2015 Farm Outlook Magazine - page 48

48 March 26, 2015 2015 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine Lincoln Daily News.com
Troy Rawlings
Troy Rawlings is
the son of Dave and
Tracey Rawlings of
New Holland.
He is a graduate
of Lincoln
Community High
School with a 2.9
At age 18, he is a freshman at Lincoln Land
Community College with a majoring is Ag
Business Management.
In high school Troy was involved with FFA, the
Bass Fishing Club, and 4-H
In college he is involved in the Ag Club.
On his application he wrote:
“I decided on this major to enhance my
ability to become a more successful farmer.
By attending college I have gained better
knowledge on being able to run a successful
farm. It also give me a wider variety of Jobs
that I can pursue in the Ag field.
What interests Troy the most about agriculture
is being able to continue a family legacy. He
noted he looks forward to “coming back home,
putting food on the table for others, and being
a leader in the community”.
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