Only one side of the issue was heard on Thursday. The hearing
continues Monday at 7 p.m. at West-Lincoln Broadwell School.In
part one, lawyers argued procedural issues, and then the
landowner began addressing the economic value the mining operation
would bring to the area in limestone and jobs. Muck also addressed
concerns of neighbors, including aesthetics. His discussion
continues below.
As to the potential truck traffic the objectors would see, Muck
asked the quarry employees who were present what the average number
of trucks driven out in a day is like. While an exact average was
not given, the highest figure for truck tonnage in one day was 4,200
tons, and an average truck carries 20 tons, which would result in
210 trucks at the highest. Muck believes the average is somewhere
between 50 and 100 trucks.

While on the issue of trucks, Muck addressed the related concern
of safety for school buses. The buses that drive to that area are
WLB school buses. The drivers of those buses would not be stopping
close enough to the trucks that it would really be a problem.
"Again, nobody contacted them (the school) on that issue but me,"
Muck said.
Finally, Muck reiterated that this is simply a permit to rezone
the land. The mining permit, and the process of obtaining one, will
address all of these issues before construction can even begin.
The greatest issue Muck addressed was the issue of drainage and
wells. He claimed that the land in question actually has a problem
retaining too much water, whereas the objectors are worried that
their wells be affected by the operation and possibly run dry. Muck
said his family refers to the land as a "Lake Farm" because of the
excess runoff that gathers on it.
Should a well be drained due to mining operations, Muck
reiterated that Hanson would be glad to drill a new well for whoever
had been affected, as they have in the past.
To further elaborate on the water issues brought to the attention
of the appeals board, Muck called on specialists from Andrews
Engineering. While Muck did offer to postpone their presentation in
favor of allowing a rebuttal from the objectors, and attorney George
Mueller expressed the same desire, the board decided to hear what
the hydrologists had to say first.
[to top of second column]

The two hydrologists were Kenneth Liss and Ron Hewitt. Their
presentation consisted of various charts and graphs that served to
illustrate two main points. Those points are that the land in
question is simply too geologically inconsistent, and there are too
many other variables to take into consideration, to say whether or
not drainage will affect neighboring wells.
Furthermore, the hydrologists had to conduct their study without
drilling on the property to confirm their estimates, and the data
provided to them before the study was limited. Their primary
research consisted of data from surrounding mining operations.
The findings of the hydrologists face opposition from a similar
survey done by George Roadcap, a staff member of the Illinois Water
Survey, who used similar data and believes the drainage will
negatively affect nearby wells. Roadcap himself was not present at
the hearing.
The meeting was ended due to time constraints, and an extension
was set for Monday at the same location. The appeals board is hoping
to have a recommendation to make to the county board after the
continuation on Monday.

Members of the zoning appeals board present were chairman Doug
Thompson, Dean Toohey; Rick Sheley and Wilbur Paulus. Logan County
zoning officer Will D'Andrea was also present.
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