2015 Farm Outlook Magazine - page 46

46 March 26, 2015 2015 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine Lincoln Daily News.com
Jodlowski is
the son of Ed
and Colleen
Jodlowski of
He is a graduate
of Olympia High
School with a 3.6
GPA. At 18, he is a freshman at Illinois State
University majoring in Agriculture Education.
In high school Kenyon participated in 4-H, FFA,
Collegiate FFA and Speech Team. In college
he is involved with the Collegiate FFA and is a
members of the Forensics Team.
On his application Kenyon wrote:
I decided to choose Agriculture Education as
my major because I want to teach and inspire
kids about the wonders of agriculture. I believe
our society has become misinformed in recent
years about agriculture, and rely on the media to
seek information. As an agriculture educator, I
will act as an advocate for agriculture as well as
teach students about the truths of agriculture.
What interests me most about agriculture is
how prevalent it is. Our whole society operates
around agriculture and almost everything we do
depends on it. Something as simple as eating a
burger or event going to a grocery store cannot
be possible without agriculture and that’s what I
find the most interesting.
Kyle Klockenga
is the son of
Chris and Kristin
Klockenga of
At age 20, he
is a sophomore
at Illinois State
majoring in Agronomy Management.
Kyle is a Lincoln Community High School
graduate with a 4.0 GPA
In high school he was involved is soccer, FFA
and was a member of the National Honor
In college he is part of the college Honors
Program and is on the ISU Bowling League.
On his application Kyle wrote:
“I chose Agronomy Management because in
includes business management cases as well
as classes devoted to agronomy. This major
matches my desired future career of farming
very well.
“I like the diversity of career opportunities in
agriculture. It’s not just farming. It includes
everything related to the food industry as
well as many other sectors related to actual
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