2015 Farm Outlook Magazine - page 44

44 March 26, 2015 2015 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine Lincoln Daily News.com
n Thursday
morning eight
young people
were awarded
scholarships from
the Lincoln/Logan
County Chamber
of Commerce Ag
Committee. The
cash awards can be
used at the students
discretion as they
pursue their education
in agricultural based
fields. This year a
total of $10,400
was given out with
checks to each
student amounting
to $1300. According
to chamber director
Nicole Cox this is an
amount very similar
to what was given
out last year. The Ag
Scholarship program
is in its 16th year, and
to date has awarded
$118,400 to Logan
county Youth majoring
in Agriculutral studies.
Cole Baker
Cole Baker of Emden is the son
of Randy Baker and Jerry and
Dara Entwistle.
He is a graduate of Hartsburg
Emden with a 2.9 GPA.
His college choices include
attending Lincoln Land
Community College and
transferring to Illinois State University.
In college now, Cole is majoring in Agriculture Education with
a minor in Insurance.
In high school Cole was involved in FFA, 4-H, participated in
the school play, and was on the high school golf team.
In college, he has been a member of the LLCC Ag Club.
On his application Cole wrote:
“I want to educate the youth about how their food is grown.
Since the population is going to reach 9 billion by 2050, we need
people to help grow that food. Those people are going to be the
youth we educate now.
What Cole finds most interesting about agriculture is that it is
ever changing. “Agriculture is a growing and changing industry.
With new advances in technology nothing is the same. We are
coming up with new ways of feeding this vast world we live in.”
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