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Marriage Licenses |
posted Oct. 25, 2008
Bradley Jay
Begolka, Atlanta
Tammy Lynne Smith, Atlanta
Michael Mull
Block, Elkhart
Jennifer Ann Mazrim, Elkhart
Joshua David
Lynch, Mount Pulaski
Jennifer Rae Stewart, Springfield
Timothy Albert
Turner, Cornland
Candice Catherine O'Donoghue, Cornland
Mark Vincent
Strauch, Hartsburg
Lonna Maria Buss, Lincoln
Delmar Ray Woolard
Jr., Lincoln
Patricia Lynn Haynes, Lincoln
Dissolutions |
Reports posted Nov. 8, 2008
Thomas Gunn, 35,
East St. Louis
Charman McDonald Gunn, 31, Lincoln
Married Jan. 18, 2002
Other petitioner; irreconcilable differences
Teddy William Lee
Sr., 44, Easton
Kristin Dane Hatcher Lee, 41, Mason County
Married Jan. 17, 2007
Wife petitioned; mental cruelty
Richard D. Tuxhorn,
46, Lincoln
Janice M. Downey Tuxhorn, 45, Rochester
Married Oct. 1, 1995
Husband petitioned; irreconcilable differences
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Link to Illinois sex offender information provided by the Illinois
State Police:
http://www.isp.state.il.us/sor/ Searches available by name, ZIP code, city, county and compliance
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