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Illinois Remains First in Nation in Education Technology

[NOV. 2, 2002]  CHICAGO – Governor Ryan today announced that Illinois has been ranked first in the nation in the category of education by the Center for Digital Government and the Progress & Freedom Foundation for the second year in a row.

  The latest round of the Digital State Survey was announced today in the areas of Education, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Transportation, and Taxation. Five states tied for the first place ranking in Education: Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, South Dakota and Utah. Three states tied for first place in the area of GIS: Arizona, Illinois and Kansas.

“We have made education and technology a top priority of this Administration, Through the expansive Illinois Century Network and new opportunities to learn through the Illinois Virtual Campus and Illinois Virtual High School, Illinois has harnessed technology tools that are necessary to prepare our citizens for participation in the global economy,” Governor Ryan said.

Illinois also moved in to the top spot in the area of Geographic Information Systems and Transportation for the first time. GIS technology or providing data geographically is playing an increasingly critical role in all areas of government. “From road conditions to bike routes, crime reporting to environmental protection, spatially mapping data can provide enhanced services, link interrelated issues and create new efficiencies for government as well as industry.

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In 2001, Illinois ranked first in Education and second nationally in GIS. In 2000, the category of education was ranked separately in the areas of K-12 education and higher education. The GIS category was new to the survey in 2001. “This is a highly competitive survey and Illinois is the most populous state among those ranked at the top in these two categories. Initiatives like the Illinois Century Network make Illinois a leader in the nation,” Governor Ryan added. “Expanding our learning online provides an expansive list of opportunities for our students, regardless of geographic location or age.”

[Illinois Government News Network
press release]

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West Lincoln Broadwell School receives grant
from Ronald McDonald House Charities

[OCT. 17, 2002]  On Oct. 2, West Lincoln Broadwell School received over $3,000 in books for the school library. These books were purchased through a grant from Ronald McDonald House Charities - Central Illinois. The presentation was at the conclusion of a Ronald McDonald reading assembly, which encouraged kindergarten through fourth-grade students to read.

Library aide Christie Lemme accomplished this acquisition through a grant application that was reviewed with several other central Illinois grants.  Her goal was to replace the outdated nonfiction books with current books for the West Lincoln Broadwell students to use in their education.

Ronald McDonald House Charities - Central Illinois provides thousands of dollars for projects that help children reach their fullest potential. The grants focus on three main areas: civic and social services, education and the arts, and health and medical research.  This program is in addition to operating the Ronald McDonald House in Springfield, a "home away from home" for families while their children are hospitalized.

[Press release]

Abstinence is the right choice,
speaker tells LJHS students

[OCT. 11, 2002]  "Your life is all about choices. You make more choices every day than you are aware of. It’s not always easy to make the right choice."

That’s what Jeffrey Dean, national youth communicator from Nashville, Tenn., told the assembled young people of Lincoln Junior High School on Thursday afternoon.


[Photo copyright www.jeffreydean.org]

He told them he saw them not as children but as young adults, faced with some adult-size choices.

"The number one choice that gets us in the most trouble is about relationships, dating, love, romance and…" he paused before he used the word, "sex! That word makes your heads pop up and your eyes bug out!"

However, Dean didn’t have to use the big three-letter word to get the attention of the junior high students; he had them listening to his ideas and laughing at his humor right from the beginning of his hour-long motivational message about abstinence.

He started by asking questions about choices that have no wrong answers, such as "Do you like Coke or Pepsi?" and "Which would you rather do, dress like your parents or look like your parents?" He then talked about choices that do have important consequences.

"I know you have inside of you everything you need to succeed," he said. "You have goals and dreams for your life. But every choice you make today will somehow affect your future."

Our world today has sold young people the wrong message about sex and love, he told them. Sex is everywhere — MTV, movies, videos — because sex sells. That makes the choice for abstinence harder.

But the big lie the world is selling is that everybody’s doing it. That’s not true, he told them. "Today 54 percent of teenagers in our schools are virgins. So you are in the minority if you do it."

Choices can initially seem rather innocent, but all too often these choices can take us down roads we don’t want to travel, he told them.

"No matter how cool it seems, any time you choose to get involved sexually outside of marriage, at some point something bad will happen. Maybe not then, but later."

He read a letter from a girl who, at age 19, decided to go all the way with her boyfriend. A few weeks later, they broke up. Two years later she got sick with what she thought was the flu, but it turned out to be something much worse.

"I’m HIV positive. I no longer can choose my future," the letter said.

Altogether, he said, there are more than 30 sexually transmitted diseases out there, some of which can be spread by skin-to-skin contact.

Although today’s teenagers are the "most independent group of teenagers that ever walked this earth," like everyone else they still want security. One way to get it is to have a dating relationship, but the desire to be accepted by friends by choosing to have sex or to drink should not take precedence over the goals and dreams of the future.

"Ninety-five percent of the friends in your life now won’t be there in six years. You won’t be going with the same boyfriend or girlfriend next year at this time, and you probably aren’t going with the same one you had last year at this time," he said.


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He told the girls that the way they dress sends "a very real message to a guy about what it is you’re willing to do with him.

"Society tells you you have to dress a certain way, show more leg, less skirt," he said. But tight clothes and showing a lot of skin can lead to trouble.

"Even when you’re not looking for trouble, trouble may come to you. Women in 2002 need to take responsibility for the way they dress."

He warned the seventh- and eighth-grade girls that when they get to high school, older boys will want to date them. That, too, can lead to trouble

"The average girl that gets pregnant today gets pregnant by a guy three years older."

And when they’re thinking of marriage, "A guy doesn’t look for a girl who’s experienced with a lot of different guys," he said.

To the young men, he said, "Being a man is all about being respectful to young women. It is a privilege to take her on a date. Never place her in any environment where anything wrong can happen to her.

"Being man has nothing to do with being sexually active. That’s part of the lies our world sells you.

"The question should not be ‘How far can I go?’ The mindset should be ‘I’m going to stay as far away from danger as I can.’ Your body has no idea you’re not wearing a wedding band. Your body isn’t wired to do this and this and then stop," he said.

Because he and his wife made the choice not to become involved sexually until they were married, the birth of his first child, a daughter, was especially meaningful.

"Abstinence is the sanest, healthiest, safest and the right choice," he told them. "I guarantee that you will never regret that choice."

Dean said that since 1993, when he formed his own company and began speaking to young people, he has spoken to about a million students. Lincoln Junior High was the ninth school on his schedule for the week, and he had three more to go. He said he visits more than 200 schools, colleges, prisons, churches and camps each year.

He promises to answer all letters and all e-mails, and he makes both addresses available. He carries a laptop so he can answer the e-mails as soon as possible.


[Photo by Joan Crabb]
[Jeff Dean, left, talks with LJHS students after the assembly.]

The young people at Lincoln Junior High seemed to be favorably impressed with Dean’s talk. They listened quietly and respectfully, and a few stayed after the program to talk to him. Several eighth-grade girls said they planned to get in touch with him by e-mail or letter.

The program was part of the curriculum of health education teacher Sherri Sparrow — an eight-week session called "Game Plan," designed to help teens make wise choices for their future. It was funded by a grant from Project Reality, a not-for-profit organization that has been teaching abstinence-centered programs in the public schools since 1985.

[Joan Crabb]

Honors & Awards

Hartem grads awarded Behrends Scholarship at LC

[OCT. 25, 2002]  Brad Aper, Nitashia Brown, Jean Cross, Beth Guy, Stellakay Donaldson, Larry Jones Jr. and Jennifer Tuttle are this year’s recipients of the Anna K. and Bernard E. Behrends Scholarship at Lincoln College in Lincoln. All are graduates of Hartsburg-Emden High School.

The Anna K. and Bernard E. Behrends Scholarship is awarded to surrounding county high school graduates with good academic standing.

[No photo

Brad Aper, son of Larry and Nancy Aper of Hartsburg, is studying business. He plans to continue his education at Illinois State University.

Nitashia Brown, daughter of Patricia Brown of Hartsburg, is studying veterinary medicine.

Jean Cross, daughter of Greg and Barbara Cross of Emden, plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree at Lincoln College Normal.

Beth Guy, daughter of Tom Guy of Lincoln and Nancy Guy of Laurinburgh, N.C., is active with the Lincoln College volleyball team and is studying interior design.

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Stellakay Donaldson, daughter of John Donaldson and Sheri Donaldson Mester of Hartsburg, is studying general education courses.

Larry Jones Jr., son of Larry and Susan Jones of Hartsburg, is studying theatre. He plans to continue his education at Eureka College and pursue a career in acting.

Jennifer Tuttle, daughter of Jeff Tuttle of Greenview and Lorie Reiners of Emden, is studying accounting and business management.

[Lincoln College news release]



Lincoln Elementary Schools


(Milk served with all meals)

Monday, Nov. 4 — Cereal, cinnamon toast, juice

Tuesday, Nov. 5 — Oatmeal, toast, fruit

Wednesday, Nov. 6 — Cereal, pop tarts, juice

Thursday, Nov. 7 — Silver dollar pancakes with syrup, fruit

Friday, Nov. 8 — No school; parent-teacher conferences

Monday, Nov. 11 — No school; Veterans Day

Tuesday, Nov. 12 — Cereal, graham crackers, juice

Wednesday, Nov. 13 — Cereal, toast with jelly, juice

Thursday, Nov. 14 — Biscuit with egg and ham, fruit

Friday, Nov. 15 — Cheese toasty, fruit



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(Milk served with all meals)

Monday, Nov. 4 — Corn dogs, french fries, green beans, orange juice

Tuesday, Nov. 5 — Chicken strips with sauce, mashed potatoes, bread and butter, strawberry applesauce

Wednesday, Nov. 6 — Sausage pizza, corn, carrot sticks, pears

Thursday, Nov. 7 — Homemade vegetable beef soup and crackers, peanut butter sandwich, celery sticks, pumpkin bars

Friday, Nov. 8 — No school; parent-teacher conferences

Monday, Nov. 11 — No school; Veterans Day

Tuesday, Nov. 12 — Hot ham and cheese on bun, green beans, goldfish crackers, pears

Wednesday, Nov. 13 — Chicken and biscuit, peas, pudding, fruit cocktail

Thursday, Nov. 14 — Sloppy joes, cole slaw, french fries, cinnamon applesauce

Friday, Nov. 15 — French toast sticks with syrup, hash brown, sausage links, peaches


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