2015 Farm Outlook Magazine - page 47

2015 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine Lincoln Daily News.com March 26, 2015 47
Meg Meeker
Meg Meeker is the
daughter of Robert
and Diane Meeker of
At age 18, she is a
senior at Hartsburg-
Emden High School
with a GPA of 3.9981.
She plans to enroll
in the Heartland Community College Pathway to
the University of Illinois where she will attend
Heartland then transfer to the U of I. Her major
will be Agriculture Education.
In high School, Meg has been involved in FFA,
FFA Public Speaking, FFA Livestock Judging
Team, FFA Horse Judging Team, FFAAg Sales
Team, FFA Food Science Team, Hartsburg-
Emden Varsity Softball, Hartsburg-Emden Varsity
Volleyball, Traveling Softball, Class President
(three years), Spanish Club, Student Council (four
years), Beta Club, Future Educators of America,
WYSE Team, St. Peter’s Youth Group, Hartem
Clovers 4-H, and served one year as a Logan
County 4-H Ambassador.
On her application Meg wrote:
“I want to educate high school students about
agriculture and make a difference in their lives just
like Mrs. Pech and Miss Fanning have done for
“The only life I’ve known is growing up on a farm
in Logan County. I have witnessed the hard work
of my grandparents and parents on the farm. I
love the challenges and ever-changing aspects of
agriculture. That is why I want to pursue a degree
in Agriculture Education so that I can teach future
generations about my passion.
Michelle Paulus
Michelle Paulus is the
daughter of Kent and
Lynn Paulus of Lin-
At age 18 she is a
freshman at the Uni-
versity of Illinois ma-
joring in Agriculture
and Consumer Eco-
nomics with a concen-
tration in Finance in Agribusiness.
Michelle graduated for Lincoln Community High
School with a 4.4 GPA.
In college she is a member of Sigma Alpha Pro-
fessional Agricultural Sorority, Agriculture and
Consumer Economics Club, Phi Eta Sigma Hon-
ors Fraternity, Illini Pride, Orange Krush.
On her application she wrote:
“I chose this major because I have always had a
passion for agriculture. I want to share this pas-
sion with others by pursuing a degree in this area.
Growing up in a farm family, I have been able to
experience the finance work that is done behind
the scenes at our farm and ever since then I knew
it was something I wanted to do. All my life farm-
ers have been the ones giving to me, and with my
major I am able to finally give back to the farmers
by helping them with their financial work.
Agriculture has always played a large role in my
life and I think it is extremely important to con-
tinue to educate the public about this industry.
Agriculture is one of the largest industries in the
world and the role that it plays in our daily lives is
what interests me most.”
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