Friday, March 18, 2016
Top Stories from the past week
Friday, March 18
County approves Health Department loan and county employee health insurance
Centennial Farm owner Tom Peifer to address Logan County Genealogical and Historical Society Monday night
Relay for Life to Hold Fourth Monday Meeting March 28th
Midwest Central receives grant from Illinois Native Plant Society
IEMA Reminds people about weather alert radio contest Tuesday night tornadoes highlight need for warning devices
Illinois State Police and American Legion officials prepare for summer youth police program 44th Annual American Legion Youth Police Camp accepting teen participants
Thursday, March 17
City responds to Hoefle presentation Plan request of Logan County Alliance and Tourism Bureau audits
Lincoln College’s Creekside receives Illinois Native Plant Society Grant
New garden club forming in Logan County Organizational meeting to be held Saturday afternoon
LCHS Speech Team to give free performance tonight
Column Mole control, crabgrass prevention, and home fruit spray schedules By John Fulton
Don’t push your luck on St. Patrick’s Day If you are out celebrating, plan to Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over
Wednesday, March 16
Logan County Board looks at increase of $75,000 per year to pay employee health insurance
Logan County basketball players Hayes and Hayes named to Class 1A/2A honor teams
Dalton Litterly is the Mount Pulaski High School March Senior-of-the-month
Easter Devotional Poor in Spirit, but not Impoverished J Anthony Shuff, Director - The Salvation Army – Keest Center, Lincoln
Woman's Club prayer breakfast today at 9:30 a.m.
Illinois American Water and EPA can help you cut down on leaks during Fix a Leak Week Free materials and information available to help reduce the trillion-plus gallons of water lost in residential leaks every year
Tuesday, March 15
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital receives Excellence in Eye Donation Award
Russel Allen Garden Day welcomes spring to Logan County
Russel Allen Garden Day welcomes spring to Logan County - Slideshow
Madigan assigns teams to monitor elections
City of Lincoln Notice of special Committee of the Whole meeting Topic to be 2017 Budget
Safe Rides available for St. Patrick’s Day
Fish Fry for Missions to be held Friday night
Monday, March 14
Habitat for Humanity breaks ground on home No. 20
Cub Scout Blue and Gold hold annual banquet and crossing over ceremony
Cub Scout annual banquet and crossing over ceremony - Slideshow
MPHS performance of Honk! Jr. a delight
MPHS Drama Club presents HONK! Jr. - Slideshow
Easter Devotional What is Easter to a child? By Pastor Steve Blaum - Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Chester-East Lincoln School to hold Pre-School Screening Call for an appointment by March 22nd
2016 EDUCATION MAGAZINE SPECIAL FEATURE Olympia students demonstrate achievement of the heart and mind By Superintendent Andrew Wise
Saturday, March 12
Fifth-graders bring Civil War history to life Walk and talk with the Lincoln's and others
Scenes from the performance of Northwest School students - Slideshow
“Calling all artists” varied guest talent offers “wow” to Lincoln Show open March weekends and by appointment
WOW! Calling All Artist II - Slideshow
State budget impasse impacts local health services Logan County Department of Public Health to go to four day weeks starting April 1st Dental Clinic to go to three days a week
THIS WEEKEND - Change your clocks, change your batteries
2016 EDUCATION MAGAZINE SPECIAL FEATURE Learning in the Legacy Groups - Building character at Mount Pulaski High School Principal Terry Morgan is on to something By Teena Lowery - Lincoln Daily News
Slim Randles' Home Country The deer pointer
Friday, March 11
County preparing for new public transportation routes and new website
Public participation makes long night for Lincoln Aldermen
HONK! Jr. this weekend in Mount Pulaski - Album
Logan County Department of Public Health offering CPR Certification
Regional Superintendents play key role in High School Equivalency Exams
2016 EDUCATION MAGAZINE SPECIAL FEATURE LCHS students get a head start on college with Dual Credit By Derek Hurley - Lincoln Daily News
Director Schultz calls for job creation legislation Urges structural reforms to address jobs leaving Illinois according to January jobs report
Illinois Unemployment Rate Rises to 6.3 in January; Jobs Increase by 1,500
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