a brisk walk can even help improve your memory. A new study of older adults found that those who walked about 45 minutes, three times per week for six months performed substantially better on several cognitive tasks than those who did stretching or strengthening exercises. Not only did the walkers perform better on tests that gauged their ability to plan, establish schedules and switch between tasks, they also showed significant improvement in oxygen consumption. Previous studies have also shown a link between lifelong exercise and a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Medical experts say that people who can’t even walk under normal conditions can walk in a swimming pool using flotation devices to strengthen their muscles.

Walking also is part of the rehabilitation program for many heart attack and stroke sufferers.

Not only is walking great for the body and mind, it’s also the cheapest exercise around. All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes, cushioned socks and you’re ready to go. And you can walk up and down your stairways, around the neighborhood, at one of the local parks, inside at the gym or on a treadmill.

Not only does it ease the mind and tone the body, it’s also one of the easiest forms of exercise a person can do.

(To be continued)

[Penny Zimmerman-Wills]

[Click here for Part 2]

More resources  (source: Walking Magazine)

American College of Sports Medicine
P.O. Box 1440
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1440
Website: www.acsm.org

Appalachian Trail Conference
799 Washington St.
Harpers Ferry, WV 25425
Website: www.atconf.org

American Council on Exercise
5820 Oberlin Drive
San Diego, CA 92121-3787
Website: www.acefitness.org

American Volkssport Association
1001 Pat Booker Road, Suite 101
Universal City, TX 78148
Website: www.ava.org

American Discovery Trail Society
P.O. Box 20155
Washington, DC 20041-2155
Phone: (800) 663-2387 or (703) 753-0149
Website: www.discoverytrail.org

Honors & Awards



Mobile health unit schedule

The Rural Health Partnership has announced the schedule for its mobile health unit. Effective Feb. 1, 2001, the unit will run as follows:


Morning: 9-11 a.m.



Afternoon: 1-3:30 p.m.


1st and 3rd


1st and 3rd



2nd and 4th

San Jose

2nd and 4th






Mount Pulaski



New Holland




1st, 2nd, 3rd





Friendship Manor-Lincoln


1st, 2nd, 4th





2nd and 4th




Maintenance/ special events


special events

The mobile health unit does not operate on the following dates/holidays during 2001:  Feb. 19 (President’s Day), April 13 (Good Friday), May 28 (Memorial Day), July 4 (Independence Day), Sept. 3 (Labor Day), Oct. 8 (Columbus Day), Nov. 12 (Veterans Day), Nov. 22-23 (Thanksgiving break), and Dec. 24 - Jan. 1, 2002 (Christmas break).

For more information on the mobile health unit schedule and services, contact Dayle Eldredge at (217) 732-2161, Ext. 409.

This family resource list to save and use is provided by the Healthy Communities Partnership (732-2161, Ext. 409) and the Healthy Families Task Force.         

Resources for Logan County families


Phone number



911 (Emergencies)
732-3911 (Office -- non-emergency)

911 Pekin St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital


315 Eighth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Aging (Department of)


421 E. Capitol, #100
Springfield, IL 62701-1789

American Cancer Society

546-7586 (24 hour)

1305 Wabash, Ste. J
Springfield, IL 62704

American Red Cross


125 S. Kickapoo
Lincoln, IL 62656

Catholic Social Services


310 S. Logan
Lincoln, IL 62656

Chamber of Commerce


303 S. Kickapoo St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Community Action (CIEDC)


1800 Fifth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Community Child Care Connection


1004 N. Milton Ave.
Springfield, IL 62702-443

Crisis Pregnancy Center


513 Pulaski St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

DCFS (Department of Children & Family Services)

(crisis hotline)

1100 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Heartland Community College GED Program


620 Broadway St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Hospice Care of Illinois

(24 hour)
732-2161, Ext. 444

720 N. Bond
Springfield, IL 62702

Housing Authority

732-6312 (24 hour)

1028 N. College St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Illinois Breast & Cervical Cancer Program


LCHD - 109 Third St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Illinois Department of Public Health


535 W. Jefferson
Springfield, IL 62761

Illinois Employment and Training Center (replaces JTPA office)


120 S. McLean St., Suite B
Farm Bureau Building
Lincoln, IL 62656

Legal Assistance Foundation

(217) 753-3300

730 E. Vine St., Ste. 214
Springfield, IL 62703

Library - Atlanta

(217) 648-2112

100 Race St.
Atlanta, IL 61723

Library - Elkhart

(217) 947-2313

121 E. Bohan
Elkhart, IL 62634

Library - Lincoln


725 Pekin St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Library - Mount Pulaski


320 N. Washington
Mount Pulaski, IL 62548

Lincoln Area YMCA


319 W. Kickapoo St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Lincoln/Logan Food Pantry


P.O. Box 773
Lincoln, IL 62656

Lincoln Parents’ Center


100 S. Maple
Lincoln, IL 62656

Lincoln Park District


1400 Primm Rd.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Logan County Department of Human Services (Public Aid)


1550 Fourth St., P.O. Box 310
Lincoln, IL 62656

Logan County Health Department


109 Third St., P.O. Box 508
Lincoln, IL 62656

Logan Mason Mental Health

(crisis line)

304 Eighth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Logan-Mason Rehabilitation Center


760 S. Postville Dr.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Oasis (Senior Citizens of Logan County)


501 Pulaski St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Project READ


620 Broadway St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Salvation Army


1501 N. Kickapoo
Lincoln, IL 62656

Senior Services of Central Illinois

(crisis line)

109 Third St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

Sojourn Shelter & Service Inc.

(217) 726-5200 (24-hour hotline)

1800 Westchester Blvd.
Springfield, IL 62704

U. of I. Division of Specialized Care for Children



421 S. Grand Ave. West, 2nd Floor
Springfield, IL 62704

U. of I. Extension Service


122 S. McLean St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

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