Tuesday, July 22


City council approves annual
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[JULY 22, 2003]  The city's annual appropriations were approved at the July 21 meeting of the Lincoln City Council. The city's annual gross appropriations before transfers total $21,266,741.00, less transfers within fund and other sources of $12,126,900. The final net appropriations after transfers are $9,139,841. These appropriations are for the city's fiscal year beginning May 1, 2003, and ending on April 30, 2004.

Councilman Verl Prather, the finance committee chairman, said that without the approximately $10 million sewer project planned by the city the appropriations would be lower this year than last year. Mayor Davis thanked Prather and the council for the work they had put into the appropriations process, saying it was a difficult year to do that job and they did it well.

Lincoln's city treasurer, Les Plotner, gave the treasurer's report for the month of July. The report contained the monetary balances from the end of June. The bank balance is $2,997,600. The investment balance is $1,775,263. This gives the city a total available balance of $4,772,863.

The city of Lincoln took sealed bids July 10 on a certificate of deposit for $1,150,000 over a 32-day investment period. The high bid was submitted by State Bank at a rate of 1.01 percent, yielding $1,018.30 interest on Aug. 11. Plotner said that it was sad, but that is where we are; it is a sign of the times.

Plotner told the council that more attention needs to be paid to where businesses are paying their sales taxes. Some businesses have more than one address at which they conduct business. The business locations that are in the city should be paying taxes to the city.

Plotner pointed out another flag when checking tax reports. When there is a "CL," it means the business was changing locations at one point. They may not have made the switch to start paying city taxes after the move was completed.

In addition, there was a discrepancy some time ago when the county misinformed some businesses properties on the west side, especially on Woodlawn Road, about whom they should be paying taxes to. Some could still be paying their sales taxes to the wrong governmental body. A&W, for example, has been paying county sales tax, but they should have been on the city tax list. There are probably other businesses that are on the wrong tax list as well, Plotner said. An awareness and thorough check of business property taxes will be made in the future.

[to top of second column in this article]


The council also acted upon sidewalk petitions. A petition for work at 356 Fifth St. was approved. Curb work at 1029 N. Monroe St. was also approved. The request for a new sidewalk at 539 10th St. was declined. Councilman Patrick Madigan said that upon reviewing this request it was found that the address had a brick sidewalk covered over by grass. The council felt that the grass could be removed down to the brick sidewalk and the city would not need to put in a new concrete sidewalk.

In new business the council appointed councilman Glenn Shelton to work with Dan Fulscher of the ESDA/911 board on the proposed new Emergency Telephone System board.

Approval was also given to hire an employee for a position in the city clerk's office. The need exists because of a retirement in the office. The new employee will be hired from the employment list, and the hiring will be effective on Aug 18. Currently, with the one person retiring, there are only three people working in the city clerk's office, including City Clerk Melanie Riggs.

The next city council meeting will be on July 29. At that time the company that currently is doing work at the site of the old junior high school will address the council about proposed temporary street closures. The S.M. Wilson construction company would like to close off Kankakee Street from Broadway to the alley behind the current junior high building and the northern one-third of Broadway Street between Kankakee and Ottawa streets. The council has asked the company to attend the meeting, formally make their request and address concerns that the city council has regarding the street closures.

[Don Todd]  


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