Sitting in the foyer I look out the big windows
and am reminded that this season of Christmas has arrived in full.
In a year when our family has had more downs than ups it doesn’t
feel quite as festive as in the past.
Yet, in this moment, the sun is going down and the lights start to
twinkle and I remember this line from the Christmas hymn;
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new glorious morn
In this season of preparation and reflection, hope begs of us to sit
in patience, to see the new joy and freedom that is coming.
It is so natural and easy to get caught up in the weight of the
holiday season.
The physical weight of all the new stuff we are giving and

The emotional weight of grief or difficult family relationships we
are bound to encounter this year.
We also carry the weight of others expectations of us.
And maybe, like me, you also feel the weight of change that the end
of the year always brings, bearing down heavy on you.
Hope has such a grand breadth and depth of meaning, but this late
afternoon I am reminded that hope holds on to the expectation of
something beautiful beyond this one moment.
During the Christmas season we are invited to lay down the heavy
loads of life and instead put our hope in a love that carries us far
beyond this season.
A love that is patient and kind and releases us from the weight of
undue expectations.
A love that does not envy and is not proud and releases us from the
weight of performance.
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A love that protects, trusts and perseveres and
releases us from the weight of our grief and struggle.
Jesus, in the form of a baby, comes into the world. A sign of hope
and perfect love. He reminds us that we are loved and because we
are, we can lay down the weight of life and walk in love with him.
Jesus said, Come to me, all of you who
are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Walk
with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced
rhythms of grace. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle
at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Keep company with
me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. (Paraphrase Matthew
In this season remember you are loved. A life of this great love is
not weighed down, but instead experiences a thrill of hope that
continues all year long.