Events, Milestones,
Neighbors, Fund-raisers,
A Day in the Life...,
Diaspora, Reunions,
October 2001
Oct. 20
St. John United Church of Christ
WHO: Public
German Fest
St. John United Church of Christ, Seventh Street
11 am - 6 pm
WHO: Public
1850s open house
Mount Pulaski Courthouse
noon-8 pm
Knapp/Chesnut/Becker Historical Society
WHO: Public
Turkey supper
New Holland-Middletown School, Middletown
4-7 pm
Oct. 21
United Way of Logan County
Pancake and sausage breakfast
American Legion Hall, 1740 Fifth St.
7 am - 1 pm
Oct. 22
Lincoln Public Library
"On the Road with
Antiques," featuring Rob and Joy Luke of
Luke Auctions
Lincoln Public Library, 725 Pekin St.
7 pm
Thursday, Oct. 25
U of I Extension
Making,” presented by Dick and Betty Applegate, Atlanta
Extension office, 980 N. Postville Drive
1 pm
Oct. 27
Lincoln Christian Church
WHO: Public
Harvest of Talents, benefiting the International Disaster Emergency
Fellowship Center, 311 N. Hamilton St., and Woman's Club Building,
230 N. McLean St.
Daylong activities, starting at 7 am; auction at 2 pm
Eminence Christian Church
WHO: Public
Eminence Christian Church bazaar
Atlanta Community Building, city roads 2500 North and 1600 East
8 am - 2 pm
Oct. 30
Lincoln Park District
WHO: Public
Halloween Funfest
Lincoln Park District ballroom, 900 Primm Road
6:30-8 pm
Deliveries sibling class scheduled, United
Way sponsors breakfast, K/C/B
Historical Society serves annual turkey supper, ‘On
the Road with Antiques’ program at library, HIF
fall open house a success, Display
honors Korean War veterans, Oct.
17 blood drive postponed, Mount
Pulaski Courthouse open house, Festival
of Trees looks for sponsors, U
of I Extension offers candy-making class, Lincoln
Public Library adult program schedule, CEFCU
accepts contributions to
Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund, Ed
Madigan exhibit featured at Lincoln College Museum
ORGANIZATIONS: Girl Scouts, Kiwanis,
U of I
Extension, Vineyard
Deliveries sibling class scheduled
Lincoln Junior Woman’s Club, in conjunction with Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital, is hosting a Special Deliveries sibling class on
Sunday, Oct. 28, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Education Room on the third
floor at Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital, 315 Eighth St., Lincoln.
These classes, which are offered quarterly, are designed to help
children become more comfortable with a new baby brother or sister.
The afternoon will consist of safety tips for children, a tour of
the hospital’s new Family Maternity Suites, craft time and
ages are invited to attend. There is no fee for the class, but
reservations are required. For more information or to register for
the class, please call the ALMH Family Maternity Suites at (217)
732-2161, Ext. 235.
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of Talents schedule
18th annual Harvest of Talents will be at Lincoln Christian Church
on Saturday, Oct. 27. All proceeds go to International Disaster
Emergency Service to aid hunger victims around the world.
open at two locations at 7 a.m.
the Fellowship Center, 311 N. Hamilton St., you will enjoy:
7-10:30 a.m. — Breakfast: fresh caramel-pecan and cinnamon rolls,
juice, coffee.
11 a.m.-1 p.m. — Luncheon: H.O.T. vegetable soup, barbecue
sandwiches, homemade pie.
2 p.m. — Auction: Cherry secretary, small walnut table, oak deacon’s
bench, furnished doll house, quilts, comforters, cross-stitch, much more.
Twelve specialty shops include Four Season (new), Angel Shoppe,
Gifts from around the World, calligraphy table, sports and hobbies.
the Harvest Annex, 230 N. McLean St. (Woman’s Club Building),
you will discover:
Yesteryear’s Kitchen, featuring jams, jellies, pickles, salsa
herbs, dog biscuits, black walnuts, gift baskets, pies, cakes,
rolls, cookies, specialty breads and mixes.
Muffin Mania, offering many varieties of fresh-baked muffins,
fresh-brewed flavored coffees and cappuccino.
will be special areas for kindergarten through fourth-graders and
for fifth- and sixth-graders.
5K run at 8 a.m. is co-sponsored by YMCA and Harvest of Talents.
Way sponsors breakfast
Way of Logan County is sponsoring a pancake and sausage breakfast
from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 21. The breakfast will be at
the American Legion Hall, 1740 Fifth St. in Lincoln.
can be purchased at the door or by calling Lois Leonard, 735-4499,
or Mary Elston, 732-2159. Ticket prices are $4 for adults and $2 for
children 12 and under.
Historical Society serves annual turkey supper
annual "all-you-can-eat" turkey supper sponsored by the
Knapp/Chesnut/Becker Historical Society will be served from 4 to 7
p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20, at the Middle School in Middletown.
menu includes turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green
beans, choices of salads, rolls, pie or cake, and beverage.
for the benefit are $6 for 10 years and older, $3 for children ages
4 to 9, and free for those younger. Donations will be accepted for a
50-50 drawing.
displays will include a preview of "Yesterday’s
Tomorrows" Smithsonian exhibits, which will be sponsored by the
Illinois Humanities Council and the Smithsonian of Washington, D.C.
at the K/C/B Library-Museum from June 23 to July 28, 2002; the
"Friendship" quilt by Helen Staats; "Flowers of
America" by Janice Jockisch; Michael Finch’s (Delas and Jean
Johnson’s grandson) Illinois History Fair entry, rated
"superior," of the farm northwest of Middletown, a
military training camp; Pat Cooper’s memorabilia; Indian
arrowheads from Bill Bryson of Mount Pulaski; and a display provided
by Paul Gleason.
and Dorothy Jane Dirks of Athens will have the "Menard County
Schools" books for sale. Eddie will answer queries concerning
genealogy and family history.
especial interest will be two dried pieces of wood from the
"Big Tree" (grew to a 61-foot diameter and was cut down in
1959) at the K/C/B Library-Museum. The wood was given by Margaret
Lufkin of Springfield, a descendant of Ben and Myrtle Chesnut of
green shutters scheduled to be installed this month and work on the
interior to proceed this fall and winter, the dream of a public
library-museum for Middletown is coming closer to reality.
from the turkey supper benefit will be used for interior renovation,
learning materials and equipment.
the Road with Antiques’ program at library
and Joy Luke of Luke Auctions in Bloomington will present a program
entitled "On the Road with Antiques" on at 7 on Thursday
evening, Oct. 22, at the Lincoln Public Library.
what is hot and what is not in antique collecting. Six lucky
attendees will receive an appraisal of their antique. Light
refreshments will be served following the program. The seating is on
first-come, first-served basis.
not too late to register for the weekly story times and craft times
in the children’s department.
library is located at 725 Pekin St. For more information about the
auction program and future adult programming or the children’s
programs, call the library at 732-8878 or 732-5732.
fall open house a success
County Airport, a gateway to Logan County, was a busy place on
Sunday Oct. 7. The reason for much of the activity was Heritage in
Flight Museum’s fall open house. While the 72 members and visitors
enjoyed the fall weather and the cold cider or hot cider punch, the
open house had much more to offer.
eye-catchers were a display of radio-controlled model airplanes that
fly and a Heritage in Flight Museum logo patch that was carried into
space on a space shuttle flight. Rick Naugel of Lawndale said,
"I sent my cousin astronaut Scott Altman a Heritage in Flight
patch and some time later received an official document stating that
the patch had been into space on a shuttle flight." Naugle also
displayed a number of model kits that he had purchased in Russia
through a Russian e-mail friend.
builder Frank Musick of Warrensburg was overheard telling his friend
and museum co-worker, Tom Hunter of Lincoln, "We can use these
models to help the museum’s aviation career cadets get the feeling
of controlling an aircraft." Musick’s adult son, of Lincoln,
built several of the models and joined his father in receiving a
number of awards for the accuracy of their models.
most popular of the static displays was the F4 Phantom II. Retired
Air Force Lt. Col. John J. Harty made the trip from Brighton, Mo.,
to present an award to Lincoln High School sophomore Ryan Wells for
his restoration work on the Phantom II. Harty also brought a number
of related items for display in the museum and for sale in the gift
of the other static displays had its admirers. As Betty Underkoffler
of Bloomington was helped out of the museum’s A-7E Corsair II, she
said, "I can’t believe that I have been sitting in the
cockpit of the plane flown by Cmdr. Patrick Driscoll, the present
lead pilot of the Blue Angles, in the Operation Desert Storm."
The Corsair II has been replaced by the F/A-18 Hornet.
King of Mason City exclaimed, "Heritage in Flight Museum has
one of the most interesting collections of aviation and military
memorabilia in the Midwest!"
and Russell Warren flew in from Bloomington to find out more about
the museum and its airport companion, the newly formed Experimental
Aviation Association War Bird Chapter 25. Pam, a professional
photographer, said, "I want to support the War Bird chapter
with my membership." Pam left as a member of Chapter 25 and
also supported the Heritage in Flight Museum by providing a series
of photographs for a planned museum brochure.
purpose of the open house was to show Heritage in Flight Museum
facilities and to explain its educational
programs, which have been
expanded through a grant received from the Illinois
Natural Resources and administered by the
Illinois State Museum.
first two students are now enrolled as aviation career cadets. The
first formal meeting will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Nov. 4 at the museum.
the crowd left, HIF Vice President John R. Holmes of Mount Pulaski
finished the day by returning the museum’s aircraft that fly, a
Cessna T-165 and the L-16 Champ, to their place in the museum’s
Underkoffler, educational coordinator for Heritage in Flight Museum]
honors Korean War veterans
Richard Schachtsiek, site manager, Mount Pulaski Courthouse
at Mount Pulaski Courthouse always means fall festival time. This
year was different from the past 10-plus years because there were no
quilts on display during the fall festival. The Mount Pulaski Woman’s
Club moved their quilt show to June from the traditional September
of a quilt show, the historic courtroom had a display on the 50th
anniversary of the Korean War. On display were about 18 laminated
posters dealing with the chronology and various elements of the
Korean War. In addition there was a small display of Korean War
memorabilia. Thanks to Richard Tieke for providing the posters and
helping to organize the event.
who came into the courthouse to see the Korean War display also had
the chance to speak with a veteran. Several local Korean War-era
veterans gave their time to answer questions and tell of their own
wartime experiences. Thanks to the following men who gave their time
50 years ago and a few hours during the fall festival: Ed Morris,
Earl Maxheimer, Bob Maske, Dean Cates and Charles Aylesworth.
special flag-raising ceremony that Saturday morning was part of the
Korean War anniversary event. Members of the local Veterans of
Foreign Wars and American Legion took part in the simple ceremony. A
48-star flag, as used during the war, and a 50th
anniversary commemorative flag were flown during the day. Thanks to
all the veterans who participated in the flag ceremony.
the courthouse on Saturday, a local re-enactor, Deron Miller of
Springfield, was dressed as an army soldier would have looked in the
early 1950s. He also had the equipment and several of the weapons
carried during the Korean War.
as always, to Wally Kautz, who helped prepare for the event and take
down the display.
are for a similar event in 2003 to mark the 50th anniversary of the
"end" of the Korean War. The courthouse management looks forward to
working again with Richard Teike and other veterans on that event.
September the following Mount Pulaski Courthouse volunteers gave 120
hours: D. Aper, D. and M. Baker, D. Brooker, J. Cavestani, J. and K.
Connolley, A. Davis, M. Downing, H. Fine,
V. Harbarger, P. Hawk, M.
W. Kautz, J. Martin, J. Maske, J. Richner, C. and L. Schahl,
B. Stahl, E. Stahl, T. and W. Stephens, and C. Van Rheedan.
army officers visit the courthouse
visitors come to tour Mount Pulaski Courthouse with some frequency.
On Aug. 27, Wally Kautz, the volunteer working that day, had some
special foreign visitors: three Polish army officers.
three Polish army officers were in Illinois as part of an exchange
program with the Illinois Army National Guard. The officers
were from the Tadeus Kosciusko Military Academy. The officers were brought to town to tour the
historic courthouse by Mount Pulaski’s own Capt. Stan Manes.
Kautz had another interesting experience while working at the
courthouse in August. He received a phone call from an irate lady.
She was upset about not having her driver’s license returned after
paying her fine. Wally made several attempts to explain he was at a
historic courthouse, not the present Logan County Courthouse. He
finally convinced her and gave her the correct phone number for the
current courthouse in Lincoln. This was the first irate phone call
but not the first time people have called or even come into the
historic courthouse wanting to do county business. Working
at a historic site can be interesting.
courthouse volunteers listed below hosted more than 60 visitors and
worked 130 hours in August: D. Aper, D. and M. Baker, M. Borgerson,
K. Boyd, D. Brooker, J. Cavestani,
A. Davis, M. Downing, H. Fine, V.
Harbarger, P. Hawk,
M. Johnson, W. Kautz, J. Martin, J. Maske, J.
Richner, C. and L. Schahl, D. Smith, B. Stahl, E. Stahl, C. Van
[Richard Schachtsiek, site
manager, Mount Pulaski Courthouse]
17 blood drive postponed
Heart of America Region of the American Red Cross has advised the
local office that due to the large amount of blood donations
recently it is necessary to cut back on a few blood drives. The
blood drive scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 17, at the Lincoln Sports
Complex has been postponed.
Pulaski Courthouse open house
music will be featured at the 1850s open house scheduled for
Saturday, Oct. 20, from noon to 8 p.m. at Mount Pulaski Courthouse
State Historic Site. This family event is free and open to the
Garden will present period music at 2 and 6 p.m. Group members
Marilyn Walters and Cathy Lane blend their voices with a unique
array of instruments to perform traditional and folk music that will
enchant young and old. Some of the instruments that may be used
during the performance include guitar, hammered and mountain
dulcimer, Celtic harp, flute, recorder, bowed psaltery,
pennywhistle, ocarina and Native American cedar flute.
courthouse will be decorated with patriotic bunting, and staff will
be dressed in 1850s attire. More than 100 candles will illuminate
the courthouse at dusk. Hot coffee and cider will be served during
the event. The 1850s open house is partially funded by the Abraham
Lincoln Tourism Bureau of Logan County.
Pulaski Courthouse State Historic Site, administered by the Illinois
Historic Preservation Agency, is one of only two remaining 8th
Judicial Circuit courthouses in Illinois where Abraham Lincoln
served as an attorney. Staffed by local volunteers, the courthouse
is open for tours Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 5 p.m.
of Trees looks for sponsors
of the Festival of Trees are seeking businesses, organizations and
individuals interested in sponsoring trees, wreaths and swags for
this year’s dazzling display at the Logan County Courthouse. The
festival will be Nov. 23 - Dec. 2.
are sponsored to provide visibility for businesses and organizations
or in memory of someone. Sponsors are responsible for decorating
their items or arranging for someone else to decorate them.
fees are $200 for 7½-foot trees, $100 for 4½-foot trees and
$50 for wreaths or swags.
wreaths and swags will be auctioned at the Festival of Trees Gala on
Nov. 24. Proceeds will be used by the Abraham Lincoln
Healthcare Foundation in improving the quality of health care in
Logan County and Main Street Lincoln in revitalizing downtown
more information or a sponsorship form, contact Jan Schumacher,
festival chairman, at 732-7101 or the Main Street Lincoln office at
Land Communications, a Cingular wireless authorized agent, is
premier sponsor for the festival.
of I Extension offers candy-making class
a head start on your holiday preparations with Dick and Betty
Applegate. This Atlanta couple will offer a class on candy making
Thursday, Oct. 25, from 1 to 3 p.m. The session will be at the
University of Illinois Extension building. There will be no charge,
but reservations are requested. Make reservations by calling
you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in the program,
please contact John Fulton, unit leader for the Logan County
Public Library adult program schedule
Lincoln Public Library has four adult programs remaining on the
schedule for this year. The presentations are in the Pegram
Community Room at the library, 725 Pekin St., and begin at 7 p.m.
Admission is free. Seating is on a first-come basis.
22 — "On the Road with Antiques," featuring Rob and Joy
Luke of Luke Auctions. Learn the latest in antique collecting. Six
lucky attendees will receive a free appraisal of an antique.
5 — "Archaeology and Primitive Technology Roadshow,"
with Larry Kinsella, president of the Illinois Association for the
Advancement of Archaeology. Larry will do artifact identification
for several lucky participants.
20 — "Herbal Seasons," with Tracy Kirby. How to grow,
harvest and store herbs.
11 — "Herbal Holidays," with Tracy Kirby. Holiday
cooking, decorating and making gifts with herbs.
accepts contributions to
Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund
Donations to the American Red Cross
Disaster Relief Fund can be made at the CEFCU Member Center, 341
Fifth St. in Lincoln. CEFCU is proud to help support the Red
Cross in efforts to cope with the Sept. 11 national tragedy.
Madigan exhibit featured at Lincoln
College Museum
Lincoln College Museum is presenting a temporary exhibit called
"Edward R. Madigan: From the Halls of Lincoln College to the
Halls of the White House." The exhibit, which is currently on
display, pays honor to one of Lincoln College’s most successful
alumni, the late Edward Madigan.
graduated from Lincoln College in 1955, entered the Illinois
Legislature in 1966, was elected to Congress in 1972, and was
appointed by President Bush in 1991 to be secretary of agriculture.
In 1974, the Lincoln College Alumni Association presented Madigan
with its award for Outstanding Achievement in the field of Public
Services. In 1975 he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Humane
Letters degree by Lincoln College. He died in 1994.
College Museum curator Ron Keller says the display tells the story
of Madigan’s career in public service. "The display reflects
his experiences and service through many photographs, and letters
from every president from Carter to Clinton. There are also various
artifacts from his works in Congress and in the White House."
The exhibit will run through November of 2001. The public is invited
to stop by the Lincoln College Museum to view this exhibit and tour
the rest of the historic exhibits.
Lincoln College Museum is located in the McKinstry Library on the
campus of Lincoln College. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through
Friday and 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

[Evelyn and
Agriculture Secretary Ed Madigan at the White House with President
and Mrs. Bush in 1991.]
Scouts announcements
Websites with lots of ideas that Girl Scout leaders, families
or kids can use:
the website for Girl Scouts, Land of Lincoln Council, at
can send questions and suggestions to the council by clicking here:
Also, see the
national Girl Scouts site at
At a recent banquet, the Lincoln Kiwanis Club installed officers and
presented the following awards and recognitions:

board of directors: (left to right, back row) Duane Petty; John
Fulton, first vice president; Mike Booher; Bruce Eisberg; Tom
Comstock; Jack Bartelmay; (middle row) Joe Haning; Dan Row; Bob
Steele; Bob Sullivan; Mark Wade, treasurer; Wayne Schrader,
secretary; (front row) Bridget Schneider, past president; Wanda
Rohlfs, president.

Elmer Krusemark, a 55-year Kiwanis member, is presented his certificate by
Wayne Schrader.

Kiwanian of
the Year Bob Sullivan is presented the award by Bridget Schneider.

President Bridget Schneider is presented her appreciation plaque by
Wayne Schrader.

for perfect attendance over 30 years were presented to Gerald
Carter, Paul Steen, George Gahr, Tom Comstock and Jack Bartelmay.

Schrader was presented the Luis V. Amador, M.D. Medallion Award for
special service to the Spastic Paralysis Foundation. Wayne accepted
on behalf of the Lincoln Kiwanis Club.
Oasis, Logan County’s senior citizen center, at 501 Pulaski St. in
Lincoln, is open weekdays
(except holidays) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The
center also is open on Friday and Sunday nights for table games. Dominic
Dalpoas is the executive director. Activities are open to all Logan
County senior citizens,
regardless of membership.
VA representative will not be available Oct. 16 and 23. If you need
assistance, please call the Springfield office at 1 (800) 437-9824.
The rep will be at the Oasis on Oct. 30.
us Thursday, Oct. 18, at 1 p.m. for an afternoon of bingo sponsored
by the University of Illinois Extension service.
representative will be on site from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18,
to assist with any questions and issues you may have about Medicare.
Please call the Oasis for an appointment.
monthly session will be Friday, Oct. 19, at 3:45 p.m. The group has
a great time working on writing skills in order to capture those
special family memories. Please join us.
food distribution
to bring your receipt and pick up your SHARE orders this Friday,
Oct. 19, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Anyone who has not yet participated in
the program is invited to come in and ask for program information
and place an order.
Circuit Breaker representative will be at the Oasis Monday, Oct. 22.
Please call for an appointment if you need assistance in completing
the required forms.
of rehab services (DORS)
rehabilitation services representative will be back on site Monday,
Oct. 22, from 9 to 11 a.m. You may stop in to see him without an
computer classes resume Oct. 22, starting at 9:30 a.m., with a new
format. The beginning computer class will be in five sessions,
Monday through Friday, for one hour each day. The cost is $3 per
class, or a total of $15 for the weeklong course. Please call to
sign up.
trip for lunch and shopping
are a few seats available for the Oct. 25 trip to Hickory Stick
Shops & Bittersweet Cafe in Chillicothe. The cost of the trip is
$6. The van will leave the Oasis at 10 a.m. and is scheduled to
return at 4 p.m.
daytime pinochle winner for Oct. 5 was Mable Hoagland, and on Oct. 9
Marie Spaits won. Friday night pinochle winner was Esther Will. The
5-in-1 winners were Ken McCray, Henry Warnisher and Betty Burger. On
Sunday night, the rummy winner was Henry Warnisher.
Moore won the recent special drawing, sponsored by Maple Ridge, for
a Steak & Shake gift certificate.
the Oct. 6 card party Emogene Ureckel had the high bridge score,
followed by E. Jenkins and Bernie DePuy. The pinochle winners were
Pauline Aper, Leona Batterton and Kathleen Williams. Rummy winners
were Ann Greger, Norma Hobler and Joann Eckert. Door prizes were won
by Betty Burger, Norma Hobler, Evelyn Jenkins, Wanda Mammen, Mildred
Newberry, Marie Spaits and Esther Will.
of the Oasis members receive bimonthly newsletters by mail. For more
information, people can call the Oasis at 732-6132 or 732-5844.
at the U of I Extension office
local office of the University of Illinois Extension will host a
series of educational presentations from September through May.
Anyone and everyone is welcome. Programs will be at the Extension
office at the northwest corner of the fairgrounds, 980 N. Postville
will be requested; programs will be cancelled if fewer than 10
people are registered. An exception will be in November with the
holiday program, for which a minimum of 25 will be required.
732-8289 to make reservations. There will be no charge for any of
the programs
programs for the upcoming year through University of Illinois
Thursday, Oct. 25, at 1 p.m. — "Candy Making," Dick and
Betty Applegate, Atlanta
Tuesday, Nov. 6, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. — "Holiday
Happenings" program: "Holiday Gifts," Ellen Burton;
"Holiday Foods and Safety," Jannanne Finck; "Holiday
Plants," David Robson
Thursday, Jan. 17, 2002, at 10 a.m. — "Grains in the
Diet," Jananne Finck, nutrition and wellness educator,
Thursday, Feb. 7, 2002, at 10 a.m. — "What to Do With
Stuff," Ellen Burton, consumer and environment educator, East
Tuesday, March 12, 2002, over noon hour
12-1 p.m. — "Salads," Jananne Finck, nutrition and
wellness educator, Springfield
Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 10 a.m. — "New Friends, But Keep
the Old," Patti Faughn, youth and family educator, Springfield
Tuesday, May 15, 2002, at 10 a.m. — "Air Quality," John
Fulton, Lincoln
Cafe to feature Scott and Michelle Dalziel
Vineyard Cafe welcomes Dalziel on Saturday, Oct. 20. Scott and
Michelle Dalziel from Maquoketa,
Iowa, bring a powerful mix of
contemporary folk, upbeat pop and rock-blues. Their influences range
from Jimi Hendrix and Elvis Costello to Shawn Colvin and Bonnie
is $3 at the door, and doors open at 7 p.m. Inexpensive refreshments
are available.
Cafe is held at the Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Bloomington.
For more information or directions, please phone (309) 663-4943 or
prepares for annual event
to fight world hunger
16, 2001] The
18th annual Harvest of Talents sponsored by Lincoln Christian Church
will be on Saturday, Oct. 27. All proceeds go to
International Disaster Emergency Service to aid hunger victims
around the world.
from Tom Gerdts,
minister at Lincoln Christian Church
4, 2001
than ever, we in America understand now what it means to be victims
of a catastrophe. Nearly 7,000 human beings killed. Many more
injured. Billions of dollars in property damage. Incalculable
emotional distress. And we as a nation have risen up and responded
with remarkable generosity, giving millions of dollars to aid in the
relief of the misery. This is as it should be.
have we stopped to realize that literally every day, disasters just
as great and greater take place all over the world? Perhaps not as a
result of a terrorist attack — perhaps because of drought and
famine, hurricane or typhoon, earthquake or flood — human
suffering (especially hunger) is a fact of life for untold millions
of men, women and children. Sadly, most of these people are not
citizens of a wealthy nation such as ours in which their countrymen
can give to meet their desperate need.
why we have the Harvest of Talents for World Hunger. We may not be
able to feed, house, clothe and medicate ALL those people, but we
can do so for MANY of them through our efforts with the Harvest.
Saturday, Oct. 27, will be our 18th annual event, the profits from
which go entirely to International Disaster Emergency Service, a
Christian relief organization that has demonstrated superb
trustworthiness through the years. It is a great privilege to
partner with them in this great and Godly work. In these last 17
years, IDES has lovingly distributed $726,017.21 in Harvest of
Talents funds to needy people around the world. We thank God for
what He has done through His people here in Lincoln!
[to top of second column in
this section]

can YOU do to contribute to this year’s Harvest of Talents? Here
are a few possibilities.
Display the ... [Harvest of Talents] poster and invite your friends
to come.
Donate a handmade item to be sold (bring it in anytime from Oct. 22
On Harvest Day, eat your breakfast and/or lunch with us.
Be a bidder at the 2 p.m. auction, where many beautiful items will
be sold.
Simply make a direct financial contribution to the cause.
appreciate the partnership of the greater community year after year.
This isn’t just Lincoln Christian Church’s ministry, this is
Lincoln’s ministry. May God bless you as you participate.
His love,
of Adult Discipleship
here for the Harvest of Talents schedule.)
give to NYC
9, 2001] On
Oct. 7 the Millennium Clovers 4-H Club voted to send $150 to the New
York City Police Department. Wanting to do something for the
victims of the terrorist attack, club members decided that they
would send the money to the Police Department and let them use it to
resident helps in relief efforts
8, 2001] Preston
Carnahan of Lincoln, a student at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy,
was one of 90 midshipmen from the academy who assisted in the relief
efforts after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on
Sept. 11.
eight days immediately following the attack, the academy operated a
flotilla of four of its vessels
in New York harbor, transporting
firefighters and other emergency personnel to lower Manhattan and
other points within the harbor. Academy midshipmen, under the
direction of a faculty or staff member, served as the crews of the
all, more than 1,500 firefighters, emergency medical technicians,
police officers and other rescue personnel were transported aboard
the academy boats, which also moved several tons of food, water and
medical supplies.
1999 graduate of Lincoln Community High School, Midshipman Carnahan
was nominated to attend the academy by Rep. Ray LaHood, Sen. Dick
Durbin, and former Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun.
academy is operated by the Maritime Administration of the U.S.
Department of Transportation.
Merchant Marine Academy news release]
sends help to
Manhattan Community College
5, 2001] Heartland
Community College’s surplus furniture that was destined for future
auction or other distribution soon will serve a distinctly more
noble role. The furniture is being donated to assist New York
community college students whose campus was devastated by the
terrorist attack in Manhattan on Sept. 11.
Community College’s 17,000 students were affected because the attack on
the World Trade Center in New York destroyed one of their two campus
buildings. Fiterman Hall, a 15-story structure containing more than
50 percent of the college’s classrooms, was struck by the collapse
of World Trade Center 7.
Saaf, Heartland Community College dean of instruction, and Rob
Widmer, vice president of business services, were alerted to the
Manhattan college’s dire situation through an e-mail listserv initiated to
locate modular buildings or trailers for classrooms.
says he is pleased that Heartland can respond in this way. "As
Americans we’re all affected by this tragedy. Everyone throughout
the Midwest and across the country is doing whatever possible to
help out those who have been affected by this horror. The situation
is tragic, but our having an assortment of such furniture and
equipment at this particular time is fortuitous. We’re happy that
our surplus can assist the New York community college at this
[to top of second column in
this article]

college is not alone in its efforts. Ace World Wide Moving, an Atlas
Van Lines Agent, is assisting in the process by donating a portion
of the transportation. Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 26, two and
possibly three moving vans will transport and deliver the items —
an assortment of classroom and office furnishings and equipment —
to the community college in New York.
the furniture would have made its way through an auction or similar
process if the opportunity for someone’s immediate benefit and
utilization had not come along. The furnishings and equipment, much
of it five to 10 years old, were part of a small percentage of items
whose quality or functional standards did not meet requirements of
the new campus facilities.
[News release]
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Cathedral in Lincoln, England, shares support, prayers for U.S.
2, 2001] Messages
of love and support have come to many Americans from many places
around the world since the terrorist attack that destroyed New York
City’s World Trade Center buildings on Sept. 11.
A particularly
heartwarming expression of feeling has come to the mayor of Lincoln,
Ill., from the great cathedral in a city that shares its name
Lincoln Cathedral in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England.
This letter, written on Sept. 13 by Roy Bentham, chapter clerk and
chief executive of the cathedral, was read at the Lincoln (Ill.)
City Council work session on Sept. 25:

Mayor of Lincoln
13th 2001
We are
writing to express support and fellow feeling for our
friends in the United States of America. We have watched
with horror the actions of ruthless people who place no
value on innocent human lives. The outrages you have
suffered have no equal in living memory and the strength and
fortitude of those attacked has been an example for us all.
We are saying
prayers for you in the Cathedral at all of our services and
throughout each day. We are also holding a special service
to remember and pray for those killed and injured, and their
families and friends.
Please pass
on our love and support to your community and particularly
to those who have been directly affected.
With every
good wish,
Roy Bentham
Chapter Clerk and Chief Executive
Clerk and Chief Executive,
Chapter Office, 4 Priorygate,
LN2 1PL England
011 44 (1522) 530320
letter and envelope are on display at the Lincoln College Museum.

[to top of second column in
this article]
The letter included an
e-mail address. A curious Lincoln Daily News reporter
e-mailed the sender, expressing gratitude for the support and asking
a few questions about the city and the name "Lincoln." The
reply, from the chief executive of Lincoln Cathedral, follows:
thanks for your email. The Cathedral has been a centre of
comfort for people since 11th Sept., many of them American.
We have been pleased to help in these dark times. Yes, we
have contacted all the Lincolns in the US.
are keen to create a community feeling with those who share
this great name. It derives from the Roman, "Lindum."
Lincoln was a major Roman city (Colonia) on a hill visible
for many miles. It was also an Anglo Saxon settlement and
the Normans built a great castle and Cathedral here after
the conquest in 1066. The current population [of the city of
Lincoln, England] is around 90,000 and it has a City Council
and Mayor.
have never felt closer to our US friends and our support, as
you know, will always be there for you.
Roy Bentham |
To view the great
cathedral, a fine example of Gothic architecture which was begun in
the year 1072, see the Internet website
The website
also gives information about Lincoln, England, and the surrounding
We Stand’
community auction
with all-donated items
1, 2001] The
auction started off as an idea in the hearts of Carrie Granitto,
Judy Ramlow, Michelle LaMothe, Linda Shaffer and Brenda Miller. This
idea was realized in the donation of hundreds of items by local
businesses and individuals and hundreds of hours by volunteers.
were collected by numerous volunteers for two weeks. On Saturday,
more volunteers came to help load up the furniture, jewelry, art and
assorted knickknacks and transport them to the Lincoln Recreation
Center. Sunday, at 2 p.m., Gary Morris began the auction with the
smaller items. Everything from glassware to children’s toys was
sold in odd sets — including one of a vise clamp and a child’s
car seat — for as low as $1. Around 3, the second auctioneer, Ed
Voyles, began to auction off larger items from the other side of the
gym. Even with both men working their hardest, the auction was not
over until about 6 p.m.
people from all walks of life and all vocations came to give their
support and money. Firefighters from Lincoln and Logan County fire
departments, young couples, older women and men, and Shirley Dittus,
a representative of the local Red Cross chapter were all seen
walking around the gym. Even Mayor Beth Davis bid for and bought
many of the donations.

[to top of second column in
this article]
pre-picked highlights of the auction were the Dale Earnhardt
commemorative jacket and flag. The jacket alone went for $145. Other
top sellers were the "Return to Glory" poster donated by
the Lincoln Fire Department, which went for $100, and a pink easy
chair, which sold for $285.
donation of time was even more impressive and precious than the
donation of money or items. Volunteers helped in every stage of the
process, from the planning to the collections to the auction itself.
The auctioneers and all of their helpers were unpaid. They gave up
their Sunday with their families to come out and help with this
cause. Of course, some of them brought their families with them, as
the many children wandering around could tell you.

[Philip Carver and Sam Shaffer answer questions at
the jewelry table. Many of the earrings, watches, and
necklaces displayed here were donated by MKS Jewelers.]
24/News_new/today_a.shtml#United they share
22, 2001] He
drove with his wife of two days down a hard, uneven dirt and gravel
road through the backwoods of Louisiana’s roughest country. The
mission? A tree. A big tree. A mission to see the largest oak tree
known to man. The motive..."Why not?"
is said that regret of the past and fear of the future are twin
enemies of the soul. If this is true, then the soul of Dominic
Dalpoas, executive director of The Oasis Senior Center, knows no
foe. In fact it would be no stretch to say that this man, who has
spent his entire life investing in the lives of others, sometimes
perfect strangers, knows only allies.

with Mr. Dalpoas for well over an hour, watching him sip his cooling
coffee and relax casually, leaning far back in his office chair, I
myself was taken aback by the two adjectives which I believe would
best describe him: motivated and humble. Since he is constantly
occupied with a strong force of amiability, it is not surprising to
find so many of the said allies dropping in for a genuine smile and
a touch of encouragement. One after the other, the steady stream of
friends, employees and volunteers were greeted and treated at his
open door with his open heart. Though to hear him tell it, one would
likely assume that he was in the people business for himself, as
opposed to the future betterment of others. "I'm always getting
more than I can ever give," he said, looking away and thus
proving the point of his natural humbleness.
working his way up the ropes of Lincoln Developmental Center, from
which he recently retired after 25 years, Dalpoas finds himself on
an admittedly less hard, although certainly not always as evenly
paved road. Filled with many stories and poignant analogies, he
describes some occasional days at the helm of The Oasis "like
Lassie trying to help Timmy out of the well." Assuming the
humble and motivated "pet cannot pull the boy out with its
strength alone" role, he says, "Sometimes, you have to be
able to bark in just the right way."
is where the help of outside sources comes into play. "This
community is so blessed with caring, generous people," he said,
noting that it is not so much he or his staff but rather the
countless volunteers who manage to keep The Oasis above water. It
was interesting to see a spark of excitement flicker into his eye
when he spoke briefly of local and outside donors who choose to give
their support anonymously. For truly, that is where his passions lie
— being motivated enough to pour a certain dedication into others
and, every now and then, doing so furtively.
[to top of second column in
this article]
falls in line with his effective game plan of "first
establishing each individual or group need, doing our best to meet
those needs, and at the same time planning for future needs."
Presumably it’s a tough task, when taking into consideration his
day-to-day regimen of unremitting meetings, appointments and the
above-mentioned drop-by visits, though always welcomed, from
employees he calls friends.
steps," he says, giving nearly every ounce of credit for
current successes to the previous directors who once held his
position. "We move in slow baby steps until we're finally up
and walking." Suitable perhaps that the words most often spoken
when describing any agenda are used in regard to the lives and
activities of the seniors; and as he says, "younger
seniors" who take advantage of the establishment are
has a desire to help in any way those connected with the center. A
strong desire. As he does so daily. But at the same time he knows
that, while holding an insurmountable respect for them, which comes
across in each sentence, senior citizens should be, can be, and more
and more often are becoming, that exact model of self-sufficiency
which he holds true to his own life and motivations.
is, after all, such a strong and embedded motivation that would lead
a man to drive with his new bride down an uneven dirt path of
uncertainty in the hope of finding something great. The world’s
largest oak tree, remember? However, irony, being the great teacher
that it is, would have them on that occasion arrive after the
daunting trek to find the tree cut down. ... Still, speaking from a
podium of reflective hindsight, "It was worth the trip
anyway," he recalls with a childlike smile.
Yes, Mr.
Dalpoas, this most certainly is worth the trip. And with you at the
helm, guided by your humble sense of motivation, all of those
involved will be much better off for having chosen to ride along
with you.
all across this country and, in fact, around the world, claim roots in
Logan County. They have very interesting stories to tell, and some of them
like to connect with those of us who stayed at home. Logan County Diaspora
publishes the stories of former Logan County residents. With their
permission, we also include their e-mail addresses so that old friends
might be reunited. If you wish to be part of the Logan County
Diaspora, e-mail
on names to see letters and stories.
Indicates LDN sponsors
class reunion in cyberspace for 1960 graduates of LCHS
Lakes beach," by
Stan Stringer, posted July 10, 2001, in LDN
Stringer tells story of
Mark Holland’s buzzing of Lincoln," posted
May 11, 2001
Henson, now a college teacher in Missouri, remembers Miss Jones,
Jefferson School principal," posted
March 29, 2001
Service officer
infamous Valentine's Day '79 in Tehran," by George McKinney,
posted Feb. 15, 2001
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