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Smallpox vaccination
to begin
10, 2002]
SPRINGFIELD -- The Illinois
Department of Public Health has developed a strategy to offer
smallpox vaccinations to as many as 16,000 Illinois public health
and hospital personnel to prepare for the possibility of a terrorist
attack, Dr. John R. Lumpkin, state public health director, announced
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention asked each state and some cities, including Chicago,
to submit plans by Dec. 9 as part of an initial phase in an effort
to strengthen the nation’s smallpox preparedness.
Click here for Logan County's
"The probability of an intentional
release of the smallpox virus remains low, but since the
consequences of such an attack would be so great, we must be
prepared," Dr. Lumpkin said. "This effort will focus on offering
personal protection from smallpox disease to those who would be
called upon to investigate and to provide treatment in the event of
a smallpox release or outbreak.
"By protecting these individuals, we
improve our ability to safeguard the public, and we increase the
capacity and capabilities of the public health system and hospitals
to respond to and control a smallpox outbreak."

Dr. Lumpkin said the Illinois plan was
developed with guidance from the CDC and relies on the state’s 93
local health departments (excluding Chicago) to offer vaccine to an
estimated 8,000 to 16,000 public health smallpox response teams and
hospital staff who would be involved in treating possible smallpox
cases. The vaccination effort could begin as early as January and
will require 30 days to complete. Individual and hospital
participation will be voluntary.
The Illinois plan outlines the overall
smallpox vaccination effort. However, local health departments will
have until Friday (Dec. 13) to provide the department with details
on where the smallpox vaccine will be administered and how those
receiving the shot will be evaluated for the week it takes to
determine if the vaccine is effective. Between 20 and 30 clinics are
expected to be organized throughout the state outside of Chicago.
It is estimated that as many as five to
10 staff at each local health department, about 20 state public
health department staff and 50 to 100 workers at 152 licensed
Illinois hospitals that provide emergency care will be offered the
vaccine. Due to a number of medical and family considerations, about
40 percent are expected to take advantage of the voluntary

The vaccination, which was discontinued
in 1972 in the United States, can cause serious, potentially fatal
side effects, and individuals with certain medical conditions or
family considerations should not have the shot.
Those who have a higher-than-normal
risk of a bad reaction include people with weakened immune systems
(cancer patients, organ transplant patients, people infected with
HIV, people taking steroids), women who are pregnant or plan to
become pregnant, nursing mothers, and people with eczema or certain
other skin conditions.
[to top of second column in this

In addition, individuals who share
living quarters with people in the higher-than-normal risk
categories should not be vaccinated. For a week, people who have
been vaccinated may expose others to the vaccinia virus that is used
to make the vaccine. Proper covering of the vaccination site should
allow people to continue working, but home exposure is thought to
pose greater risk.
Plans for a second phase of the
vaccination effort are not yet finalized, but information from the
federal government indicates it will include all hospital workers
and first responders (police, fire and paramedics). It has been
suggested that the third phase would most likely include offering
the vaccine to the general public. The department has previously
prepared a separate plan for the CDC that describes how Illinois
would provide mass vaccinations in the event of a smallpox attack.
"Unless there is an actual smallpox
attack or outbreak, the risk of become ill or dying from smallpox is
zero," Dr. Lumpkin said. "If an attack did occur, the vaccine can
still protect people after exposure if they are vaccinated within
three to four days. Vaccination within seven days will lessen the
severity of illness."
The primary reason for this initial
phase, Dr. Lumpkin explained, is to ensure that people in critical
positions are vaccinated so they can immediately respond to the
needs of the public and not have to wait to be vaccinated.
"This pre-event vaccination plan will
enable public health and hospital workers to rapidly take the steps
necessary to protect the public, including identifying people who
need to be vaccinated to control an outbreak, establishing
vaccination clinics and providing care to those who may be ill," he

Smallpox is a disease caused by a virus
(variola) and characteristically includes skin lesions that
eventually scab over; at times it has been confused with chickenpox.
In most cases, smallpox is spread by an ill person to others through
infectious saliva droplets but also could be spread by contaminated
clothing or bed linen.
If used in biowarfare, smallpox virus
could be dispersed in the air, and potential victims in the area of
the release would breathe in the virus; or infected people could be
sent into crowded areas to attempt to spread the disease to others.
The last
cases of smallpox in Illinois were recorded in 1947. The last
naturally acquired case of smallpox in the world occurred in 1977 in
Department of Public Health news release]

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What is Logan County doing?
How are
we following the vaccination plan?
10, 2002]
LDN spoke with Lloyd Evans
of the Logan County Heath Department. He informed us that Logan
County is putting the smallpox vaccination plan into effect in the
two phases outlined by the Illinois Department of Public Health.
In January, a small team from Abraham
Lincoln Memorial Hospital, along with teams from all hospitals in
our IDPH region, will be sent to Champaign for a clinic. The members
of the team will be voluntarily vaccinated against smallpox.
The date for the second phase is not
yet set, but it will involve the vaccination of all health care
personnel, emergency care personnel and first responders (including
fire and police). This will provide Logan County with a large enough
group of vaccinated individuals to deal with an outbreak were one to
occur. These personnel would be able to perform a mass vaccination
if necessary.
According to the
CDC website, "In
people exposed to smallpox, the vaccine can lessen the severity of
or even prevent illness if given within four days after exposure.
Vaccine against smallpox contains another live virus called vaccinia.
The vaccine does not contain smallpox virus.”
At this point there have not been any
threats given to either local or state officials concerning a
smallpox terrorist attack. Officials have determined that the chance
of an attack is slim but extremely dangerous if it were to happen.
"Smallpox is
a serious disease," warned Evans. "It is highly contagious and it
can spread quickly in today’s mobile society." He and other health
officials hold to the creed, "The only thing harder than preparing
for a disaster is explaining why you didn’t."

raffle sponsors Lifeline units
6, 2002]
Bill Haak (center) was the
winner of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital fall raffle
sponsored by the ALMH Auxiliary. Haak is presented his winnings by
Linda Martinie (left), president of the auxiliary, and Joan Horrom
(right), secretary of the auxiliary. Money raised from the raffle
will help purchase additional Lifeline units for the hospital.
Barb Dahm, director of volunteer and
special services, indicated that Lifeline serves over 200 people in
Lincoln and surrounding towns. "We have Lifelines in every community
surrounding Lincoln as well as in town," said Dahm.
Lifeline, sponsored by the Abraham
Lincoln Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, is a program that benefits
citizens of the area who have health problems and are remaining in
their homes.
Barb Dahm, Lifeline coordinator,
stated, "While people choose Lifeline for a number of reasons, they
remain subscribers largely because of the caring response they
receive from the Lifeline monitors every time they touch their
help-needed button. The highly trained Lifeline monitor who answers
the help-needed call is aware of each subscriber's special needs.
The subscriber's health and well-being is their only concern."
[to top of second column in this
Dahm continued, "Whenever a subscriber
needs help, one press of their help-needed button activates a small
in-house unit called a communicator. This puts the subscriber in
touch with a caring Lifeline monitor who, once being in contact with
the subscriber, will pursue the needs of the subscriber. The monitor
will then be in contact with the subscriber's responders, who will
check on the subscriber. If additional professional help is needed,
the monitor will call for this immediately. In several instances
where the subscriber is unable to speak, the Lifeline monitor knows
exactly how to handle this special situation."
additional information regarding the Lifeline program, please
contact Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital at (217) 732-2161, Ext.
Matters A
monthly feature from Logan County Health Department
How to quit smoking
2, 2002]
As the New Year approaches,
we all begin to make resolutions for a healthy and happy New Year.
If you smoke, you may be contemplating giving up cigarettes as your
New Year’s resolution. There is nothing easy about giving up
cigarettes. But as hard as quitting may be, the results are well
worth it. In the first year after stopping smoking, the risk of
heart disease and lung disease drops sharply. Quitting will also
save you money. With the average cost of a pack of cigarettes
reaching $4.25, a pack-a-day smoker can save $1,400 a year by not
smoking cigarettes.
Take time to think about other benefits
of being an ex-smoker. This is an important first step in kicking
the smoking habit — figuring out for yourself what you have to gain.
And don’t just switch to smokeless tobacco — the dangers and the
addiction are just as damaging as with cigarettes.
Once you decide to stop smoking, a few
preparations are in order. Set a target date for quitting. Don’t
choose a time when you know you will be under a lot of stress. To
help you stick to your quit date, write the date on your calendar,
find another friend or family member to give you special support in
your efforts to quit or another smoker to quit with you, and make a
list of how you’ll reward yourself for becoming an ex-smoker.
On the evening before your quit day,
throw away all cigarettes, matches and lighters and give away your
ashtrays. Plan some special activities for the next day to keep you
busy. Ask family members and friends not to smoke in front of you.
Your goal is to get through that first important day smoke-free.
To quit successfully, you need to know
your personal smoking "triggers." These are the situations and
feelings that typically bring on the urge to light up. Especially
during the first weeks after quitting, try to avoid as many triggers
as you can.
[to top of second column in this
Replace "triggers" with new activities
that you don’t associate with smoking. For example, if you always
had a cigarette with a cup of coffee, switch to tea for awhile.
Keep busy. Get involved in projects
that require you to use your hands. When you feel the need to put
something in your mouth, have low-calorie snacks on hand.
Know what to expect. You may experience
some temporary withdrawal symptoms. It is important to know that
these are signs that your body is recovering from smoking and
symptoms will end.
Call the Illinois Tobacco Quitline 1
(866) QUIT-YES — 1 (866) 784-8937 — for help.
If you "slip," don’t worry. It doesn’t
mean that you’ve become a smoker again. Most smokers "slip" three to
five times before they quit for good. Get back on the nonsmoker
track: (1) Don’t get discouraged. Keep thinking of yourself as a
nonsmoker because you are one. (2) Learn from experience. What was
the trigger that made you light up? (3) Take charge. Make a list of
things you will do the next time you are in that particular
situation. Reread your list of all the reasons you want to quit.
You’re on
your way!
County Health Department]
West Nile Virus
West Nile virus links
LDN articles
Federal websites
State websites
& Awards
health unit schedule
Rural Health Partnership has announced the schedule for its mobile
health unit for 2002.
9-11 a.m. |
1-3:30 p.m. |
Monday |
1st and 3rd |
Hartsburg |
1st and 3rd |
Emden |
2nd and 4th |
San Jose |
2nd and 4th |
Greenview |
Tuesday |
Weekly |
Chestnut |
Weekly |
Mount Pulaski |
Wednesday |
Weekly |
New Holland |
Weekly |
Middletown |
Thursday |
1st and 3rd |
Elkhart |
Weekly |
Atlanta |
2nd and 4th |
Manor-Lincoln |
Friday |
1st, 2nd,
4th |
Village Hall-Latham |
1st |
Beason |
2nd and 4th |
Broadwell |
3rd |
Maintenance/ special
events |
3rd |
special events
mobile health unit does not operate on the following dates for
during 2002: Jan. 21 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), Feb. 18 (Presidents’ Day),
March 29 (Good
Friday), May 27 (Memorial Day), July 4 (Independence Day), Sept. 2 (Labor Day), Oct.
14 (Columbus Day), Nov. 11 (Veterans Day), Nov. 28-29
(Thanksgiving break) and Dec. 24-25 (Christmas break).
For more
information on the mobile health unit schedule and services, contact
Dayle Eldredge at (217) 732-2161, Ext. 409.
resource list
family resource list to save and use is provided by the Healthy
Communities Partnership and the Healthy
Families Task Force, 732-2161, Ext. 409.
Agency |
Phone number |
Address |
agencies |
911 |
911 (emergency)
732-3911 (office -- non-emergency)
911 Pekin St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital
315 Eighth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
American Red Cross
www.il-redcross.org |
732-2134 or
1 (800) 412-0100
125 S. Kickapoo
Lincoln, IL 62656
Catholic Social
www.cdop.org |
732-3771 |
310 S. Logan
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lincoln/Logan County Chamber
of Commerce
www.lincolnillinois.com |
735-2385 |
303 S. Kickapoo St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Community Action (CIEDC) |
1800 Fifth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Crisis Pregnancy Center/
Living Alternatives |
735-4838 |
408 A Pulaski St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
DCFS (Department of
& Family Services) |
735-4402 or
1 (800) 252-2873
(crisis hotline)
1120 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Heartland Community
- GED program |
735-1731 |
620 Broadway St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Housing Authority |
1028 N. College St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Illinois Breast &
Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP)
www.logancountyhealth.org |
735-2317 or
1 (800) 269-4019
109 Third St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Illinois Employment and Training Center (replaces JTPA office) |
735-5441 |
S. McLean St., Suite B
Bureau Building
IL 62656
Lincoln Area YMCA
735-3915 |
319 W. Kickapoo St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lincoln/Logan Food
Pantry |
P.O. Box 773
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lincoln Parents’
Center |
735-4192 |
100 S. Maple
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lincoln Park District |
732-8770 |
1400 Primm Rd.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Logan County Department
of Human Services (Public Aid)
www.state.il.us/agency/dhs |
735-2306 |
1500 Fourth St.
Box 310
Lincoln, IL 62656
Logan County Health
www.logancountyhealth.org |
735-2317 |
109 Third St.
P.O. Box
Lincoln, IL 62656
Logan-Mason Mental
Health |
735-2272 or
(crisis line)
304 Eighth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Rehabilitation Center |
735-1413 |
760 S. Postville Drive
Lincoln, IL 62656
The Oasis
(Senior Citizens
of Logan County) |
732-6132 |
501 Pulaski St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Project READ
735-1731 |
620 Broadway St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Salvation Army |
1501 N. Kickapoo
Lincoln, IL 62656
Senior Services of
Central Illinois |
732-6213 or
1 (800) 252-8966
(crisis line)
109 Third St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
U. of I. Extension
www.ag.uiuc.edu |
732-8289 |
980 N. Postville Drive
Lincoln, IL 62656
agencies |
Department of Aging
www.state.il.us/aging |
785-3356 |
421 E. Capitol, #100
Springfield, IL 62701-1789
American Cancer Society
www.cancer.org |
(24 hour) |
1305 Wabash, Suite J
Springfield, IL 62704
Community Child Care
www.childcaresolutions.org |
(217) 525-2805 or
1 (800) 676-2805
1004 N. Milton Ave.
Springfield, IL 62702-4430
Hospice Care of
Illinois |
1 (800) 342-4862
(24 hour) or
732-2161, Ext. 444
720 N. Bond
Springfield, IL 62702
Illinois Department of
Public Health
www.idph.state.il.us |
(217) 782-4977
535 W. Jefferson
Springfield, IL 62761
Legal Assistance
Foundation |
(217) 753-3300 or
1 (800) 252-8629
730 E. Vine St., Suite
Springfield, IL 62703
Sojourn Shelter &
Services Inc.
732-8988 or
1 (866) HELP4DV
(24-hour hotline)
1800 Westchester Blvd.
Springfield, IL 62704
U. of I. Division of
Specialized Care for Children
www.uic.edu |
524-2000 or
1 (800) 946-8468
421 South Grand Ave.
Second Floor
Springfield, IL 62704
Logan County
libraries |
Atlanta Library |
(217) 648-2112 |
100 Race St.
Atlanta, IL 61723 |
Elkhart Library |
(217) 947-2313 |
121 E. Bohan
Elkhart, IL 62634 |
Lincoln Public Library
www.lincolnpubliclibrary.org |
732-8878 |
725 Pekin St.
Lincoln, IL 62656 |
Mount Pulaski Library |
320 N. Washington
Mount Pulaski, IL 62548
2-15-02) |
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