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(Name, age, address;
date, charge; sentence)
Reports for the week ending June 14, 2007
Jessica A. Adams,
17, 509 E. Harris, Emden; 5-1-07, unlawful consumption of
alcohol; pleaded guilty, 12 months court supervision, $250 fine
plus court costs, attend victim impact panel
Brent M. Eairheart,
20, 700 N. Grove, Middletown; 3-26-06, unlawful consumption of
alcohol; pleaded guilty, 24 months conditional discharge, 90
days Logan County Jail day-for-day with credit for seven days
served, court costs
Jeremy L. Geriets,
26, 215 E. James, Forrest; 3-30-07, count 1 -- criminal damage
to property, count 2 -- resisting a peace officer; pleaded
guilty to count 1, count 2 dismissed, 24 months conditional
discharge, 14 days Logan County Jail day-for-day, court costs
James L. Granda,
18, 659 Sixth; 12-21-06 through 3-1-07, theft under $300;
pleaded guilty, 24 months court supervision, 50 hours civil
service work, court costs
Dusty J. Harmon,
20, 701 W. Bollock, Eureka; 3-17-07, unlawful consumption of
alcohol; pleaded guilty, 24 months probation, 120 days Logan
County Jail day-for-day concurrent with another sentence, court
John R. Harmon, 19,
302 N. Ewing, Atlanta; 3-17-07, unlawful consumption of alcohol;
pleaded guilty, 24 months probation, 120 days Logan County Jail
day-for-day concurrent with another sentence
Chaka K. Hudson,
30, 119 Sixth; 3-18-06, domestic battery; 24 months conditional
discharge, $250 fine plus court costs, anger management training
within 12 months
Artie J. Horath,
23, 431 W. Boundary, Stanford; 4-27-07, count 1 -- unlawful
possession of cannabis, count 2 -- unlawful possession of drug
paraphernalia; pleaded guilty to count 1, count 2 dismissed, 90
days Logan County Jail day-for-day with credit for 46 days
served, $300 mandatory assessment, court costs
Wally R. Nichols,
27, 904 21st, Lot 57; 2-12-07, deceptive practice; pleaded
guilty, 24 months conditional discharge, 30 days Logan County
Jail day-for-day with credit for one day served, $50 restitution
Tabatha M. Skelton,
22, 2 Gavin St.; 8-13-06, deceptive practice; pleaded guilty, 12
months court supervision, $100 fine plus court costs, $45
Michael L. Trotter,
19, 904 21st St. #57; 5-31-07, count 1 -- domestic battery,
count 2 -- violation of bail bond; pleaded guilty to count 1,
count 2 dismissed, 24 months conditional discharge, 24 days
Logan County Jail day-for-day with credit for 12 days served,
anger management training
Michael L.
Trotter, 19, 904 21st St. #57; 3-16-07; count 1 -- domestic
battery, count 2 -- resisting a peace officer; pleaded guilty to
count 2, count 1 dismissed, 24 months conditional discharge,
four days Logan County Jail with credit for four days served
Marriage Licenses |
Reports for the week ending June 14, 2007
Joshua David
Shaffer, Lincoln
Alicyne Irene Smith, Lincoln
Bryan James
Leonard, Lincoln
Mary Joan Burlington, Lincoln
Andrew Michael
Bedolli, Elkhart
Brittany Erin Ingram, Beason
Travis Edward
Bearden, Springfield
Angelia Marie Pfeiler, Springfield
David Charles
Mills, Lincoln
Angela Joy Couch, Lincoln
Adam Clayton Butts,
Mary Nicole Sylvester, Pleasant Plains
Chad Erron Abner,
Gina Marie Tibbs, Cornland
Robert Steven
Lind, Riverton
Heather Elizabeth Moore, Riverton
Dissolutions |
Reports for the week ending June 14, 2007
Jeremy S. Berglin,
31, Lincoln
Kimberly A. Moore Berglin, 32, Lincoln
Married Oct. 8, 1994
Wife petitioned; mental cruelty
Brian Michael
Laubenstein, 31, Lincoln
Amber May Brown Laubenstein
Married May 30, 1998
Wife petitioned, mental cruelty
Reports |
Link to Illinois sex offender information provided by the Illinois
State Police:
http://www.isp.state.il.us/sor/ Searches available by name, ZIP code, city, county and compliance
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