That means snowplows will soon
be a common sight on highways, and the department is encouraging
motorists to pay special attention and use extra caution when
approaching a snowplow.
During the 2002-2003 winter
season there were 35 accidents with state snowplows. Most of the
plows were hit from behind by approaching motorists. Other crashes
occurred when drivers tried to pass a snowplow and hit the blade.
Snowplows are big, heavy pieces
of equipment that can weigh up to 20 tons -- that's 40,000 pounds --
when fully loaded with de-icing salt. The blades that remove the
snow and ice from the highways are 12 feet wide, which is as wide or
wider than some highway lanes. These snowplows are usually traveling
about 30 miles per hour when plowing, which means a driver can close
in on them pretty quickly.

Play it safe and give them
plenty of room.
More than 3,500 employees and
1,570 pieces of equipment are involved in snow removal and ice
control on 42,255 lane-miles of state highways. During the 2002-2003
snow and ice season approximately 488,750 tons of de-icing salt was
used and nearly 563,800 man-hours were spent clearing roads of snow
and ice.
As IDOT road crews prepare
equipment for the winter season, likewise motorists should prepare
their cars for winter. Equip your vehicle with a winter emergency
survival kit. Recommended items include ice scraper and snow brush,
jumper cables, basic tool kit, shovel, traction mats or old rugs,
blankets and extra clothing, candle, matches, an empty coffee can to
melt snow for drinking water, flashlight with extra batteries, and a
basic first-aid kit. A cellular telephone with an independent
battery source might be the single most important safety item to
[to top of
second column in this article]

During a winter storm the first
question you should ask yourself is, "Is this trip really
necessary?" If the trip can't be delayed, check out the weather and
the interstate highway conditions with the Department of
Travelers can visit
for interstate road conditions. Reports are updated every two hours.
The same information is available through the department's website,, and
toll-free line, 1 (800) 452-IDOT (4368).
Illinois is more than 400 miles
long and 200 miles wide. It is very likely during the winter season
that driving conditions will vary from one area of the state to
another. It's important that you be prepared for inclement weather
and winter driving whenever you begin a trip.

Roadway conditions may vary
depending on the sun, shade or roadway surface. Watch for slick
sports under bridges, on overpasses and in shaded areas. Drive
slower and increase your following distances.
When you approach a snowplow,
give it plenty of room. If a snowplow is coming toward you, give it
room to pass because the plow blade may over the center line of the
highway. When you approach a snowplow from the rear, remember to
slow down and approach with caution.
Don't pass a snowplow unless
you can clearly see the road ahead. Blowing snow from the plow or
the wind could hide a car approaching from the other direction or a
snowdrift across the highway.
Caution is the byword during the winter months. With a little
preparation, pre-trip planning and cautious driving, you can safely
arrive at your destination.
Department of Transportation news release]