LINCOLN DAILY NEWS July 29 - August 6, 2016 Page 261
Motocross provides eye-popping entertainment
Friday night in the grandstands of the Logan County
Fair was a night most will remember. Tests of physical
skill mixed with motorized vehicles and an enthusiastic
crowd, ramped up to explosive excitement.
FMX Motocross riders put observers on the edge of
their seats with their performance of aerial stunts.
Riders launched their motorcycles over 70 feet through
the air doing mid-air maneuvers and back flips.
FMX Motocross riders perform acrobatic stunts while
jumping Motocross bikes, and a winner is chosen by
a group of judges. Riders are scored on style, level
of trick difficulty, best use of the course, and crowd
In the three part
competition, riders
progressed through
a series of jumps
and maneuvers
the announcer
described as
“anything goes”
with the “biggest
and baddest jumps”
that got “bigger, better, and crazier.”
The crowds were encouraged to “make some noise”
because, as one rider said, “we like to get crazy.”
Another rider who had a bit of trouble with his bike
said, “It can get terrifying.”
As the riders performed increasingly difficult jumps,
the crowd went wild, cheering the riders on by yelling
and clapping.
The winner of the competition received nearly perfect
scores for his death defying jumps.
For the crowds, it was a night of eye-popping
entertainment from the gravity defying riders.
By Angela Reiners