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LINCOLN DAILY NEWS July 29 - August 6, 2016
Logan County Fair Chili Cook-off
Tom Ashley and J.T. Ashley also entered the
cook-off for the second time. Tom Ashley said,
“I marinate the meat the night before and use
several vegetables, salts, and dry ingredients to
give the meat some flavor.”
The rest of the
teams had been in
the cook-off three
times or more.
Last year's winners Jim and Sandy Bobell
returned to defend their title. They have won
awards both years they competed.
The Bobells said their chili "just has a chili flavor
with several chili seasonings," though "it is a little
bit spicier than before."
David Eyrse of Sugar Creek Chili has participated
the last couple of years, winning first place in
2014 and third place in 2015. Eyrse said, "I use
three kinds of meats, fresh mushrooms, and bell
peppers. Nothing canned. Fresh is what makes
it special." He said, " I also use a little handful of
spices and a secret ingredient."