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Governor announces $32.8 million
in federal grants for K-3 reading

[SEPT. 10, 2002]  CHICAGO — Gov. George Ryan announced Friday that the federal Department of Education will award the state of Illinois nearly $33 million in grants to help schools and school districts improve children’s reading achievement at the K-3 levels as well as to fund professional development programs for educators.

This funding, awarded by U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige, is the first part of a multiyear Reading First grant designed to implement scientifically proven methods of instruction to help improve the reading achievement levels of children. Reading First was passed by Congress under the “No Child Left Behind Act” of 2001.

“We all know that the ability to read proficiently is a basic skill everyone should have. This starts with children at the youngest age,” Gov. Ryan said. “Lura Lynn and I have always believed in this idea through the Illinois Reads program and Futures for Kids. This grant will help brighten the futures of Illinois’ most needy children.”

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The Illinois State Board of Education has identified 54 school districts, based on poverty level and test scores, that are eligible to receive portions of the Reading First grant. The geographic spread of eligible school districts ranges from the Chicago Public Schools to the Rock Island School District to school districts at the southern tip of Illinois.

School districts that receive grant funding will use the monies to purchase materials and provide assessments that have been scientifically researched and proven by the National Reading Panel to raise children’s reading achievement by teaching fundamental skills children need to learn to read proficiently.

[Illinois Government News Network
press release]

lllinois Early Learning Project on the Web

[SEPT. 4, 2002]  On the Internet, the Illinois Early Learning Project site provides evidence-based, reliable information for parents, caregivers and teachers of young children in Illinois. The address is  http://www.illinoisearlylearning.org/.

The site offers printable "Tip Sheets" for caregivers and parents, "Frequently Asked Questions" (and their responses), a statewide calendar of events for parents and caregivers, an easy-to-use database of links to the best of the Web on topics of high interest, and online chats.

The site became publicly accessible in November 2001.

[News release]

Honors & Awards


Lincoln Elementary Schools


(Milk served with all meals)

Thursday, Oct. 10 — Apple slices with peanut butter, toast

Friday, Oct. 11 — Cereal, cinnamon toast, juice

Monday, Oct. 14 — Columbus Day; no school

Tuesday, Oct. 15 — Cereal, cinnamon toast, juice

Wednesday, Oct. 16 — Cereal, graham crackers, juice

Thursday, Oct. 17 — Oatmeal, toast, fruit

Friday, Oct. 18 — Cereal, toast with jelly, juice


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(Milk served with all meals)

Thursday, Oct. 10 — Ravioli with meat sauce, whipped potatoes, bread and butter, mixed vegetables

Friday, Oct. 11 — Barbecued chicken sandwich, hash brown, crispy rice treat, strawberry applesauce

National School Lunch Week

Monday, Oct. 14 — Columbus Day; no school

Tuesday, Oct. 15 — Shrimp shapes with sauce, mashed potatoes, Trix yogurt, green beans

Wednesday, Oct. 16 — Chicken and biscuit, peas, carrot sticks, pears

Thursday, Oct. 17 — Sloppy joes, cole slaw, french fries, orange juice

Friday, Oct. 18 — Pancakes with syrup, potato rounds, sausage links, sliced apples cooked with cinnamon

West Lincoln-Broadwell Elementary School

Thursday, Oct. 10 — Spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, garlic bread, peaches

Friday, Oct. 11 — Cheeseburger on bun, french fries, corn, fruit ice

Monday, Oct. 14 — Columbus Day; no school

Tuesday, Oct. 15 — Turkey tenders, cheesy potatoes, green beans, pears

Wednesday, Oct. 16 — Sausage pizza, potato coins, salad, mixed fruit

Thursday, Oct. 17 — Creamed turkey on biscuit, potatoes, peas, fruit crisp

Friday, Oct. 18 — Tenderloin on bun, french fries, corn, ice cream sandwich

[to top of second column in this section]

Monday, Oct. 21 — Breadsticks, meat sauce, salad, green beans, mixed fruit

Tuesday, Oct. 22 — Ham horseshoe, french fries, corn, strawberry applesauce

Wednesday, Oct. 23 — Chili, crackers, toasted cheese, raw veggies, Jell-O

Thursday, Oct. 24 — 11:15 dismissal; no school lunch

Friday, Oct. 25 — Hot dog on bun, french fries, baked beans, fruit ice

Monday, Oct. 28 — Soft tacos, lettuce and cheese, tortilla chips, corn, peaches

Tuesday, Oct. 29 — Tomato soup, crackers, toasted cheese, raw veggies, pears

Wednesday, Oct. 30 — Creamed turkey on biscuit, potatoes, peas, chocolate pudding

Thursday, Oct. 31 — Beef and noodles, salad, green beans, mixed fruit


Youth invited to 4-H Find Out Party

[OCT. 8, 2002]  Logan County youth ages 8 to 12 are invited to a 4-H "Find Out Party." The party will be on Saturday, Oct. 19, from 10 to noon at the 4-H Extension building, located on the northwest corner of the Logan County Fairgrounds. This event is to inform youth and adults about 4-H.

 There is no cost or fee to enroll in 4-H, and youth decide what projects they are interested in.

Participating in 4-H is a great opportunity for kids to learn and have loads of FUN! If you have questions about 4-H, this is the opportunity to get them answered.

Please call the Extension office at 732-8289 if you and your child would like to attend the 4-H Find Out Party. Reservations need to be made by Oct. 17. Please reserve your place today!

[News release]

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