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Bill Martin Jr. remembered by Logan County Board

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[May 08, 2014]  LINCOLN - The Tuesday, April 20th regular meeting of the Logan County Board began as usual with Sally Litterly-Turner ordering a call to order, "Oh yea, Oh yea, oh yea; the Logan County Board is now in session pursuant to adjournment, the honorable Robert Farmer presiding."  

Chairman of the board, Farmer, asked everyone to sit.  He then read some highlights of lifetime contributions made by former board member Bill Martin.

Farmer began by saying, "Our fellow board member, Bill Martin Jr., 67, died at his home in Atlanta on Wed., March 26th, 2014."

In summary, Farmer said that Martin was a 1964 grad of the Atlanta High School, served our country four years in the navy on the U.S.S. Chicago up to June 1972. 

He went on to say that Martin served our communities for many years since that time including 11 and one-half years as the mayor of Atlanta; served on numerous Logan County committees that  included the Logan County Regional Planning Commission, Development Partnership, Regional Economic Development Council. 

Martin was elected to District 1 of Logan County in 2008.  He also served on the Christian Child Care board and Life Pointe Church of God council; was a member of the American Legion, Post 314, Atlanta; an avid fan of the Cubs and Duck Dynasty.

"Bill will be fondly remembered by the board, and the citizens of Logan County will miss him," Farmer said.

Dan Fulscher added that Martin had formed the Atlanta Emergency Disaster Service, an all volunteer group under the county's Emergency Management Agency.  This was the only municipality in the state of Illinois to do so, Fulscher pointed out. 

Martin was also avid in bringing along the mobile command unit.  "He was very much involved in supporting weather spotting and training in Atlanta, even before he came on the county board," Fulscher said.

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Farmer said, Martin was the one who got the big guy with the hot dog. 

Fulscher added, "And a smile on the water tower."

Board member Jan Schumacher said, "I think we all feel like we appreciate what he said.  He didn't go along with everybody just to go along.  But, when he spoke, it was well thought out."

County Clerk and Recorder Sally Litterly-Turner said that when the county voted in 2000 to redistrict, it meant going from at-large to districts. Martin was on the committee to do that work.  "We worked tirelessly  to figure out where our districts should lie, and Bill was a big part of that," she said. 

"Anything I ever asked of him and he was ready to go," Chairman Farmer said.  Farmer then asked everyone to stand for a moment of silence in Martin's memory.

In tradition, Martin's chair was draped in black in April.  In honor of his civil service, there was also a memorial table set up in the Logan County Courthouse rotunda.  His picture sits in the shadows of the statue of Abraham Lincoln.


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