This statement from
Bloomberg was very naive, did not endear many farmers to his
campaign, and reflects how little he knows about modern farming
practices (perhaps that is the main reason for him being a "Former"
Presidential candidate).
Bloomberg - You Don't Have a Clue
Farming has progressed from Bloomberg's simple understanding of
hole/seed/water to become one of the highest tech industries in the
world today.
The Oxford dictionary defines technology as "the application of
scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry;
machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific
knowledge; the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or
applied sciences.
Farmers and the farming industry began to adapt technology to
farming in the early 20th century. Careful observation of processes
and needs has helped the ag industry produce incredible technology
to enhance productivity. The principle is simple: grow more with
less manual labor, less acreage and less time spent in the fields
and with livestock.

Mechanization on the Farm in the Early 20th Century
As the world population grew, technological advances in
transportation, storage, and processing allowed for larger crops to
come to market and become food, and as a result the farming industry
grew in leaps and bounds during this time. Farming went from being
merely a small local enterprise to an international mega-business.
Steam engines were first used to provide power for farming tasks,
but advances in steel and combustion allowed for larger plots to be
tilled and larger crops to be harvested. Automated planters replaced
hand and animal labor, and in time the combine replaced hand
picking. The farm grew with and kept pace with the need for food and
the rise of technology.
Planting Corn and Soybeans
Farming was one of the first industries to adopt and utilize
computerization. As the scale of farming grew, the accounting side
of farming became more and more complex. Farming was no longer an
economy of guesswork (But we always did it this way!). The purchases
of bigger and more expensive machines and implements with financing
and credit meant that the farm needed to computerize its accounting.
Skinny profits had to be carefully managed because inaccurate
financial management meant failure, foreclosure and finally a farm
Computerized accounting on the farm with PCs and printers meant that
the producer could keep close track of inputs and costs, present
accurate financial data to the banker, and the result was that the
farm could prosper and grow even during lean years.
Accounting & Bookkeeping for Farmers
Mechanical devices and mechanization has allowed farmers to manage
more acres and more livestock with less labor. The variety of
machines and the tasks that have been automated is amazing. The
resultant growth of scale has allowed this generation of farmers to
keep pace with and feed the growing population of the world.
Modern Farming Machines & Technology for amazing productivity
Climatologists say that the climate is always changing. The result
is that sometimes areas that formerly got sufficient rainfall no
longer get enough rain to support crops. Technology has produced
efficient irrigation systems and equipment to deal with advancing
drought and keep drought cropland in production.
Center Pivot and Linear Irrigation Equipment for Farming
Climate presents a continually moving target. This means that some
cropland will receive an over-abundance of seasonal rain, causing
serial-replanting and soil erosion. Technology has developed
equipment for installing drain tiling under the field to move
abundant rainfall away from the productivity zone, prevent ponding
and control erosion.
[to top of second column] |

Installing Farm Drain Tile
to Prevent Erosion
While UBER and Tesla are working hard on producing self-driving
cars, the farm industry has had self-steering machines for about the
last 20 years. Utilizing GPS and enhanced radio equipment called RTK,
tractors and combines can steer themselves to the accuracy of the
sub-inch. Utilizing combines with RTK and built-in computers,
farmers can gauge field productivity on every pass, and interfacing
with the farm computer, farmers can custom applicate fertilizers to
the acreage based on actual productivity, thereby saving time and
John Deere brings farming into the future with self-driving
Watching the crops and keeping track of diseases, insect populations
and even spot fertilizer needs has always been important on the
farm. Drones now provide a sky-view of crops and productivity, and
can even apply insecticides, herbicides and fertilizers as needed
rather than broadcast, so the crops and land are healthier and costs
are lower.
Top 5 Reasons To Use A Farming Drone in 2019
The future of farming is closely tied to technological advances,
self steering mechanization, drones that can spot problems and apply
specific fixes, more compacted land use, healthier uses of
fertilizers and pesticides, and computerization. Some experts
prognosticate vertical farming with hydroponics, micro farms
producing 100 times the current crop on existing acreage, operations
to replenish the soil depth, and water management systems to provide
necessary irrigation for crops. It is predicted that the world
population will grow from the current seven billion to ten billion
by 2050, and agriculture with technology will provide the food they
need to eat.

The Future of Farming
Farmers are some of the most intelligent people on this planet, and
have harnessed technology to increase productivity, lower costs and
manpower, and provide the necessary food supply for a growing
population. Mike Bloomberg could learn a lot in just an afternoon
listening to a farmer and observing a modern farm operation. Once
upon a time it began with hole/seed/water, but with technology the
best is yet to come!